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1.10.2 Financial results continued
          period impacts of unplanned outages. These favourable   A stronger US dollar against the Australian dollar and Chilean peso
          movements were more than offset by the impacts from planned   increased Underlying EBITDA by US$954 million during the period.
          maintenance across a number of our assets (Queensland Coal,   Non-cash reflects higher deferred stripping depletion and lower
          WAIO), unfavourable weather (Queensland Coal, WAIO, NSWEC),    overburden movement in line with mine plan at Escondida,
          a change in product strategy at NSWEC to focus on higher-quality   decreasing Underlying EBITDA by US$460 million.
          products, lower grade at Escondida and Spence and Petroleum
          natural field decline across the portfolio.        Higher ceased and sold operations reflects higher closure and
          Lower costs reflect strong cost performance driven by consumption   rehabilitation provision adjustments for closed mines of
                                                             US$362 million, sale of our interests in the Bruce and Keith oil
          efficiencies at Escondida, favourable inventory movements across   and gas fields in the prior period, and cessation of operations
          our assets in line with mine plans and planned rebuilds for operational   at Minerva in FY2020.
          stability following drawdowns in the prior year, supported by further
          reductions in overheads, partially offset by increased planned   Other includes the favourable impacts from the first year of
          maintenance activities at a number of assets during the year. This    application of IFRS 16 Leases offset by lower profits from our equity
          was offset by higher business development costs in Mexico following   accounted investments (Antamina and Cerrejón) due to lower
          the successful exploration program at Trion.       prices and COVID-19 related outages.
          Cash flow
          The following table provides a summary of the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement contained in section 5.1.4 to show the key sources and
          uses of cash during the periods presented:
                                                                                   2020        2019       2018
          Year ended 30 June                                                      US$M        US$M       US$M
          Cash generated from operations                                         22,268      23,428     22,949
          Dividends received                                                        137        516        709
          Net interest paid                                                        (840)      (903)       (887)
          Proceeds/(settlements) of cash management related instruments             85         296        (292)
          Net taxation paid                                                       (5,944)    (5,940)     (4,918)
          Net operating cash flows from Continuing operations                     15,706     17,397      17,561
          Net operating cash flows from Discontinued operations                       −        474        900
          Net operating cash flows                                                15,706      17,871     18,461
          Purchases of property, plant and equipment                             (6,900)     (6,250)     (4,979)
          Exploration expenditure                                                  (740)       (873)      (874)
          Subtotal: Capital and exploration expenditure                           (7,640)     (7,123)    (5,853)
          Exploration expenditure expensed and included in operating cash flows     517        516        641
          Net investment and funding of equity accounted investments               (618)      (630)       204
          Other investing activities                                                125        (140)       (52)
          Net investing cash flows from Continuing operations                     (7,616)     (7,377)   (5,060)
          Net investing cash flows from Discontinued operations                       −       (443)       (861)
          Proceeds from divestment of Onshore US, net of its cash                     −      10,427          −
          Net investing cash flows                                                (7,616)     2,607      (5,921)
          Net repayment of interest bearing liabilities                           (1,690)     (2,514)    (3,878)
          Share buy-back – BHP Group Limited                                          −      (5,220)         −
          Dividends paid                                                          (6,876)    (11,395)    (5,220)
          Dividends paid to non-controlling interests                             (1,043)     (1,198)    (1,582)
          Other financing activities                                               (143)       (188)      (171)
          Net financing cash flows from Continuing operations                     (9,752)    (20,515)   (10,851)
          Net financing cash flows from Discontinued operations                       −         (13)      (40)
          Net financing cash flows                                                (9,752)   (20,528)    (10,891)
          Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents                    (1,662)    (10,477)    1,649
          Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents from Continuing operations  (1,662)  (10,495)  1,650
          Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents from Discontinued operations   −  18         (1)

          Net operating cash inflows of US$15.7 billion decreased by   liabilities of US$0.8 billion and lower dividends to non-controlling
          US$2.2 billion. This reflects weaker commodity prices in coal    interests of US$0.2 billion, partially offset by higher dividends
          and petroleum and field and grade declines, partially offset by   to BHP shareholders in FY2020 of US$0.7 billion.
          stronger iron ore prices and strong underlying performance across
          the portfolio.                                          For more information, refer to section 1.10.3
                                                                  and note 19 ‘Net debt’ in section 5.
          Net investing cash outflows of US$7.6 billion increased by
          US$10.2 billion. This reflects the proceeds from the divestment of
          Onshore US, net of its cash in FY2019, partially offset by continued   Underlying Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) of 16.9 per cent
          investment in high-return latent capacity projects and investment   increased by 1.0 per cent (FY2019: 15.9 per cent) reflecting the
          in South Flank, Spence Growth Option and Mad Dog 2 in FY2020.  impact of the sale of Onshore US in FY2018. The Return on Capital
                                                             Employed in FY2020 includes US$12.5 billion of Assets under
               For more information and a breakdown of       Construction (average of ending balances for FY2020 of
               capital and exploration expenditure on a      US$13.8 billion and FY2019 of US$11.1 billion) including major
               commodity basis, refer to section 1.11.
                                                             projects in Potash, Spence Growth Option, South Flank and
          Net financing cash outflows of US$9.8 billion decreased by   Mad Dog which are not yet producing their planned contribution
          US$10.8 billion. This reflects the off-market buy-back of BHP Group   to earnings.
          Limited shares of US$5.2 billion in December 2018, the special   For more information on Assets under
          dividend of US$5.2 billion paid in January 2019 from the Onshore   Construction refer to note 11 ‘Property,
          US asset sale (net proceeds), lower repayments of interest bearing   plant and equipment’ in section 5.

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