Page 96 - Annual Report 2020
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1.9.5 Commercial

          BHP’s Commercial function maximises commercial and social value and minimises costs across the
          end-to-end supply chain.
          The function is organised around our core value chain activities –   Procurement
          Sales and Marketing; Maritime and Supply Chain Excellence;   Our global Procurement sub-functions purchase the goods and
          Procurement; and Warehousing Inventory and Logistics and Property   services used by our projects, assets and functions. Procurement
          – supported by short- and long-term market insights, strategy and   works with our business to optimise equipment performance, reduce
          planning activities, and close partnership with our assets.   operating costs and improve working capital. They manage supply
          Our Operating Model enables us to provide improved service levels   chain risk and develop sustainable relationships with global suppliers
          to our assets and customers, by harnessing deep subject matter   and local businesses in the communities in which we operate.
          expertise, simpler processes and centralisation of standardised   Warehousing Inventory and Logistics and Property
          activities. By embracing our strategic end-to-end supply chain
          mandate and partnership with our suppliers and customers, the   Warehousing Inventory and Logistics and Property design and
          Commercial function also creates social value through supply chain   operate our inbound supply chain networks for the delivery of
          integrity, community and sustainability focus.     spare parts, operating supplies and consumables. They design
                                                             and operate our office workspaces globally.
          Sales and Marketing
          Sales and Marketing connects BHP’s resources to market through   Market Analysis and Economics
          commercial expertise, optimised sales and operations planning,   Our Market Analysis and Economics team develops BHP’s
          deep customer insights and proactive risk management. They   independent view on the outlook for commodity demand
          present a single face to markets across multiple assets, with    and commodity prices. The team works with our Procurement,
          a view to realising maximum value for our products.  Maritime, and Sales and Marketing sub-functions to help optimise
                                                             end-to-end commercial value, and with the Finance and External
          Maritime and Supply Chain Excellence               Affairs functions to identify and respond to long-run strategic
          Maritime and Supply Chain Excellence manages BHP’s enterprise-  changes in our operating environment.
          wide transportation strategy and chartering ocean freight to meet
          BHP’s inbound and outbound transportation needs. They work to
          ensure consistent safety standards across BHP’s maritime supply
          chain and lead the industry toward a safer and more sustainable
          global ecosystem. The team focuses on supply chain excellence
          and sourcing marine freight coverage at the lowest available cost.

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