Page 99 - Annual Report 2020
P. 99

           Principal factors that affect Revenue, Profit from operations and Underlying EBITDA
           The following table describes the impact of the principal factors that affected Revenue, Profit from operations and Underlying EBITDA
           for FY2020 and relates them back to our Consolidated Income Statement. For information on the method of calculation of the principal
           factors that affect Revenue, Profit from operations and Underlying EBITDA, refer to section 6.1.2.       Strategic Report
           With effect from 1 July 2019, the Change in volumes variance calculation has been changed to reference prior year price less variable unit
           cost instead of prior year Underlying EBITDA margin. This change to the Change in volumes variance calculation is offset in the Operating
           cash costs variance calculation. Management believes this amendment is useful because the entire impact of a Change in volumes will be
           reflected in one category instead of separately reporting the related fixed cost dilution impacts in the Operating cash costs category. Prior
           periods have not been restated for this change.

                                                                     Total expenses,
                                                                      Other income
                                                                    and (Loss)/profit        Depreciation,
                                                                       from equity         amortisation and         Governance at BHP
                                                                        accounted   Profit from   impairments and   Underlying
                                                           Revenue     investments  operations   Exceptional Items  EBITDA
                                                             US$M         US$M      US$M          US$M     US$M
            Year ended 30 June 2019
            Revenue                                         44,288
            Other income                                                   393
            Expenses excluding net finance costs                         (28,022)
            (Loss)/profit from equity accounted investments, related impairments
            and expenses                                                   (546)
            Total other income, expenses excluding net finance costs and
            (Loss)/profit from equity accounted investments, related impairments                                    Remuneration Report
            and expenses                                                 (28,175)
            Profit from operations                                                  16,113
            Depreciation, amortisation and impairments  (1)                                      6,093
            Exceptional items                                                                      952
            Underlying EBITDA                                                                             23,158
            Change in sales prices                           (1,038)        (54)    (1,092)           −   (1,092)
            Price-linked costs                                   –          (12)      (12)            −     (12)
            Net price impact                                 (1,038)        (66)    (1,104)           −   (1,104)
            Changes in volumes                                (378)         (34)     (412)            −     (412)   Directors’ Report
            Operating cash costs                                 −          223      223              −     223
            Exploration and business development                 −          (115)    (115)            −     (115)
            Change in controllable cash costs  (2)               −          108      108              −     108
            Exchange rates                                    (66)         1,020     954              −     954
            Inflation on costs                                   −         (298)     (298)            −    (298)
            Fuel and energy                                      −           77       77              −      77
            Non-cash                                             −         (460)    (460)             −    (460)
            One-off items                                     189           95       284              −     284
            Change in other costs                             123           434      557              −     557
            Asset sales                                          −            1        1              −       1     Financial Statements
            Ceased and sold operations                        (90)         (328)     (418)            −     (418)
            Other                                              26           155       181             −     181
            Depreciation, amortisation and impairments           −         (104)     (104)         104         −
            Exceptional items                                    −         (501)     (501)         501         −
            Year ended 30 June 2020
            Revenue                                         42,931
            Other income                                                    777
            Expenses excluding net finance costs                         (28,775)
            (Loss)/profit from equity accounted investments, related impairments
            and expenses                                                   (512)
            Total other income, expenses excluding net finance costs and                                            Additional information
            (Loss)/profit from equity accounted investments, related impairments
            and expenses                                                 (28,510)
            Profit from operations                                                 14,421
            Depreciation, amortisation and impairments                                           6,606
            Exceptional item included in Depreciation, amortisation
            and impairments                                                                       (409)
            Exceptional items                                                                     1,453
            Underlying EBITDA                                                                             22,071
           (1)  Depreciation and impairments that we classify as exceptional items are excluded from depreciation, amortisation and impairments. Depreciation, amortisation and
             impairments includes non-exceptional impairments of US$85 million (FY2019: US$264 million).            Shareholder information
           (2)  Collectively, we refer to the change in operating cash costs and change in exploration and business development as change in controllable cash costs. Operating cash
             costs by definition do not include non-cash costs. The change in operating cash costs also excludes the impact of exchange rates and inflation, changes in fuel and
             energy costs, changes in exploration and business development costs and one-off items. These items are excluded so as to provide a consistent measurement of
             changes in costs across all segments, based on the factors that are within the control and responsibility of the segment. Change in controllable cash costs and change
             in operating cash costs are not measures that are recognised by IFRS. They may differ from similarly titled measures reported by other companies.

           Lower average realised prices decreased Underlying EBITDA by   Change in volumes decreased Underlying EBITDA by
           US$1.1 billion in FY2020 reflecting lower average realised prices for   US$412 million primarily as a result of record production at WAIO,
           metallurgical and energy coal, petroleum and copper, partially   Caval Ridge and Poitrel, record average concentrator throughput
           offset by higher average realised prices for iron ore and nickel.   at Escondida and improved operational stability following the prior

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