Page 94 - Annual Report 2020
P. 94

1.9.4 Petroleum continued

              Thebe            North West Shelf                               VICTORIA


                                                                          Ma ra
                                                                           Sale                     Tuna
                                                                           Longford                     Kipper
                                                                                        Bream  Turrum   Flounder
                     Macedon                                                                  Halibut
              Pyrenees        Onslow

                              WESTERN AUSTRALIA
          0             200km                                               0  10  20 30km          Bass Strait
           BHP acreage  Oil fields  Gas fields


          Australia                                          Pyrenees
          Overview                                           BHP operates the Pyrenees FPSO facility, located approximately
          Bass Strait                                        23 kilometres off Northwest Cape, Western Australia. The facility
                                                             produces from six offshore fields. We had an effective 62.36 per cent
          We have produced oil and gas from Bass Strait (50 per cent   interest in the fields as at 30 June 2020 based on inception-to-date
          interest) for more than 50 years. Our operations are located   production from two permits in which we have interests of
          between 25 and 80 kilometres off the southeastern coast of   71.43 per cent and 40 per cent, respectively.
          Australia. The Gippsland Basin Joint Venture, operated by Esso
          Australia (a subsidiary of ExxonMobil), participated in the original   Macedon
          discovery and development of hydrocarbons in the basin. The   We are the operator of Macedon (71.43 per cent interest), an
          Kipper gas field under the Kipper Unit Joint Venture (32.5 per cent   offshore gas field located around 75 kilometres west of Onslow,
          interest), also operated by Esso Australia, has brought online   Western Australia and an onshore gas processing facility located
          additional gas and liquids production that are processed via   around 17 kilometres southwest of Onslow.
          existing Gippsland Basin Joint Venture facilities.  The operation consists of four subsea wells, with gas piped onshore
          The majority of our Bass Strait crude oil and condensate production   to the processing plant. After processing, the gas is delivered into
          is sold to local refineries in Australia. Gas is piped onshore to the   a pipeline and sold to the Western Australian domestic market.
          Gippsland Joint Venture’s Longford processing facility, from where   Minerva
          we sell our share of production to domestic retailers and end users.
          Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is dispatched via pipeline, road   BHP operates the Minerva Joint Venture (90 per cent interest), a
          tanker or sea tanker. Ethane is dispatched via pipeline to a   gas field located 11 kilometres south-southwest of Port Campbell in
          petrochemical plant in western Melbourne.          western Victoria. The operation consists of two subsea wells, with
          North West Shelf                                   gas piped onshore to a processing plant. After processing, the gas
                                                             is delivered into a pipeline and sold domestically.
          We are a joint venture participant in the North West Shelf project   On 3 September 2019, the Minerva gas field reached end-of-field
          (12.5–16.67 per cent interest), located approximately 125 kilometres   life and production ceased at the Minerva gas plant. On 1 May 2018,
          northwest of Dampier in Western Australia. The North West Shelf   BHP entered into an agreement for the sale of its interests in the
          project supplies gas to the Western Australian domestic market    onshore gas plant with subsidiaries of Cooper Energy and Mitsui
          and liquefied natural gas (LNG) to buyers primarily in Japan,    E&P Australia Pty Ltd. The agreement provided for the transfer
          South Korea and China.                             of the plant and associated land after the cessation of current
          North West Shelf gas is piped from offshore fields to the onshore   operations processing gas from the Minerva gas field. The sale
          Karratha Gas Plant for processing. LPG, condensate and LNG are   was completed on 5 December 2019.
          transported to market by ship, while domestic gas is transported
          by the Dampier-to-Bunbury and Pilbara Energy pipelines to buyers.
          We are also a joint venture partner in four nearby oil fields –
          Cossack, Wanaea, Lambert and Hermes – produced through the
          Okha floating production, storage and off-take (FPSO) facility
          (16.67 per cent interest). All North West Shelf gas and oil joint
          ventures are operated by Woodside Energy Limited (Woodside).

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