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1.9.3 Minerals Americas continued
          Non-operated minerals joint ventures

            Santa District
             Chimbote             Chingas

                Casma District   Huari
                  La Gramita         Mine

                    Puerto Huarmey

                     Las Zorras

          Province,       Barranca
          Peru            District
           Antamina Mine  Port  Hwy


          Antamina (Peru)
          Overview                                           innovative solutions in line with the technology roadmap. In addition,
          We own 33.75 per cent of Antamina, a large, low-cost copper and   Antamina will continue to embed a culture of diversity and inclusion
          zinc mine in north central Peru. Antamina is a joint venture between   in its strategy and monitor the MEIA process, seeking final approval
          BHP (33.75 per cent), Glencore (33.75 per cent), Teck Resources   in a reasonable timeframe and community engagement. Once the
          (22.5 per cent) and Mitsubishi Corporation (10 per cent), and    MEIA process is finalised, it is anticipated Antamina will update its
          is operated independently by Compañía Minera Antamina S.A.   reserve and resource statement to reflect an approved life extension
          Antamina by-products include molybdenum and silver.  to CY2036.
          Key developments during FY2020                     Resolution Copper (United States)
          Antamina continues to focus its efforts on safety and health   Overview
          improvements. Copper production for FY2020 decreased by   BHP holds a 45 per cent interest in the Resolution Copper project in
          15 per cent to 125 kt and zinc decreased by 10 per cent to 88 kt   the US state of Arizona, which is operated by Rio Tinto (55 per cent
          reflecting lower copper head grades and the impact of operating   interest). Resolution Copper is one of the largest undeveloped
          with a reduced workforce following a six-week shutdown during    copper projects in the world and has the potential to become the
          the June 2020 quarter in response to COVID-19.     largest copper producer in North America. The Resolution Copper
          During FY2020, Antamina continued with a strong focus on   deposit lies more than 1,600 metres beneath the surface. Resolution
          developing a robust technology roadmap to secure a more   Copper is working with regulators and the community to plan the
          sustainable operation in the long term and to maintain cost   development of the resource and obtain the necessary permits.
          competitiveness. Antamina has progressed studies to debottleneck   Key developments during FY2020
          the operation through mine mechanisation projects and the first
          phase is expected to be completed in the next three years.   The shaft No. 9 sinking project involves deepening the historic
          Antamina announced its intent to submit its Modified Environmental   shaft from its current depth at 1,460 metres below the surface
                                                             to a final depth of 2,086 metres and linking it with the existing
          Impact Assessment (MEIA) for its life extension project from CY2028   No. 10 shaft via development activities underground. This project
          to CY2036, which includes extension of current approved tailings   is on track with respect to schedule and budget. In December 2019,
          capacity, additional waste dumps and new pit design.  it passed the one-mile (1,600 metre) mark with zero safety events;
          Antamina’s operations were suspended between 13 April and    a major milestone for shaft sinking works in the United States.
          26 May 2020 due to COVID-19 implications. Strict controls were
          applied during the demobilisation to safeguard the health of workers   The multi-year National Environmental Policy Act permitting
          and local communities. At the end of FY2020, its operations were    process and community engagement are progressing positively.
          at a ramp-up stage, while complying with government COVID-19   The US Forest Service released the Draft Environmental Impact
          requirements and applying sector international standards for health   Statement on 9 August 2019 and the comment period closed
          and safety.                                        on 7 November 2019.
          During the COVID-19 emergency, Antamina intensified its   Resolution continued to move forward to identify the best
          contribution to local communities, helping the Regional Government   development pathway for the project as the PFS-A study progressed.
          to strengthen its capabilities to cope with the pandemic, providing   BHP’s share of project expenditure for FY2020 was US$103 million.
          medical equipment, launching initiatives for local farmers and   Looking ahead
          entrepreneurs to support the local economy (through the program
          Reactiva Ancash), and distributing food aid.       We remain focused on supporting Resolution Copper on optimising
          Looking ahead                                      the project and working with the operator, Rio Tinto, to develop
                                                             the project in a manner that creates sustainable benefits for
          Copper production of between 120 and 140 kt, and zinc production   all stakeholders.
          of between 140 and 160 kt is expected for FY2021.
          Antamina will remain focused on improving productivity and
          reducing unit cash costs by identifying new technologies and

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