Page 86 - Annual Report 2020
P. 86

1.9.2 Minerals Australia continued

              Australia   Newman

                        Cli s  Mt Keith

                              Kalgoorlie Smelter
                 Perth         Concentrator
           Fremantle  Kwinana Refinery

           Nickel West  Port  Hwy

                 Nickel West

          Overview                                           Looking ahead
          Nickel West is a fully integrated mine-to-market nickel business.    We continue to focus on finalising Nickel West’s resource transition.
          All nickel operations (mines, concentrators, a smelter and refinery)   Leinster B11 block cave is expected to commence the undercut
          are located in Western Australia. The integrated business adds   phase during the first half of FY2021, providing increasing
          value throughout our nickel supply chain, with the majority of   quantities of ore to the Leinster concentrator as the project
          Nickel West’s current production sold as refined metal in the form   progresses to full caving.
          of powder and briquettes.                          Nickel West also offers development options and potential
          Low-grade disseminated sulphide ore is mined from the large   enhancements to its resource position through exploration and
          open-pit operation at Mt Keith. The ore is crushed and processed   processing innovation. These opportunities are being explored
          on-site to produce nickel concentrate. High-grade nickel sulphide   in parallel with incremental debottlenecking opportunities at the
          ore is mined at the Cliffs, Leinster underground mines and    concentrators and the Kalgoorlie nickel smelter.
          Rocky’s Reward open-pit mine. The ore is processed through    Nickel West is expected to complete construction of the nickel
          a concentrator and dryer at Leinster. Nickel West’s facility at   sulphate plant located at the Kwinana nickel refinery in the first
          Kambalda processes material purchased from third parties.  half of FY2021, with first product due in the second half of FY2021.
          The three streams of nickel concentrate come together at the   This stage (Stage 1) is expected to produce approximately 100 ktpa
          Kalgoorlie nickel smelter. The smelter uses a flash furnace to smelt   of nickel sulphate.
          concentrate to produce nickel matte. The Kwinana nickel refinery
          then refines granulated nickel matte from the Kalgoorlie smelter
          into premium-grade nickel powder and briquettes containing
          high-grade refined nickel. Nickel matte and metal are exported
          to overseas markets via the Port of Fremantle.
          Key developments in FY2020
          The Nickel West resource transition involving the construction
          of three new mines continued to progress during FY2020, with two
          of these mines now in full production.
          The Mt Keith satellite mine (Yakabindie) entered production in
          December 2019 and is now the primary source of feed to the
          Mt Keith concentrator.
          The Venus underground mine transitioned to full production in
          September 2019, with ore hoisted to the Leinster concentrator.
          Leinster B11 (the first block cave to be developed by BHP, located
          beneath the Leinster underground mine) proceeded in line
          with expectations, with development ore hoisted to the
          Leinster concentrator.
          Nickel West signed an agreement to acquire the Honeymoon
          Well development project on 19 June 2020 and the remaining
          50 per cent interest in the Albion Downs North and Jericho
          exploration joint ventures, located approximately 50 kilometres
          from Mt Keith. Completion of the agreement is subject to a number
          of conditions, including government and third party approvals.

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