Page 81 - Annual Report 2020
P. 81

            Minerals Australia
            Ref  Country        Asset                Description                                     Ownership
            1  Australia        Olympic Dam          Underground copper mine, also producing uranium, gold and silver   100%  Strategic Report
            2  Australia        Western Australia Iron Ore  Integrated iron ore mines, rail and port operations in the Pilbara region   65 – 100%
                                                     of Western Australia
            3  Australia        New South Wales Energy Coal  Open-cut energy coal mine and coal preparation plant in New South Wales  100%
            4  Australia        BHP Mitsubishi Alliance  Open-cut and underground metallurgical coal mines in the Queensland   50%
                                                     Bowen Basin and Hay Point Coal Terminal
            5  Australia        BHP Mitsui Coal      Two open-cut metallurgical coal mines in the Bowen Basin, Central Queensland  80%
            6  Australia        Nickel West          Integrated sulphide mining, concentrating, smelting and refining operation   100%  Governance at BHP
                                                     in Western Australia

            Minerals Americas
            Ref  Country        Asset                Description                                        Ownership
            7  Chile            Escondida            Open-cut copper mine located in northern Chile         57.5%
            8  Chile            Pampa Norte          Consists of the Cerro Colorado and Spence open-cut mines, producing   100%
                                                     copper cathode in northern Chile
            9  Peru             Antamina  (1)        Open-cut copper and zinc mine in northern Peru        33.75%   Remuneration Report
            10  Brazil          Samarco  (1)         Open-cut iron ore mines, concentrators, pipelines, pelletising facilities   50%
                                                     and dedicated port
            11  Colombia        Cerrejón  (1)        Open-cut energy coal mine with integrated rail and port operations  33.3%
            12  Canada          Jansen               Our interest in potash is via development projects in the Canadian province   100%
                                                     of Saskatchewan, where the Jansen Project is our most advanced

            Ref  Country        Asset                Description                                        Ownership   Directors’ Report
            13  Australia       Australia Production Unit  Offshore oil fields and gas processing facilities in Western Australia  39.99–71.43%
            14  US              Gulf of Mexico Production Unit   Offshore oil and gas fields in the Gulf of Mexico  23.9– 44%
                                Gulf of Mexico Joint Interest Unit  (1)
            15  Trinidad and Tobago  Trinidad and Tobago Production   Offshore oil and gas fields           45%
            16  Algeria         Algeria Joint Interest Unit  (1)  Onshore oil and gas unit                 29.2%
            17  Australia       Australia Joint Interest Unit  (1)  Offshore oil and gas fields in Bass Strait and North West Shelf  12.5 – 50%

            BHP principal office locations                                                                          Financial Statements
            Ref  Country        Location             Office
            18  Australia       Adelaide             Minerals Australia office
            19  Australia       Brisbane             Minerals Australia office
            20  Australia       Melbourne            Global headquarters
            21  Australia       Perth                Minerals Australia office
            22  Canada          Saskatoon            Minerals Americas office
            23  Chile           Santiago             Minerals Americas office
            24  China           Shanghai             Corporate office                                               Additional information
            25  Ecuador         Quito                Metals exploration office
            26  India           New Delhi            Corporate office
            27  Japan           Tokyo                Corporate office
            28  Malaysia        Kuala Lumpur         Global Asset Services Centre
            29  Peru            Lima                 Metals exploration office
            30  Philippines     Manila               Global Asset Services Centre
            31  Singapore       Singapore            Marketing and corporate office
            32  UK              London               Corporate office                                               Shareholder information
            33  US              Houston              Petroleum office
            34  US              Tucson               Metals exploration office
            35  US              Washington DC        Corporate office

              Copper      Iron Ore   Coal       Nickel    Potash     Petroleum

           (1)  Non-operated joint venture.

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