Page 79 - Annual Report 2020
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                                                                                                                    Strategic Report

                                                                                                                    Governance at BHP

                                                                                                                    Directors’ Report
           Relevant legal proceedings: Key decisions on the fishing bans    Key decisions expected for resettlement  Remuneration Report
           in Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais and other priority areas  On 8 January 2020, the Mariana Court extended the deadline for
           In 2016, the Federal Court of Linhares imposed a ban on fishing   final delivery of the collective resettlements of Bento Rodrigues
           activities in the coastal area of the state of Espírito Santo. The   and Paracatu de Baixo works, enforceable by potential fines for
           request to revoke the injunction was denied on 10 July 2020.   non-compliance, until 27 February 2021. BHP Brasil, Vale and
           In April 2020, Fundação Renova challenged the precautionary   Samarco appealed this decision given the factors impacting delays
           conservation restriction preventing fishing for native fish species    that are outside of the control of Fundação Renova. A final ruling
                                                               is pending.
           in the Rio Doce in Minas Gerais state. To date, the restriction                                          Financial Statements
           remains in place.                                   BHP Group Limited, BHP Group Plc and BHP Brasil are involved
           Since January 2020, the 12th Federal Court of Belo Horizonte    in legal proceedings relating to the Samarco dam failure.
           has opened discussion over 12 enforcement proceedings linked    For more information on the significant legal proceedings in which
           to the R$20 billion and R$155 billion public civil claims. These   BHP is currently involved, refer to section 6.6.
           enforcement proceedings seek to expedite the remediation
           process related to the Fundão dam failure. The claims for these
           proceedings are mostly related to programs provided for in the   Progress on our commitments
           Agreements and actions executed by Fundação Renova. Issues   Following the investigation into the causes of the dam failure,
           covered by these 12 new proceedings include environmental   Samarco and its shareholders implemented specific actions
           recovery, human health, food safety regarding fish and agricultural   to help prevent a similar event from occurring, including a plan
           products irrigated with Rio Doce water and ecological risk   to decommission the Germano dam.            Additional information
           assessment, resettlement of affected communities, infrastructure   Due to legislative changes in Brazil, Samarco is currently progressing
           and development, registration and indemnities, resumption of   plans for the accelerated decommissioning of its upstream tailings
           economic activities, water supply for human consumption and   dams (the Germano dam complex). Plans for the decommissioning
           hiring of technical advisers to impacted people among other    are at a basic design level. Funding for CY2020 and CY2021 was
           key delivery areas.                                 approved by the BHP Board in April 2020, including for initial
                                                               buttressing services, spillway construction and regrading activities.
                                                               Preliminary works started in April and a small impact on schedule
                                                               has been experienced due to COVID-19.
                                                                    For information on our ongoing management of tailings dams,
                                                                    refer to section 1.7.10. More information on the health, safety and   Shareholder information
                                                                    environmental performance at our NOJVs is available at

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