Page 77 - Annual Report 2020
P. 77

1.8 Samarco                                                                                              1

                                                                                                                    Strategic Report

                                                                                                                    Governance at BHP

                                                                                                                    Directors’ Report
           The Fundão dam failure                              While restart of Samarco’s operations remains a focus and is   Remuneration Report
           On 5 November 2015, the Fundão tailings dam operated by Samarco   expected to provide a positive effect on livelihoods in impacted
           Mineração S.A. (Samarco) failed. Samarco is a non-operated joint   communities, restart will only occur, among other considerations,
           venture (NOJV) owned by BHP Billiton Brasil Ltda (BHP Brasil) and Vale   if it is safe, and has the support of the community. Samarco has
           S.A. (Vale), with each having a 50 per cent shareholding.  a valid operation licence and there are no further legal restrictions
                                                               to operate.
           A significant volume of tailings (39.2 million cubic metres (m ) of
           water and mud-like waste resulting from the iron ore beneficiation   In relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, some actions were taken
           process) was released. Tragically, 19 people died – five community   to reduce labour in the field for filtration plant construction and   Financial Statements
           members and 14 people who were working on the dam when it failed.   operational readiness activities without a significant impact on
           The communities of Bento Rodrigues, Gesteira and Paracatu de Baixo   the restart schedule. Samarco worked to re-establish a normal
           were flooded. A number of other communities further downstream in   roster regime while respecting all the measures and controls
           the states of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo were also affected by   implemented as a result of COVID-19, such as social distancing,
           the tailings, as was the environment of the Rio Doce basin.  use of masks, access control, temperature scanning and packed
                                                               meals distribution, with the aim for restarting operations in FY2021.
           Our response and support for Fundação Renova        Fundação Renova
           More than four years into the recovery process, we remain
           committed to the remediation of and compensation for the   Fundação Renova’s staff of approximately 660 people is supported
           impacts to the people and the environment in the Rio Doce region,   by about 7,100 contractors. Its CY2020 budget is R$4.7 billion.
           in a challenging and complex operating context.     It has an extensive governance structure, which includes   Additional information
           The Framework Agreement entered into between Samarco, Vale   representatives from the Brazilian Federal and State Governments,
           and BHP Brasil and the relevant Brazilian authorities in March 2016   local municipalities and environmental agencies. On 25 June 2018,
           established Fundação Renova, a not-for-profit, private foundation   Samarco, Vale and BHP Brasil signed a Governance Agreement to
           that has developed and is implementing 42 remediation and   include other parties to the supervision bodies and governance of
           compensatory programs to restore the environment and re-  Fundação Renova, i.e. the Public Prosecutors’ Office and the Public
           establish affected communities. As well as remediating the impacts   Defence Office. The Governance Agreement established local
           of the dam failure, Fundação Renova is implementing a range of   commissions to enable the active participation of the affected
           compensatory actions aimed at leaving a lasting, positive legacy   people in the decision-making process, by submitting proposals and
           for the people and environment of the Rio Doce.     recommendations for works to be performed by Fundação Renova.
           BHP Brasil provides support to Fundação Renova’s operations   By June 2020, a network of 21 local commissions had been   Shareholder information
           through representation on the Board of Trustees and Board   established along the Rio Doce.
           Committees, providing technical expertise and regular peer
           engagement on issues such as safety, risk management, human
           rights and compliance.

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