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1.11 Performance by commodity

          Management believes the following financial information presented   For a reconciliation of Alternative Performance Measures to
          by commodity provides a meaningful indication of the underlying   their respective IFRS measure and an explanation as to the
          financial performance of the assets, including equity accounted   use of Underlying EBITDA and Underlying EBIT in assessing
          investments, of each reportable segment. Information relating to   our performance, refer to section 6.1. For the definition and
          assets that are accounted for as equity accounted investments is   method of calculation of Alternative Performance Measures,
          shown to reflect BHP’s share, unless otherwise noted, to provide   refer to section 6.1.1.
          insight into the drivers of these assets.               For more information as to the statutory
          For the purposes of this financial information, segments are   determination of our reportable segments,
          reported on a statutory basis in accordance with IFRS 8 ‘Operating   refer to note 1 ‘Segment reporting’ in section 5.
          Segments’. The tables for each commodity include an ‘adjustment   Unit costs  is one of the financial measures used to monitor the
          for equity accounted investments’ to reconcile the equity   performance of our individual assets and is included in the analysis
          accounted results to the statutory segment results.   of each reportable segment.

          1.11.1 Petroleum

          Detailed below is financial information for our Petroleum assets excluding Onshore US for FY2019 and an analysis of Petroleum’s financial
          performance for FY2020 compared with FY2019.
          Year ended 30 June 2020                 Underlying     Underlying  Net operating  Capital  Exploration  Exploration
          US$M                             Revenue  (4)  EBITDA  D&A  EBIT   assets  (5)   expenditure  gross  (6)  to profit  (7)
          Australia Production Unit  (1)      361     253    197      56      289         6
          Bass Strait                        1,102    761   449      312      1,796      87
          North West Shelf                   1,076    731   260      471      1,261     130
          Atlantis                            561     431    175     256      1,061     197
          Shenzi                              277     174   139       35      550        45
          Mad Dog                             216     164    64      100      1,551     375
          Trinidad/Tobago                     191      92    46       46      323        46
          Algeria                             159      111   12       99       60        16
          Exploration                           −     (394)  41     (435)     1,227       (1)
          Other  (2)                          104     (111)  77      (188)     129        8
          Total Petroleum from Group production  4,047  2,212  1,460  752    8,247      909      564      394
          Third party products                39       (2)     −      (2)        −        −       –         –
          Total Petroleum                   4,086    2,210  1,460    750     8,247      909      564      394
          Adjustment for equity accounted investments  (3)  (16)  (3)  (3)   −   −        −        −         −
          Total Petroleum statutory result  4,070    2,207  1,457    750     8,247      909     564       394

          Year ended 30 June 2019
          Restated                                Underlying     Underlying  Net operating  Capital   Exploration  Exploration
          US$M                             Revenue  (4)  EBITDA  D&A  EBIT   assets   expenditure  gross  (6)  to profit  (7)
          Australia Production Unit  (1)      507     332    192     140       513       13
          Bass Strait                        1,237    915   427      488      2,217      32
          North West Shelf                   1,657   1,220  298      922      1,371     106
          Atlantis                            979     824    261     563     1,060       31
          Shenzi                             540      437    151     286      658        30
          Mad Dog                             319     268    59      209      1,232     362
          Trinidad/Tobago                     287      181   56      125      302        23
          Algeria                             258     201    26      175       49         7
          Exploration                           −     (388)  58     (446)    1,039        −
          Other  (2)                          153      73    55       18      (109)      41
          Total Petroleum from Group production  5,937  4,063  1,583  2,480  8,332      645      685      409
          Third party products                 10       −      −       −         −        −       –         –
          Total Petroleum                   5,947    4,063  1,583   2,480    8,332      645      685      409
          Adjustment for equity accounted investments  (3)  (17)  (2)  (2)   −   −        −        −         −
          Total Petroleum statutory result  5,930    4,061  1,581   2,480    8,332      645      685      409
          (1)  Australia Production Unit includes Macedon, Pyrenees and Minerva.
          (2) Predominantly divisional activities, business development, UK (divested in November 2018), Neptune and Genesis. Also includes the Caesar oil pipeline and the
           Cleopatra gas pipeline, which are equity accounted investments. The financial information for the Caesar oil pipeline and the Cleopatra gas pipeline presented above,
           with the exception of net operating assets, reflects BHP’s share.
          (3) Total Petroleum statutory result revenue excludes US$16 million (2019: US$17 million) revenue related to the Caesar oil pipeline and the Cleopatra gas pipeline.
           Total Petroleum statutory result Underlying EBITDA includes US$3 million (2019: US$2 million) D&A related to the Caesar oil pipeline and the Cleopatra gas pipeline.
          (4) Total Petroleum statutory result revenue includes: crude oil US$2,033 million (2019: US$3,171 million), natural gas US$980 million (2019: US$1,259 million), LNG
           US$774 million (2019: US$1,179 million), NGL US$198 million (2019: US$263 million) and other US$85 million (2019: US$58 million) which includes third party products.
          (5) Refer to section 6.1 for a reconciliation of Net operating assets to Net assets and section 6.1.1 for the definition and method of calculation of Net operating assets.
          (6) Includes US$170 million of capitalised exploration (2019: US$297 million).
          (7) Includes US$ nil of exploration expenditure previously capitalised, written off as impaired (included in depreciation and amortisation) (2019: US$21 million).

          (1)  For more information on Alternative Performance Measures, refer to section 6.1.

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