Page 278 - Annual Report 2020
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Operation                                        Title, leases      Nominal       Facilities,
          & location  Product   Ownership        Operator  or options         production capacity  use & condition
          Offshore    Gas and   BHP 90%          BHP       Production licence issued    150 TJ/d gas   2 subsea well completions
          and onshore   condensate  Cooper Energy (MF)     by Australian Government   600 bbl/d   (2 producing wells)
          Victoria              Pty Ltd 10%                expires 5 years after   condensate  Single flow line transports
                                                           production ceases                gas to onshore gas
                                                                                            processing facility
                                                                                            Gas plant located
                                                                                            approximately 4 km inland
                                                                                            from Port Campbell
                                                                                            On 3 September 2019, the
                                                                                            Minerva gas field reached
                                                                                            end-of-field life and
                                                                                            production ceased at the
                                                                                            Minerva gas plant
                                                                                            On 1 May 2018, BHP entered
                                                                                            into an agreement for the
                                                                                            sale of its interests in the
                                                                                            onshore gas plant with
                                                                                            subsidiaries of Cooper
                                                                                            Energy and Mitsui E&P
                                                                                            Australia Pty Ltd. The sale
                                                                                            was completed on 5
                                                                                            December 2019
          Other production operations
          Trinidad and Tobago
          Greater Angostura
          Offshore    Oil and gas  BHP 45%       BHP       Production sharing contract   100 Mbbl/d oil   Integrated oil and gas
          Trinidad and          National Gas               with the Trinidad and Tobago  340 MMcf/d gas  development: central
          Tobago                Company 30%                Government entitles us to        processing platform
                                Chaoyang 25%               operate Greater Angostura        connected to 4
                                                           until 2031                       wellhead platforms and
                                                                                            a gas export platform
                                                                                            31 wells completed for
                                                                                            production and injection
                                                                                            including: 17 oil producers,
                                                                                            7 gas producers (3 subsea)
                                                                                            and 7 gas injectors
          ROD Integrated Development
          Onshore    Oil        BHP 45% interest in   Joint   Production sharing contract   Approximately    Development and
          Berkine Basin         401a/402a production   Sonatrach/   with Sonatrach (title holder)  80 Mbbl/d oil  production of 6 oil fields
          900 km                sharing contract  ENI entity                                2 largest fields (ROD and SF
          southeast of          ENI 55%                                                     SFNE) extend into
          Algiers, Algeria      BHP effective 29.2%                                         neighbouring blocks 403a,
                                interest in ROD unitised                                    403d
                                integrated development                                      Production through
                                                                                            dedicated processing train
                                                                                            on block 403

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