Page 277 - Annual Report 2020
P. 277
Operation Title, leases Nominal Facilities,
& location Product Ownership Operator or options production capacity use & condition
Australia Strategic Report
Bass Strait
Offshore and Oil and gas Gippsland Basin joint Esso Australia 20 production licences and 65 Mbbl/d oil 11 offshore fields
onshore Victoria venture (GBJV): 2 retention leases issued 1,040 TJ/d producing through
BHP 50% by Australian Government 5,150 tpd LPG offshore infrastructure,
Esso Australia (Exxon Licences and leases expire 850 tpd Ethane including 12 steel jacket
Mobil subsidiary) 50% between 2020 and end platforms, 2 concrete
Kipper Unit joint of life of field gravity platforms and
a subsea pipeline network
venture (KUJV):
BHP 32.5% Onshore infrastructure:
Esso Australia 32.5% • Longford facility
MEPAU A Pty Ltd 35% (gas conditioning/
processing and liquids
processing facilities) Governance at BHP
• interconnecting pipelines
• Long Island Point
(LPG processing and
liquids storage/offtake)
• heliport and onshore
supply base
North West Shelf
Offshore Domestic gas, North West Shelf Project Woodside 14 production licences issued North Rankin Production from offshore
and onshore LPG, condensate, is an unincorporated JV Petroleum Ltd by Australian Government Complex: 3,010 fields is processed over the
Western LNG BHP: Licences expire between MMcf/d gas North Rankin Complex,
Australia 16.67% of original LNG JV 2022 and 5 years after 53 Mbbl/d Goodwyn Alpha and Angel
12.5% of China LNG JV production ceases condensate platforms, then transported
15.78% of Extended Goodwyn A platform: onshore to the Karratha Gas Remuneration Report
Plant by 2 subsea trunklines
Interest Joint Venture 1,746 MMcf/d gas
Other participants: 100 Mbbl/d The Karratha Gas Plant
comprises 5 LNG
subsidiaries of Woodside, processing trains, two
Chevron, BP, Shell, Angel platform: domestic gas trains, LPG
Mitsubishi/Mitsui and 960 MMcf/d gas fractionation and
China National Offshore 51 Mbbl/d condensate stabilisation
Oil Corporation condensate units and associated storage
Withnell Bay
gas plant: and loading facilities
630 MMcf/d gas
5-train LNG plant:
52,000 tpd LNG Directors’ Report
North West Shelf
Offshore Oil BHP 16.67% Woodside 3 production licences Production: 12 subsea well completions
Western Woodside 33.34%, Petroleum Ltd issued by Australian 60 Mbbl/d (4 producers), FPSO unit
Australia BP, Chevron, Japan Government Storage: 1 MMbbl
Australia LNG (MIMI) Licences expire between
16.67% each 2033 and 2039
Offshore Oil WA-42-L permit: BHP Production licence issued Production: 26 subsea well
Western BHP 71.43% by Australian Government 96 Mbbl/d oil completions
Australia Quadrant PVG P/L 28.57% expires 5 years after Storage: 920 Mbbl (21 producers,
WA-43-L permit: production ceases 4 water injectors,
BHP 39.999% 1 gas injector), FPSO unit Financial Statements
Quadrant PVG P/L
Inpex Alpha Ltd 28.5%
Offshore Gas and WA-42-L permit BHP Production licence issued Production: 4 well completions
and onshore condensate BHP 71.43% by Australian Government 213 MMcf/d gas Single flow line transports
Western Quadrant PVG P/L 28.57% expires 5 years after 20 bbl/d condensate gas to onshore gas
Australia production ceases processing facility 6
Gas plant located
approximately 17 km
southwest of Onslow Additional information
Shareholder information
BHP Annual Report 2020 275