Page 275 - Annual Report 2020
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Minerals Americas

           Copper mining operations
           The following table contains additional details of our mining operations. This table should be read in conjunction with the production table   Strategic Report
           (refer to section 6.3.1) and reserves table (refer to section 6.4.2).
            Mine &   Means                        Title, leases         Mine type &               Facilities,
            location  of access  Ownership  Operator  or options  History  mineralisation style  Power source  use & condition
            Atacama   Private road   BHP 57.5%   BHP   Mining   Original   2 open-cut pits:   Escondida-owned  3 concentrator
            Desert   available for   Rio Tinto 30%   concession    construction   Escondida and   transmission    plants extract
            170 km   public use  JECO             from Chilean   completed    Escondida Norte  lines connect to   copper concentrate
            southeast of   Copper   Corporation   Government   in 1990   Escondida    Chile’s northern   from sulphide
            Antofagasta,   cathode   consortium   valid indefinitely   Start of   and Escondida    power grid  ore by flotation
            Chile    transported by  comprising   (subject to   operations    Norte mineral   Electricity   extraction process
                     privately   Mitsubishi,      payment of   of the third   deposits are   sourced from   2 solvent extraction
                     owned rail to   JX Nippon Mining   annual fees)  concentrator   adjacent but    external vendors  and electrowinning   Governance at BHP
                     ports at   and Metals 10%                plant in 2015   distinct supergene   and Tamakaya   plants produce
                     Antofagasta   JECO2 Ltd 2.5%             Inauguration    enriched porphyry   SpA (100% owned  copper cathode
                     and Mejillones                           of Escondida   copper deposits  by BHP), which   Nominal capacity:
                     Copper                                   Water Supply            generates power  153.7 Mtpa (nominal
                     concentrate                              desalination            from the Kelar   milling capacity)
                     transported by                           plant (2018)            gas-fired    and 350 ktpa
                     Escondida-                               and its                 power plant   copper cathode
                     owned                                    extension               New renewable   (nominal capacity
                     pipelines to its                         (2019)                  power       of tank house)
                     Coloso port                                                      agreements   2 x 168 km
                     facilities                                                       signed in 2019  concentrate
                                                                                                  pipelines, 167 km
                                                                                                  water pipeline    Remuneration Report
                                                                                                  Port facilities at
                                                                                                  Coloso, Antofagasta
                                                                                                  Desalinated water
                                                                                                  plant (total water
                                                                                                  capacity of 3,800
                                                                                                  litres per second)
            Pampa Norte Spence
            Atacama   Public road  BHP 100%  BHP  Mining      First copper   Open-cut   Spence-owned   Processing and
            Desert 162 km  Copper                 concession    produced in   Enriched and   transmission    crushing facilities,
            northeast of   cathode                from Chilean   2006   oxidised porphyry   lines connect to   separate dynamic
            Antofagasta,   transported by         Government   Spence Growth  copper deposit   Chile’s northern   leach pads, solvent
            Chile    rail to ports at             valid indefinitely   Option (SGO)   containing in situ   power grid  extraction and   Directors’ Report
                     Mejillones and               (subject to   project (i.e.   copper oxide   Electricity   electrowinning plants
                     Antofagasta                  payment of   new 95ktpd   mineralisation    purchased from   Nominal capacity of
                                                  annual fees)  concentrator   that overlies a   external vendors.  tank house: 200 ktpa
                                                              plant) was   near-horizontal   New renewable   copper cathode
                                                              approved in   sequence of   power
                                                              2017      supergene sulphides,  agreements
                                                                        transitional sulphides,  signed in 2019
                                                                        and finally primary
                                                                        (hypogene) sulphide
            Pampa Norte Cerro Colorado
            Atacama   Public road  BHP 100%  BHP  Mining      Commercial   Open-cut   Electricity   2 primary, secondary
            Desert    Copper                      concession    production   Enriched and   purchased from   and tertiary crushers,   Financial Statements
            120 km east    cathode                from Chilean   commenced    oxidised porphyry   external vendors  dynamic leach pads,
            of Iquique,   trucked to port         Government   in 1994  copper deposit            solvent extraction
            Chile    at Iquique                   valid indefinitely   Expansions in   containing in situ   plant, electrowinning
                                                  (subject to   1996 and 1998 copper oxide        plant
                                                  payment of            mineralisation            Nominal capacity of
                                                  annual fees)          that overlies a           tank house: 130 ktpa
                                                                        near-horizontal           copper cathode
                                                                        sequence of
                                                                        sulphides,                                 6
                                                                        sulphides, and
                                                                        finally primary
                                                                        (hypogene) sulphide
            Antamina                                                                                                Additional information
            Andes    Public road  BHP 33.75%   Compañía  Mining rights   Commercial   Open-cut   Long-term   Primary crusher,
            mountain   Copper    Glencore 33.75%  Minera   from Peruvian   production   Zoned porphyry    contracts    concentrator, copper
            range    and zinc   Teck 22.5%   Antamina  Government    commenced    and skarn deposit   with individual   and zinc flotation
            270 km north  concentrates   Mitsubishi 10%  S.A.   held indefinitely,   in 2001   with central copper  power producers  circuits, bismuth/
            of Lima, north  transported           subject to            dominated ores            moly cleaning circuit
            central Peru  by pipeline             payment of            and an outer band         Nominal milling
                     to port of                   annual fees           of copper-zinc            capacity 53 Mtpa
                     Huarmey                      and supply of         dominated ores            300 km concentrate
                     Molybdenum                   information on                                  pipeline Port facilities
                     and lead/                    investment and                                  at Huarmey
                     bismuth                      production                                                        Shareholder information
                     by truck

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