Page 272 - Annual Report 2020
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Mine &    Means                        Title, leases         Mine type &              Facilities,
          location  of access  Ownership  Operator  or options  History  mineralisation style  Power source  use & condition
          Jimblebar operation*
          Pilbara region,  Private road  BHP 85%  BHP  Mining lease   Production   Open-cut  Power for all    3 primary crushers,
          Western   Ore is    ITOCHU Iron Ore    granted pursuant  began in    Bedded ore types   mine operations   ore handling plant,
          Australia   transported    Australia 8%  to the Iron Ore   March 1989  classified as per    both in the   train loadout,
                    via overland   Mitsui & Co. Iron   (McCamey’s   From 2004,   host Archaean or   Central and   stockyard blending
                    conveyor    Ore Exploration   Monster)   production was  Proterozoic banded  Eastern Pilbara    facility and
                    (12.4 km)  & Mining 7%       Agreement   transferred to   iron formation,   is supplied by   supporting mining
                                                 Authorisation    Wheelarra JV   which are Brockman  BHP’s natural    hub infrastructure
                              *Jimblebar is an   Act 1972 expires   as part of the   and Marra Mamba  gas fired Yarnima  (nominal capacity
                              ‘incorporated’     in 2030 with   Wheelarra           power station  71 Mtpa)
                              venture, with      rights to   sublease               Power consumed
                              the above          successive   agreement             in port operations
                              companies          renewals of    This sublease       is supplied
                              holding A Class    21 years each  agreement           via a contract
                              Shares in Mining               expired in             with Alinta
                              Lease 266SA                    March 2018
                              Section 1 and                  Ore was first
                              Section 3 held                 produced from
                              by BHP Iron Ore                the newly
                              Jimblebar Pty Ltd              commissioned
                              (BHPIOJ)                       Jimblebar hub
                              BHP holds 100%                 in late 2013
                              of the B Class                 Jimblebar
                              Shares, which has              sells ore to the
                              rights to all other            Newman JV
                              BHPIOJ assets                  proximate to
                                                             the Jimblebar
          Mt Goldsworthy joint venture
          Pilbara region,  Private road  BHP 85%  BHP  1 mineral lease   Operations   Mining Area C,    Power for Yarrie   2 primary crushers,
          Western   Yarrie and   Mitsui Iron Ore   and 1 mining   commenced at  Yarrie and   and Shay Gap    2 ore handling plants,
          Australia  Nimingarra    Corporation 7%  lease both   Mt Goldsworthy  Nimingarra are    is supplied by   stockyard blending
          Yarrie    iron ore   ITOCHU Minerals   granted pursuant  in 1966 and    all open-cut  their own small   facility and train load
          Nimingarra  transported by  and Energy of   to the Iron Ore   at Shay Gap    Bedded ore types   diesel generating  out (nominal capacity
          Mining Area C Mt Goldsworthy  Australia 8%  (Goldsworthy   in 1973  classified as per    stations  60 Mtpa)
                    JV-owned rail                – Nimingarra)   Original   host Archaean    Power for all
                    to Port Hedland              Agreement Act   Goldsworthy   or Proterozoic iron   remaining mine
                    (218 km)                     1972, expire   mine closed    formation, which    operations in
                    Mining Area C                2035, with rights  in 1982  are Brockman,    the Central and
                    iron ore                     to successive   Associated   Marra Mamba    Eastern Pilbara
                    transported                  renewals of    Shay Gap mine  and Nimingarra  is supplied by
                    by Mt Newman                 21 years    closed in 1993         BHP’s natural
                    JV-owned rail                A number of   Mining at            gas fired Yarnima
                    to Port Hedland              smaller mining   Nimingarra        power station
                    (360 km)                     leases granted   mine ceased       Power consumed
                    Mt Goldsworthy               under the Mining   in 2007, then   in port operations
                    JV railway spur              Act 1978 expire in   continued     is supplied
                    links Mining                 2026 with rights   from adjacent   via a contract
                    Area C to Yandi              to successive   Yarrie area        with Alinta
                    railway spur                 renewals of    Production
                                                 21 years
                                                 3 mineral leases   commenced
                                                             at Mining Area
                                                 granted under   C mine in 2003
                                                 the Iron Ore
                                                 (Mount      Yarrie mine
                                                 Goldsworthy)   operations were
                                                 Agreement Act   suspended in
                                                 1964, which   February 2014
                                                 expire 2028,
                                                 with rights
                                                 to successive
                                                 renewals of
                                                 21 years each
          POSMAC joint venture
          Pilbara    Private road  BHP 65%  BHP   Sublease over   Production   Open-cut  Power for all mine  POSMAC sells all
          region,   POSMAC JV   ITOCHU Minerals   part of Mt   commenced in  Bedded ore types   operations both    ore to Mt Goldsworthy
          Western   sells ore to    and Energy of   Goldsworthy   October 2003  classified as per    in the Central and  JV, which is then
          Australia  Mt Goldsworthy  Australia 8%   Mining Area C   POSMAC JV   host Archaean or   Eastern Pilbara    processed at Mining
                    JV at Mining   Mitsui Iron Ore   mineral lease   sells all ore to   Proterozoic iron   is supplied by   Area C
                    Area C    Corporation 7%     that expires    Mt Goldsworthy  formation, which    BHP’s natural
                    Ore is    POSCO-Ore 20%      on the earlier    JV at Mining   is Marra Mamba  gas fired Yarnima
                    transported                  of termination    Area C (FY2020   power station
                    via Mt                       of the mineral   ore production    Power consumed
                    Goldsworthy                  lease or the    <1 Mt)             in port operations
                    JV-owned rail                end of the                         is supplied
                    and Mt                       POSMAC JV                          via a contract
                    Newman                                                          with Alinta
                    railed to Port

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