Page 273 - Annual Report 2020
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Coal mining operations
           The following table contains additional details of our mining operations. This table should be read in conjunction with the production table
           (refer to section 6.3.1) and reserves table (refer to section 6.4.2).                                    Strategic Report

            Mine &   Means                        Title, leases           Mine type &             Facilities,
            location  of access  Ownership  Operator or options  History  mineralisation style  Power source  use & condition
            Queensland Coal
            Central Queensland Coal Associates joint venture
            Bowen Basin,  Public road  BHP 50%  BMA   Mining leases,   Goonyella mine   All open-cut except  Queensland   On-site beneficiation
            Queensland,   Coal   Mitsubishi       including   commenced in   Broadmeadow:   electricity grid  processing facilities
            Australia  transported    Development   undeveloped   1971, merged with  longwall   connection    Combined nominal
            Goonyella   by rail to    50%         tenements, expire  adjoining Riverside  underground  is under   capacity: in excess
            Riverside,   Hay Point,               between 2021 and  mine in 1989  Bituminous coal    long-term   of 67 Mtpa
            Broadmeadow  Gladstone,               2043, renewable   Operates as   is mined from the   contracts
            Daunia    Dalrymple Bay               for further periods  Goonyella   Permian Moranbah   and energy
            Caval Ridge   and Abbot               as Queensland   Riverside  and Rangal    purchased                Governance at BHP
            Peak Downs   Point ports              Government   Production   Coal measures  via Retail
            Saraji   Distances                    legislation allows   commenced at:   Products range from   Agreements
            Blackwater   between the              Mining is permitted  Peak Downs    premium quality,
            and Norwich   mines and port          to continue under  in 1972   low volatile, high
            Park mines   are between              the legislation   Saraji in 1974   vitrinite, hard coking
                     160 km and                   during the renewal  Norwich Park    coal to medium
                     315 km                       application period in 1979    volatile hard coking
                                                              Blackwater    coal, to weak
                                                              in 1967     coking coal, some
                                                              Broadmeadow   pulverised coal
                                                              (longwall   injection (PCI) coal
                                                              operations)    and medium ash
                                                              in 2005     thermal coal as a
                                                              Daunia in    secondary product                        Remuneration Report
                                                              2013 and
                                                              Caval Ridge
                                                              in 2014
                                                              Production at
                                                              Norwich Park
                                                              ceased in
                                                              May 2012
            BHP Mitsui Coal
            Bowen Basin,  Public road  BHP 80%  BMC  Mining leases,   South    Open-cut  Queensland   South Walker Creek
            Queensland,   Coal   Mitsui and Co    including   Walker Creek   Bituminous coal    electricity grid  coal beneficiated
            Australia  transported    20%         undeveloped   commenced    is mined from the   connection    on-site
            South Walker  by rail to Hay          tenements, expire  in 1996   Permian Rangal    is under   Nominal capacity:    Directors’ Report
            Creek and   Point and                 between 2034 and  Poitrel   Coal measures   long-term   in excess of 6 Mtpa
            Poitrel mines  Dalrymple              2041 (renewal   commenced    Produces a range    contracts    Poitrel mine utilises
                     Bay ports                    pending),   in 2006     of coking coal and   and energy   Red Mountain for
                     Distances                    renewable for   BMC purchased   pulverised coal   purchased    processing and rail
                     between the                  further periods as   remaining    injection (PCI) coal   via Retail   loading facilities
                     mines and port               Queensland   50% share of             Agreements  Nominal capacity:
                     are between                  Government   Red Mountain                       in excess of 4 Mtpa
                     135 km and                   legislation allows.   processing facility
                     165 km                       Mining is permitted  in 2018 to secure
                                                  to continue under  100% ownership
                                                  the legislation
                                                  during the renewal
                                                  application period
            New South Wales Energy Coal                                                                             Financial Statements
            Mt Arthur Coal
            Approximately  Public road  BHP 100%  BHP  Current   Production   Open-cut  NSW electricity  Beneficiation
            126 km   Domestic coal                Development   commenced    Produces a medium  grid connection  facilities: coal
            northwest    transported              Consent expires in  in 2002  rank bituminous   under a   handling, preparation,
            of Newcastle,  by conveyor            2026, new state   Government   thermal coal   deemed    washing plants
            New South   to Bayswater              and federal   approval permits        long-term   Nominal capacity:
            Wales,   and Liddell                  approvals will be   extraction of     contract    in excess of 23 Mtpa
            Australia  Power Stations             sought within the   up to 36 Mtpa of   nd energy                 6
                     Domestic sales               next few years to   run of mine coal   purchased
                     ceased during                allow mining to   from underground    via a Retail
                     FY2020 and                   continue beyond   and open-cut        Agreement
                     the conveyor                 30 June 2026   operations,
                     has been                     This work has   with open-cut
                     decommissioned               commenced   extraction limited
                     Export coal                  MAC holds 10   to 32 Mtpa                                         Additional information
                     transported                  mining leases,
                     by third                     2 sub leases
                     party rail to                and 3 exploration
                     Newcastle port               licences
                                                  MAC’s primary
                                                  exploration licence
                                                  (EL5965) is in the
                                                  process of being
                                                  In December
                                                  2019, the NSW                                                     Shareholder information
                                                  of Planning
                                                  Infrastructure and
                                                  issued HVEC
                                                  with a ‘Notice of
                                                  Intent To Renew In
                                                  Full’ with the final
                                                  approval currently
                                                  being processed

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