Page 271 - Annual Report 2020
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6.2 Information on mining operations

           Minerals Australia                                                                                       Strategic Report
           Copper mining operations
           The following table contains additional details of our mining operations. This table should be read in conjunction with the production table
           (refer to section 6.3.1) and reserves table (refer to section 6.4.2).
            Mine &   Means                        Title, leases         Mine type &               Facilities,
            location  of access  Ownership  Operator  or options  History  mineralisation style  Power source  use & condition
            Olympic Dam
            560 km   Public road  BHP 100%  BHP   Mining lease   Acquired in   Underground  Electricity   Underground
            northwest    Copper                   granted by    2005 as part of  Large poly-metallic   transmitted via    automated train and
            of Adelaide,   cathode                South Australian   Western Mining  deposit of iron   (i) BHP’s 275 kV   trucking network
            South    trucked                      Government   Corporation   oxide-copper-  power line from   feeding crushing,   Governance at BHP
            Australia   to ports                  expires in 2036  (WMC)   uranium-gold   Port Augusta and  storage and ore
                     Uranium oxide                Right of    acquisition  mineralisation  (ii) ElectraNet’s   hoisting facilities
                     transported by               extension    Copper                 system upstream  2 grinding circuits
                     road to ports                for 50 years   production           of Port Augusta  Nominal milling
                                                  (subject to   began in 1988         Energy      capacity: 10.3 Mtpa
                                                  remaining    Nominal milling        purchased    Flash furnace
                                                  mine life)  capacity raised         via Retail   produces copper
                                                              to 9 Mtpa               Agreement   anodes, then
                                                              in 1999                             refined to produce
                                                              Optimisation                        copper cathodes
                                                              project                             Electrowon copper
                                                              completed                           cathode and uranium
                                                              in 2002                             oxide concentrate
                                                              New copper                          produced by leaching   Remuneration Report
                                                              solvent                             and solvent extracting
                                                              extraction plant                    flotation tailings
                                                              in 2004
                                                              Major smelter
                                                              in 2018
           Iron ore mining operations                                                                               Directors’ Report
           The following table contains additional details of our iron ore mining operations. This table should be read in conjunction with the
           production table (refer to section 6.3.1) and reserves table (refer to section 6.4.2).
            Mine &   Means                        Title, leases         Mine type &               Facilities,
            location  of access  Ownership  Operator  or options  History  mineralisation style  Power source  use & condition
            Mt Newman joint venture
            Pilbara region,  Private road  BHP 85%  BHP   Mineral lease   Production   Open-cut  Power for all mine  Newman Hub:
            Western   Ore transported  Mitsui-ITOCHU   granted and    began at    Bedded ore types   operations in    primary crusher,
            Australia  by Mt Newman  Iron 10%     held under    Mt Whaleback  classified as per    the Central and   ore handling plant,
            Mt Whaleback  JV-owned    ITOCHU Minerals   the Iron Ore   in 1969  host Archaean    Eastern Pilbara    heavy media
            Orebodies 18,  rail to    and Energy of   (Mount Newman)  Production   or Proterozoic    is supplied by   beneficiation plant,   Financial Statements
            24, 25, 29, 30,  Port Hedland   Australia 5%  Agreement Act   from Orebodies  iron formation,   BHP’s natural    stockyard blending
            31, 32 and 35  (427 km)               1964 expires in   18, 24, 25,    which are    gas fired Yarnima  facility, single cell
                                                  2030 with right   29, 30, 31,    Brockman and    power station   rotary car dumper,
                                                  to successive   32 and 35   Marra Mamba   Power consumed  train load out
                                                  renewals of    complements          in port operations  (nominal capacity
                                                  21 years each  production           is supplied via    75 Mtpa)
                                                              from Mt                 a contract    Orebody 25 Ore
                                                              Whaleback               with Alinta  processing plant
                                                              Production                          (nominal capacity    6
                                                              from Orebodies                      12 Mtpa)
                                                              31 and 32
                                                              started in 2015
                                                              and 2017
            Yandi joint venture
            Pilbara region,  Private road  BHP 85%  BHP  Mining lease   Production   Open-cut   Power for all mine  3 primary crushers,    Additional information
            Western   Ore transported  ITOCHU Minerals   granted pursuant  began at the   Channel Iron   operations in    3 ore handling plants,
            Australia   by Mt Newman  and Energy    to the Iron Ore   Yandi mine    Deposits are   the Central and   stockyard blending
                     JV-owned rail   of Australia 8%   (Marillana Creek)  in 1992  Cainozoic fluvial   Eastern Pilbara    facility, and 2 train
                     to Port Hedland  Mitsui Iron Ore   Agreement Act   Capacity    sediments  is supplied by   load outs (nominal
                     (316 km)   Corporation 7%    1991 expires    of Yandi hub        BHP’s natural    capacity 80 Mtpa)
                     Yandi JV’s                   in 2033 with    expanded            gas fired Yarnima
                     railway spur                 1 renewal right    between          power station
                     links Yandi hub              to a further    1994 and 2013       Power consumed
                     to Mt Newman                 21 years to 2054                    in port operations
                     JV main line                                                     is supplied                   Shareholder information
                                                                                      via a contract
                                                                                      with Alinta

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