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6.4 Resources and Reserves

          Resources are the estimated quantities of material that can   Proved reserve estimates were attributed to future development
          potentially be commercially recovered from BHP’s properties.   projects only where there is a significant commitment to project
          Reserves are a subset of resources that can be demonstrated    funding and execution and for which applicable government
          to be able to be economically and legally extracted. In order    and regulatory approvals have been secured or are reasonably
          to estimate reserves, assumptions are required about a range    certain to be secured. Furthermore, estimates of proved reserves
          of technical and economic factors, including quantities, qualities,   include only volumes for which access to market is assured with
          production techniques, recovery efficiency, production and   reasonable certainty. All proved reserve estimates are subject
          transport costs, commodity supply and demand, commodity    to revision (either upward or downward) based on new information,
          prices and exchange rates.                         such as from development drilling and production activities
          Estimating the quantity and/or quality of reserves requires the    or from changes in economic factors, including product prices,
          size, shape and depth of ore bodies or oil and gas reservoirs to    contract terms or development plans.
          be determined by analysing geological data, such as drilling samples   Developed oil and gas reserves
          and geophysical survey interpretations. Economic assumptions used   Proved developed oil and gas reserves are reserves that can
          to estimate reserves change from period-to-period as additional   be expected to be recovered through:
          technical and operational data is generated.       •  existing wells with existing equipment and operating methods
                                                             •  installed extraction equipment and infrastructure operational
          6.4.1 Petroleum reserves                            at the time of the reserve estimate if the extraction is by means
                                                              not involving a well
          Estimates of oil and gas reserves involve some degree of uncertainty,
          are inherently imprecise, require the application of judgement and   Performance-derived reserve assessments for producing wells
          are subject to future revision. Accordingly, financial and accounting   were primarily based in the following manner:
          measures (such as the standardised measure of discounted    •  for our conventional operations, reserves were estimated using
          cash flows, depreciation, depletion and amortisation charges,    rate and pressure decline methods, including material balance,
          the assessment of impairments and the assessment of valuation   supplemented by reservoir simulation models where appropriate
          allowances against deferred tax assets) that are based on reserve   •  for our Discontinued operations (Onshore US) reported for
          estimates are also subject to change.               FY2018, rate-transient analysis and decline curve analysis methods
          How we estimate and report reserves                •  for wells that lacked sufficient production history, reserves
                                                              were estimated using performance-based type curves
          Petroleum’s reserves are estimated as of 30 June each year.   and offset location analogues with similar geologic and
          Reported reserves include both Conventional Petroleum reserves   reservoir characteristics
          and Onshore US reserves for FY2018. Footnotes have been   Proved undeveloped reserves
          included with the accompanying tables to identify the contribution
          of the Discontinued operations (Onshore US) for this period. The   Proved undeveloped oil and gas reserves are reserves that are
          sale of Petroleum’s interests in Onshore US reserves was completed   expected to be recovered from new wells on undrilled acreage
          in FY2019. Remaining reserves at the end of FY2019 and FY2020   where commitment has been made to commence development
          reflect the Continuing operations only.            within five years from first reporting or from existing wells where
                                                             a relatively major expenditure is required for recompletion.
          Our proved reserves are estimated and reported on a net interest
          basis according to the US Securities and Exchange Commission   A combination of geologic and engineering data and where
          (SEC) regulations and have been determined in accordance with   appropriate, statistical analysis was used to support the assignment
          SEC Rule 4-10(a) of Regulation S-X.                of proved undeveloped reserves when assessing planned drilling
                                                             locations. Performance data along with log and core data was
          Proved oil and gas reserves                        used to delineate consistent, continuous reservoir characteristics
          Proved oil and gas reserves are those quantities of crude oil,    in core areas of the development. Proved undeveloped locations
          natural gas and natural gas liquids (NGL) that, by analysis    were included in core areas between known data and adjacent
          of geoscience and engineering data, can be estimated with   to productive wells using performance-based type curves and
          reasonable certainty to be economically producible from    offset location analogues with similar geologic and reservoir
          a given date forward from known reservoirs and under existing   characteristics. Locations where a high degree of certainty
          economic conditions, operating methods, operating contracts    could not be demonstrated using the above technologies
          and government regulations. Unless evidence indicates that   and techniques were not categorised as proved.
          renewal of existing operating contracts is reasonably certain,
          estimates of economically producible reserves reflect only the   Methodology used to estimate reserves
          period before the contracts expire. The project to extract the   Reserve estimates have been estimated with deterministic
          hydrocarbons must have commenced or the operator must    methodology, with the exception of the North West Shelf gas
          be reasonably certain that it will commence within a reasonable   operation in Australia, where probabilistic methodology has been
          time. As specified in SEC Rule 4-10(a) of Regulation S-X, oil    used to estimate and aggregate reserves for the reservoirs
          and gas prices are taken as the unweighted average of the   dedicated to the gas project only. The probabilistic based portion
          corresponding first day of the month prices for the 12 months    of these reserves totals 12 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMboe)
          prior to the ending date of the period covered.    in FY2020, 16 MMboe in FY2019 and 23 MMboe in FY2018. These
          Proved reserves were estimated by reference to available well    amounts represent approximately 2 per cent of our total reported
                                                             proved reserves in FY2020, FY2019 and FY2018. Total boe
          and reservoir information, including but not limited to well logs,   conversion is based on the following: 6,000 standard cubic feet
          well test data, core data, production and pressure data, geologic   (scf) of natural gas equals 1 boe. Aggregation of proved reserves
          data, seismic data and in some cases, to similar data from   beyond the field/project level has been performed by arithmetic
          analogous, producing reservoirs. A wide range of engineering    summation. Due to portfolio effects, aggregates of proved reserves
          and geoscience methods, including performance analysis,   may be conservative. The custody transfer point(s) or point(s) of
          numerical simulation, well analogues and geologic studies    sale applicable for each field or project are the reference point for
          were used to estimate high confidence proved developed and   reserves. The reserves replacement ratio is the change in reserves
          undeveloped reserves in accordance with SEC regulations.   during the year excluding production, divided by the production
                                                             during the year and stated as a percentage.

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