Page 285 - Annual Report 2020
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Millions of barrels                                        Australia  United States  Other  (b)  Total
            Proved developed and undeveloped oil and condensate reserves  (a)
            Reserves at 30 June 2017                                      88.6      340.7        26.0      455.3  (c)   Strategic Report
            Improved recovery                                               –          –          –           –
            Revisions of previous estimates                                (1.6)      41.2        0.6       40.1
            Extensions and discoveries                                      –         27.6        –         27.6
            Purchase/sales of reserves                                      –         (0.7)       –          (0.7)
            Production                                                    (16.5)     (46.9)      (4.6)      (68.1)
            Total changes                                                 (18.2)      21.1       (4.0)       (1.1)
            Reserves at 30 June 2018                                      70.5       361.8  (c)    21.9    454.2
            Improved recovery                                               –          –          –           –
            Revisions of previous estimates                                7.8        25.9        1.0       34.7
            Extensions and discoveries                                     0.0        0.8         –          0.9
            Purchase/sales of reserves                                      –        (79.7)       –         (79.7)  Governance at BHP
            Production                                                    (14.4)     (34.5)      (4.9)      (53.7)
            Total changes                                                  (6.5)     (87.5)      (3.9)      (97.9)
            Reserves at 30 June 2019                                      63.9       274.4       18.0      356.3
            Improved recovery                                               –          –          –           –
            Revisions of previous estimates                                0.9        21.3       (0.7)       21.5
            Extensions and discoveries                                     1.8         –          5.0        6.7
            Purchase/sales of reserves                                      –          –          –           –
            Production                                                    (14.0)     (23.3)      (3.8)      (41.2)
            Total changes                                                 (11.3)      (2.0)       0.4       (13.0)
            Reserves at 30 June 2020                                      52.6       272.3       18.4      343.4    Remuneration Report
            Proved developed oil and condensate reserves
            as of 30 June 2017                                            76.2       162.3       21.9      260.5
            as of 30 June 2018                                            60.5       181.2       19.2      260.8
            as of 30 June 2019                                            59.0       128.9       16.3      204.2
            Developed reserves as of 30 June 2020                         46.7       131.0       11.9      189.6
            Proved undeveloped oil and condensate reserves
            as of 30 June 2017                                            12.4       178.4        4.0       194.8   Directors’ Report
            as of 30 June 2018                                            10.0       180.7        2.8       193.4
            as of 30 June 2019                                             5.0       145.4        1.7       152.1
            Undeveloped reserves as of 30 June 2020                        6.0       141.3        6.5      153.8
           (a) Small differences are due to rounding to first decimal place.
           (b) ‘Other’ comprises Algeria,Trinidad and Tobago and the United Kingdom (sold in FY2019).
           (c) For FY2017 and FY2018 amounts include 73.0 and 86.1 million barrels respectively attributable to discontinued operations of Onshore US.  Financial Statements


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