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6.4.2 Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves

          The statement of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves presented   These include:
          in this Annual Report has been produced in accordance with the   •  standard BHP procedures for public reporting aligned with
          Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) Listing Rules Chapter 5 2014   current regulatory requirements;
          and the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results,   •  independent audits of new and materially changed estimates;
          Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves, December 2012 (JORC Code).   •  annual reconciliation performance metrics to validate reserves
          The JORC Code requires the use of reasonable investment   estimates for operating mines;
          assumptions when reporting reserves. As a result, management   •  internal technical assessments of resource and reserve
          predicts sales prices, based on supply and demand forecast and   estimates are conducted on a frequency that is informed by
          current and long-term historical average price trends.  asset materiality and annual risk reviews.
          The Ore Reserves tabulated are held within existing, permitted   The Technical Centre of Excellence manages assurance and
          mining tenements. BHP’s mineral leases are of sufficient duration   functional leadership for and reporting of Mineral Resources
          (or convey a legal right to renew for sufficient duration) to enable   and Ore Reserves supported by the above controls.
          all reserves on the leased properties to be mined in accordance
          with current production schedules. Our Ore Reserves may include   Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves are presented in the
          areas where some additional approvals remain outstanding, but   accompanying tables.
          where, based on the technical investigations we carry out as part
          of our planning process and our knowledge and experience of the
          approvals process, we expect that such approvals will be obtained
          as part of the normal course of business and within the time frame
          required by the current life of mine schedule.
          The information in this Annual Report relating to Mineral Resources
          and Ore Reserves is based on and fairly represents information
          and supporting documentation compiled by Competent Persons
          (as defined in the JORC Code). All Competent Persons have, at
          the time of reporting, sufficient experience relevant to the style
          of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to
          the activity they are undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person.
          At the reporting date, each Competent Person listed in this Annual
          Report is an employee of BHP or a company in which BHP has
          a controlling interest (unless otherwise noted) and is a Member
          or Fellow of the AusIMM or AIG or a Recognised Professional
          Organisation. Each Competent Person consents to the inclusion
          in this Annual Report of the matters based on his or her information
          in the form and context in which it appears.
          All Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves presented are reported
          in 100 per cent terms (unless otherwise stated) and represent
          estimates at 30 June 2020. Tonnes are reported as dry metric
          tonnes (unless otherwise stated). All tonnes and grade/quality
          information have been rounded, hence small differences may
          be present in the totals. The Measured and Indicated Mineral
          Resources are inclusive of those Mineral Resources modified
          to produce the Ore Reserves. The information contained in this
          document differs in certain respects from that reported to the SEC.
          Reserve reporting requirements for SEC filings in the United States
          are specified in Industry Guide 7, with economic assumptions
          based on current economic conditions that may differ to the JORC
          Code’s reasonable investment assumptions. Accordingly, a SEC
          pricing assumptions test is performed with reserve estimates
          derived under the JORC Code compared to those derived
          assuming ‘current economic conditions’. Reserves disclosed
          in the United States will differ if the SEC pricing assumption test
          indicates reserves lower than those reported under the JORC
          Code in Australia and the United Kingdom and/or Inferred Mineral
          Resources are included in the mine plan. BHP applies assurance
          arrangements and internal controls to verify the estimates and
          estimation process for Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves.

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