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          Ore Reserves
          As at 30 June 2020                                                                                                                                                                              As at 30 June 2019
                                                       Proved Reserves                  Probable Reserves                                       Total Reserves            Reserve    BHP               Total Reserves            Reserve
          Commodity                                                                                                                                                          Life    Interest                                       Life
          Deposit  (1) (7) (8) (9)  Ore Type    Mt   %TCu  %SCu  ppmMo            Mt  %TCu   %SCu  ppmMo                                Mt   %TCu   %SCu   ppmMo           (years)    %       Mt    %TCu   %SCu  ppmMo            (years)
          Copper Operations
          Escondida  (10)   Oxide                77   0.64    −      −           129   0.55     −     −                                206    0.58     −      −              58      57.5    228    0.60      −      −              58
                            Sulphide          3,420   0.70    −      −          1,790  0.57     −     −                               5,210   0.66     −      −                             5,420   0.65      −      −
                            Sulphide Leach     1,330  0.42    −      −           326   0.41     −     −                               1,660   0.42     −      −                             1,670   0.42      −      −
          Cerro Colorado  (11)  Oxide           29    0.58  0.42     −           6.0   0.58   0.42    −                                35     0.58   0.42     −              3.4     100      41    0.58    0.42     −              4.3
                            Supergene Sulphide   14   0.57   0.17    −           4.0   0.63   0.15    −                                 18    0.58   0.17     −                               24     0.61   0.15     −
                            Transitional Sulphide  12  0.51  0.10    −            1.6  0.51  0.09     −                                 14    0.51   0.10     −                               17    0.49    0.10     −
          Spence  (12)      Oxide                31   0.61  0.42     −           0.11  0.95   0.63    −                                 31    0.61   0.42     −              36      100      21    0.63    0.42     −              46
                            Oxide Low Solubility  9.9  0.68  0.29    −          0.59   0.56   0.31    −                                 10    0.67   0.30     −                               14    0.68    0.28     −
                            Supergene Sulphide  100   0.62  0.10     −           6.6   0.43  0.08     −                                107    0.61   0.10     −                               131   0.64    0.13     −
                            Transitional Sulphide  22  0.67  0.05  100           0.51  0.53  0.04    60                                 23    0.66   0.05     95                              20    0.67    0.06   100
                            Hypogene Sulphide   615   0.46  0.02   180           694   0.46  0.02    130                              1,310   0.46   0.02    150                             1,310  0.45    0.02   160
                            ROM                  −      −     −      −             −     −      −     −                                 −       −      −      −                              0.74   0.65    0.06     −
          Copper Uranium Gold Operations        Mt    %Cu  kg/tU 3 O 8  g/tAu  g/tAg  Mt  %Cu  kg/tU 3 O 8  g/tAu  g/tAg                Mt    %Cu  kg/tU 3 O 8  g/tAu  g/tAg                  Mt    %Cu  kg/tU 3 O 8  g/tAu  g/tAg
          Olympic Dam  (13)  UG Sulphide        210   1.92  0.58   0.74    4     238   1.85  0.56   0.65    4                          448    1.88   0.57   0.69      4      43      100     537     1.87   0.57   0.71     4       54
                            Low-grade            −      −     −      −     −      25   0.86   0.29  0.34     2                          25    0.86   0.29   0.34      2                       24    0.99    0.33   0.40     2
          Copper Zinc Operations                Mt    %Cu   %Zn   g/tAg  ppmMo    Mt   %Cu    %Zn  g/tAg  ppmMo                         Mt    %Cu    %Zn    g/tAg  ppmMo                      Mt    %Cu     %Zn   g/tAg  ppmMo
          Antamina  (14)    Sulphide Cu only    137   0.92   0.12    6    350    108   0.97   0.15    8    330                         245    0.94   0.13     7     340       7.7   33.75    266    0.97    0.16     7     370      8.8
                            Sulphide Cu-Zn      69    0.89  2.09    13    80      94   0.82   2.18   13     80                         163    0.85    2.14    13     80                      202    0.82    1.97    15     70
          (7)  Approximate drill hole spacings used to classify the reserves were:
             Deposit        Proved Reserves                  Probable Reserves
             Escondida      Oxide: 30m x 30m                 Oxide: 45m x 45m
                            Sulphide: 50m x 50m              Sulphide: 90m x 90m
                            Sulphide Leach: 60m x 60m        Sulphide Leach: 115m x 115m
             Cerro Colorado  40m to 50m                      100m
             Spence         Oxide & Oxide Low Solubility: maximum 50m x 50m  100m x 100m for all Ore Types
                            Supergene Sulphide, Transitional Sulphide &
                            Hypogene Sulphide: maximum 70m x 70m
             Olympic Dam    20m to 35m                       35m to 70m
             Antamina       25m to 45m                       40m to 80m
          (8)   Ore delivered to process plant.
          (9)   Metallurgical recoveries for the operations were:
             Deposit        Metallurgical Recovery
             Escondida      Oxide: 59%
                            Sulphide: 83%
                            Sulphide Leach: 42%
             Cerro Colorado  Oxide: 75%
                            Supergene Sulphide: 80%
                            Transitional Sulphide: 65%
             Spence         Oxide & Oxide Low Solubility: 80%
                            Supergene Sulphide: 82%
                            Transitional Sulphide & Hypogene Sulphide:
                            Cu 86%, Mo 56%
             Olympic Dam    Cu 94%, U 3 O 8  68%, Au 70%, Ag 63%
             Antamina       Sulphide Cu only: Cu 93%, Zn 0%, Ag 80%, Mo 65%
                            Sulphide Cu-Zn: Cu 78%, Zn 80%, Ag 63%, Mo 0%
          (10) Escondida – The decrease in Oxide ore type was mainly due to depletion. Incorporated within the Reserve Life calculation were Oxide and Sulphide Leach ore types,
            which contribute 10 years and 24 years respectively.
          (11)  Cerro Colorado – The decrease in Ore Reserves was mainly due to depletion with Reserve Life constrained by mining permit expiry in 2023. Transitional Sulphide ore
            type recovery based on metallurgical testwork.
          (12)  Spence – The increase in Oxide and Transitional Sulphide ore types was due to an update in the resource estimate supported by additional drilling. The decrease in
            Oxide Low Solubility, Supergene Sulphide and ROM ore types was mainly due to depletion. Reduction in Reserve Life from 46 years to 36 years was mainly due to
            increased overall processing rate assumptions. Transitional Sulphide and Hypogene Sulphide ore type recoveries are based on metallurgical testwork.
          (13) Olympic Dam – The decrease in UG Sulphide ore type and reduction in Reserve Life was due to updated commodity prices, mine stope design changes and
            modifying factors partially offset by an update in the resource estimate supported by additional drilling.
          (14) Antamina – The decrease in the Ore Reserves and reduction in Reserve Life was mainly due to depletion partially offset by an update in the resource estimate and
            changes to reserves classification.

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