Page 296 - Annual Report 2020
P. 296

Iron Ore

          Mineral Resources
          As at 30 June 2020                                                                                                                                                                                      As at 30 June 2019
                                                      Measured Resources                Indicated Resources                                 Inferred Resources              Total Resources         BHP           Total Resources
          Commodity                                                                                                                                                                               Interest
          Deposit  (1) (2)  Ore Type            Mt  %Fe   %P  %SiO 2  %Al 2 O 3  %LOI  Mt  %Fe  %P  %SiO 2  %Al 2 O 3  %LOI          Mt   %Fe  %P  %SiO 2 %Al 2 O 3  %LOI  Mt  %Fe  %P  %SiO 2 %Al 2 O 3  %LOI  %  Mt  %Fe  %P  %SiO 2 %Al 2 O 3  %LOI
          Iron Ore Operations
          WAIO  (3) (4)     BKM               1,870  61.5  0.13  4.1  2.4  4.8  5,140  60.1  0.14  4.9  2.5  5.9                   13,070  58.9  0.14  5.6  2.7  6.7  20,080  59.5  0.14  5.3  2.6  6.3  88  19,650  59.6  0.14  5.2  2.6  6.3
                            CID                540  55.7  0.05  6.4  2.2  11.1  360  56.3  0.06  6.4  2.3  10.3                     920  54.9  0.06  6.7  2.9  11.0  1,810  55.4  0.06  6.6  2.6  10.9   1,850  55.4  0.06  6.6  2.6  10.9
                            MM                1,230  62.1  0.07  2.8  1.6  6.2  2,060  60.3  0.06  4.2  2.1  6.9                   4,800  59.7  0.07  4.5  2.3  7.1  8,090  60.2  0.07  4.2  2.1  6.9    8,140  60.2  0.07  4.2  2.1  6.9
                            NIM                 10  59.0  0.08  10.1  1.2  3.9  120  61.6  0.06  8.0   1.1  1.7                      70  60.4  0.05  10.0  1.2  1.7  200  61.1  0.06  8.8  1.2  1.8       200  61.1  0.06  8.8  1.2  1.8
          Brazil                                Mt  %Fe   %Pc                    Mt  %Fe   %Pc                                       Mt   %Fe  %Pc                   Mt  %Fe  %Pc                          Mt  %Fe  %Pc
          Samarco           ROM               3,340  39.0  0.05                2,150  37.2  0.05                                    950   37.2  0.06               6,440  38.1  0.05                 50  6,440  38.1  0.05

          Ore Reserves
          As at 30 June 2020                                                                                                                                                                              As at 30 June 2019
                                                        Proved Reserves                 Probable Reserves                                        Total Reserves           Reserve    BHP               Total Reserves            Reserve
          Commodity                                                                                                                                                          Life   Interest                                        Life
          Deposit           Ore Type            Mt  %Fe   %P  %SiO 2  %Al 2 O 3  %LOI  Mt  %Fe  %P  %SiO 2  %Al 2 O 3  %LOI           Mt    %Fe    %P  %SiO 2  %Al 2 O 3  %LOI  (years)  %   Mt   %Fe    %P   %SiO 2  %Al 2 O 3  %LOI  (years)
          Iron Ore Operations
          WAIO  (1) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)  BKM  910  63.1  0.12  2.9  2.1  4.3  1,570  62.2  0.13  3.5  2.2  4.8          2,480  62.5  0.13   3.3   2.2   4.6      15      88    2,710  62.3  0.13  3.4    2.2   4.6      17
                            BKM Bene            10  59.8  0.13  6.9  3.5   2.1   10  59.6  0.13  7.4  3.1  2.0                        30    59.7  0.13   7.1   3.3   2.0                     40   59.5   0.13   7.3   3.3   2.1
                            CID                120  57.0  0.05  5.7  1.6  10.7   30  57.9  0.05  5.1  1.5  10.3                       150   57.2  0.05   5.5   1.5   10.6                   300   56.7  0.04   6.4    1.5  10.6
                            MM                 560  62.4  0.06  2.7  1.5  6.0  1,240  61.4  0.06  3.4  1.8  6.5                      1,800  61.7  0.06   3.1   1.7   6.3                   1,760  61.8  0.06    3.1   1.7   6.3
          (1)   The Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves qualities listed refer to in situ mass percentage on a dry weight basis. Wet tonnes are reported for WAIO deposits and
            Samarco, including moisture contents for WAIO: BKM – Brockman 3%, BKM Bene – Brockman Beneficiation 3%, CID – Channel Iron Deposits 8%, MM – Marra Mamba
            4%, NIM – Nimingarra 3.5% and Samarco: ROM – 6.5%.
          (2)   A single cut-off grade was applied in WAIO per deposit ranging from 50–55%Fe. For Samarco the cut-off grade was 22%Fe.
          (3)   WAIO – Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves are reported on a Pilbara basis by ore type to align with our production of blended lump products which comprises BKM,
            BKM Bene and MM ore types and blended fines products including CID. This also reflects our single logistics chain and associated management system.
          (4)   WAIO – BHP interest is reported as Pilbara Ore Reserves tonnes weighted average across all joint ventures which can vary from year to year. BHP ownership varies
            between 85% and 100%.
          (5)   Approximate drill hole spacings used to classify the reserves were:
             Deposit            Proved Reserves     Probable Reserves
             WAIO               50m x 50m           150m x 50m
          (6)   WAIO – Recovery was 100%, except for BKM Bene where Whaleback beneficiation plant recovery was 87% (tonnage basis).
          (7)   WAIO – Iron ore is marketed for WAIO as Lump (direct blast furnace feed) and Fines (sinter plant feed).
          (8)   WAIO – Cut-off grades used to estimate Ore Reserves range from 50–62%Fe for all material types. Ore delivered to process facility.
          (9)   WAIO – Ore Reserves are all located on State Agreement mining leases that guarantee the right to mine. Across WAIO, State Government approvals (including
            environmental and heritage clearances) are required before commencing mining operations in a particular area. Included in the Ore Reserves are select areas
            where one or more approvals remain outstanding, but where, based on the technical investigations carried out as part of the mine planning process and company
            knowledge and experience of the approvals process, it is expected that such approvals will be obtained as part of the normal course of business and within the time
            frame required by the current mine schedule.
          (10) WAIO – The decrease in BKM and BKM Bene ore types was mainly due to depletion. The decrease in CID ore type was due to depletion and changes to the mine plan.
            The reduction in Reserve Life was mainly due to depletion.

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