Page 291 - Annual Report 2020
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Competent Persons                                   Coal
           Copper                                              Coal Resources
           Mineral Resources                                   Goonyella Riverside, Broadmeadow, Red Hill and Bee Creek:
           Escondida, Pampa Escondida, Pinta Verde and Chimborazo:    R Macpherson (MAIG)                           Strategic Report
           R Maureira (MAusIMM) employed by Minera Escondida Limitada  Peak Downs, Nebo West and Wards Well: C Williams (MAusIMM)
           Cerro Colorado: H Matias (MAusIMM)                  Caval Ridge, Blackwater and Togara South: M Godfrey (MAIG)
           Spence: R Ferrer (MAusIMM)                          Saraji and Saraji East: R Saha (MAusIMM)
           Pinto Valley Miami unit: M Williams (MAusIMM)       Norwich Park: C Robertson (MAusIMM)
           Olympic Dam: K Ehrig (FAusIMM), D Clarke (MAusIMM)  Daunia and Poitrel: S Cutler (MAusIMM)
           Antamina: L Canchis (FAusIMM) employed by Minera Antamina S.A.  South Walker Creek: H Strauss (MGSSA)
           Ore Reserves                                        Mt Arthur Coal: B Wesley (MAusIMM)
           Escondida: F Barrera (MAusIMM) employed by Minera    Cerrejón: G Hernandez (MGSSA) employed by Cerrejón Limited,
           Escondida Limitada                                  D Lawrence (MAusIMM) employed by DJL Geological
           Cerro Colorado and Spence: H Martinez (MAusIMM)     Consulting Limited                                   Governance at BHP
           Olympic Dam: M Hamilton (MAusIMM)                   Coal Reserves
           Antamina: F Angeles (PEGBC) employed by Minera Antamina S.A.  Goonyella Riverside: J Holdt (MAusIMM)
           Iron Ore                                            Broadmeadow: R Sharma (MAusIMM)
                                                               Peak Downs: P Gupta (MAusIMM)
           Mineral Resources                                   Caval Ridge : H Mirabediny (MAusIMM)
           WAIO: F Muller (MAusIMM)                            Saraji: G Clarete (MAusIMM)
           Samarco: L Bonfioli (MAusIMM) employed by
           Samarco Mineração S.A.                              Norwich Park: N Mohtaj (MAusIMM)
                                                               Blackwater: A Hardy (MAusIMM)
           Ore Reserves                                        Daunia and Poitrel: G Bustos (MAusIMM)
           WAIO: P K Chhajer (MAusIMM), A Greaves (MAusIMM),    South Walker Creek: A Walker (MAusIMM)              Remuneration Report
           A McLean (MAusIMM), C Burke (MAusIMM)
                                                               Mt Arthur Coal: A O’Rourke (MAusIMM)
                                                               Cerrejón: S Chaudari (MAusIMM) employed by Cerrejón Limited,
                                                               D Lawrence (MAusIMM) employed by DJL Geological
                                                               Consulting Limited
                                                               Mineral Resources
                                                               Jansen: B Németh (MAusIMM), O Turkekul (APEGS)
                                                               Nickel                                               Directors’ Report
                                                               Mineral Resources
                                                               Leinster, Mt Keith, Cliffs, Yakabindie, Venus and Jericho:
                                                               R Finch (MAusIMM)
                                                               Ore Reserves
                                                               Leinster, Cliffs and Venus: C Barclay (MAusIMM)
                                                               Mt Keith and Yakabindie: C Barclay (MAusIMM),
                                                               D Brosztl (MAusIMM)                                  Financial Statements


                                                                                                                    Additional information

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