Page 293 - Annual Report 2020
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 Mineral Resources
 As at 30 June 2020                                                                        As at 30 June 2019       Strategic Report
 Measured Resources  Indicated Resources  Inferred Resources  Total Resources  BHP          Total Resources
 Commodity                                                                 Interest
 Deposit  (1)  Ore Type  Mt  %TCu  %SCu  ppmMo  g/tAu  Mt  %TCu  %SCu  ppmMo  g/tAu  Mt  %TCu  %SCu  ppmMo  g/tAu  Mt  %TCu  %SCu  ppmMo  g/tAu  %  Mt  %TCu  %SCu  ppmMo  g/tAu
 Copper Operations
 Escondida  (2)  Oxide  113  0.65  −  −  −  42  0.58  −  −  −  5.0  0.59  −  −  −  160  0.63  −  −  −  57.5  185  0.63  −  −  −
 Mixed  98  0.58  −  −  −  63  0.47  −  −  −  25  0.44  −  −  −  186  0.52  −  −  −  179  0.51    −     −     −
 Sulphide  5,280  0.61  −  −  −  3,510  0.50  −  −  −  10,200  0.53  −  −  −  19,000  0.55  −  −  −  19,200  0.55  −  −  −
 Cerro Colorado  (3)  Oxide  73  0.61  0.43  −  −  116  0.64  0.45  −  −  6.2  0.58  0.41  −  −  195  0.63  0.44  −  −  100  204  0.62  0.44  −  −
 Supergene Sulphide  44  0.60  0.11  −  −  92  0.61  0.12  −  −  21  0.65  0.10  −  −  157  0.61  0.11  −  −  164  0.62  0.11  −  −
 Transitional Sulphide  78  0.45  −  −  −  110  0.42  −  −  −  29  0.42  −  −  −  217  0.43  −  −  −  207  0.43  −  −  −  Governance at BHP
 Hypogene Sulphide  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  1,500  0.37  −  −  −  1,500  0.37  −  −  −  1,410  0.36  −  −  −
 Spence  (4)  Oxide  36  0.63  0.42  −  −  1.7  0.66  0.42  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  38  0.63  0.42  −  −  100  39  0.64  0.42  −  −
 Low-grade Oxide  0.9  0.23  −  −  −  34  0.20  −  −  −  24  0.14  −  −  −  59  0.18  −  −  −  63  0.18  −  −  −
 Supergene Sulphide  114  0.60  −  −  −  9.6  0.45  −  −  −  0.3  0.43  −  −  −  124  0.59  −  −  −  140  0.65  −  −  −
 Transitional Sulphide  22  0.67  −  100  −  0.5  0.53  −  60  −  −  −  −  −  −  23  0.66  −  100  −  22  0.68  −  −  −
 Hypogene Sulphide  620  0.46  −  180  −  761  0.45  −  130  −  841  0.42  −  90  −  2,220  0.44  −  130  −  2,210  0.44  −  130  −
 Copper Projects
 Pampa Escondida  Sulphide  294  0.53  −  −  0.07  1,150  0.55  −  −  0.10  6,000  0.43  −  −  0.04  7,440  0.45  −  −  0.05  57.5  7,440  0.45  −  −  0.05
 Pinta Verde  Oxide  109  0.60  −  −  −  64  0.53  −  −  −  15  0.54  −  −  −  188  0.57  −  −  −  57.5  188  0.57  −  −  −
 Sulphide  −  −  −  −  −  23  0.50  −  −  −  37  0.45  −  −  −  60  0.47  −  −  −    60   0.47    −     −     −     Remuneration Report
 Chimborazo  Sulphide  −  −  −  −  −  139  0.50  −  −  −  84  0.60  −  −  −  223  0.54  −  −  −  57.5  223  0.54  −  −  −
 Pinto Valley Miami unit  (5)  In situ Leach  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  100  214  0.31  −  −  −
 Copper Uranium Gold Operations  Mt  %Cu  kg/tU 3 O 8  g/tAu  g/tAg  Mt  %Cu  kg/tU 3 O 8  g/tAu  g/tAg  Mt  %Cu  kg/tU 3 O 8  g/tAu  g/tAg  Mt  %Cu  kg/tU 3 O 8  g/tAu  g/tAg  Mt  %Cu  kg/tU 3 O 8  g/tAu  g/tAg
 Olympic Dam  OC Sulphide  3,300  0.66  0.21  0.33  1  3,440  0.61  0.20  0.26  1  3,330  0.60  0.20  0.23  1  10,070  0.62  0.21  0.27  1  100  9,880  0.63  0.21  0.28  1
 UG Sulphide  412  1.74  0.49  0.68  4  524  1.64  0.47  0.59  3  105  1.65  0.40  0.63  3  1,041  1.68  0.47  0.63  3  1,012  1.70  0.48  0.64  3
 Copper Zinc Operations  Mt  %Cu  %Zn  g/tAg  ppmMo  Mt  %Cu  %Zn  g/tAg  ppmMo  Mt  %Cu  %Zn  g/tAg  ppmMo  Mt  %Cu  %Zn  g/tAg  ppmMo  Mt  %Cu  %Zn  g/tAg  ppmMo
 Antamina  (6)  Sulphide Cu only  223  0.83  0.11  6  280  418  0.83  0.13  8  260  589  0.81  0.13  8  290  1,230  0.82  0.13  8  280  33.75  1,200  0.80  0.13  8  280
 Sulphide Cu-Zn  102  0.85  1.84  16  80  226  0.93  1.87  16  90  235  1.00  1.55  15  90  563  0.94  1.73  16  90  601  0.93  1.71  16  90  Directors’ Report
 UG Sulphide Cu only  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  301  1.31  0.22  11  210  301  1.31  0.22  11  210  296  1.28  0.22  13  200
 UG Sulphide Cu-Zn  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  −  171  1.28  1.54  17  80  171  1.28  1.54  17  80  174  1.26  1.35  17  70

              Deposit        Ore Type           Mineral Resources               Ore Reserves
              Olympic Dam    OC Sulphide        Variable between 0.10%Cu and 0.30%Cu  −
                             UG Sulphide        Variable between 0.80%Cu and 1.30%Cu  Variable between 1.10%Cu and 1.40%Cu
                             Low-grade          −                               ≥ 0.65%Cu
              Antamina       Sulphide Cu only   Net value per concentrator hour incorporating    Net value per concentrator hour incorporating
                                                all material revenue and cost factors and includes   all material revenue and cost factors and includes
                                                metallurgical recovery (see footnote 9 for averages).  metallurgical recovery (see footnote 9 for averages).
                                                Mineralisation at the US$0/hr limit is equivalent   Mineralisation at the US$6,000/hr limit is equivalent
                                                0.17%Cu, 3.2g/tAg, 89ppmMo with 6,700t/hr    to 0.17%Cu, 2.2g/tAg, 139ppmMo with 6,700t/hr    Financial Statements
                                                mill throughput.                mill throughput.
                             Sulphide Cu-Zn     Net value per concentrator hour incorporating    Net value per concentrator hour incorporating
                                                all material revenue and cost factors and includes   all material revenue and cost factors and includes
                                                metallurgical recovery (see footnote 9 for averages).  metallurgical recovery (see footnote 9 for averages).
                                                Mineralisation at the US$0/hr limit is equivalent    Mineralisation at the US$6,000/hr limit is equivalent
                                                to 0.07%Cu, 0.59%Zn, 6.1g/tAg with 6,500t/hr    to 0.08%Cu, 0.72%Zn, 8.7g/tAg with 6,500t/hr
                                                mill throughput.                mill throughput.
                             UG Sulphide Cu only  Net smelter return (NSR) value incorporating    –
                                                all material revenue and includes metallurgical                    6
                                                recovery. Only sub-level stoping mining method
                                                at US$53.8/t break-even cut-off was applied,
                                                equivalent to 0.84%Cu, 8.9g/tAg and 220ppmMo.
                                                NSR estimates are based on Cu price of US$3.30/lb,
                                                Ag price of US$19.95/oz and Mo price of US$10.00/lb
                                                and predicted metallurgical recoveries of 89% for
                                                Cu, 77% for Ag and 35% for Mo.
                             UG Sulphide Cu-Zn  NSR value incorporating all material revenue and   –                Additional information
                                                includes metallurgical recovery. Only sub-level
                                                stoping mining method at US$53.8/t break-even
                                                cut-off was applied, equivalent to 0.70%Cu, 1.00%Zn
                                                and 13.8g/tAg. NSR estimates are based on Cu price
                                                of US$3.30/lb, Zn price of US$1.23/lb and Ag price
                                                of US$19.95/oz and predicted metallurgical
                                                recoveries of 78% for Cu, 80% for Zn and 44% for Ag.
              Antamina – All metals used in net value calculations are assumed to be recovered into concentrate and sold.
           (2)   Escondida – The decrease in Oxide ore type was mainly due to depletion and an update in the resource estimate supported by additional drilling. Change in Mineral
              Resources Sulphide ore type cut-off criteria aligned to updated Sulphide Leach Ore Reserves cut-off criteria.
           (3)   Cerro Colorado – The decrease in the Supergene Sulphide ore type was mainly due to depletion.      Shareholder information
           (4)  Spence – The decrease in Low-grade Oxide and Supergene Sulphide ore types was mainly due to depletion. The increase in Transitional Sulphide ore type was due
              mainly to an update in the resource estimate supported by additional drilling.
           (5)   Pinto Valley Miami unit – Project review has been performed and does not currently meet the reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction.
           (6)   Antamina – The decrease in Sulphide Cu-Zn ore type was mainly due to depletion partially offset by an update in the resource estimate supported by
              additional drilling.

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