Page 283 - Annual Report 2020
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Governance                                          was a decrease of 4 MMboe due to lower product prices. Improved
           The Petroleum Reserves Group (PRG) is a dedicated group that   reservoir performance in the Pyrenees operated field added 5 MMboe
           provides oversight of the reserves’ assessment and reporting   partially offsetting the Bass Strait reduction. In the North West Shelf
           processes. It is independent of the various operation teams directly   fields, reserves increased 4 MMboe for better performance and   Strategic Report
           responsible for development and production activities. The PRG    other revisions, however, this increase was offset by product price
           is staffed by individuals averaging more than 30 years’ experience   related reductions of 4 MMboe. In the US Gulf of Mexico, strong
           in the oil and gas industry. The manager of the PRG, Abhijit Gadgil,   reservoir performance and technical studies in the Atlantis, Shenzi
           is a full-time employee of BHP and is responsible for overseeing    and Mad Dog fields added a total of 25 MMboe to proved reserves.
           the preparation of the reserve estimates and compiling the   In the Angostura field in Trinidad and Tobago and the ROD
           information for inclusion in this Annual Report. He has an advanced   integrated development in Algeria, increases of 1 MMboe were
           degree in engineering and more than 35 years of diversified   offset by product price related reductions of approximately 1 MMboe.
           industry experience in reservoir engineering, reserves assessment,
           field development and technical management. He is a 35-year   During FY2020, net revisions reduced reserves by a total
           member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). He has also   of 10 MMboe overall.
           served on the Society of Petroleum Engineers Oil and Gas Reserves   Improved recovery revisions          Governance at BHP
           Committee. Mr Gadgil has the qualifications and experience   There were no improved recovery revisions during the year.
           required to act as a qualified petroleum reserves evaluator under
           the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) Listing Rules. The estimates   Purchases and sales
           of petroleum reserves are based on and fairly represent information   There were no purchases or sales during the year.
           and supporting documentation prepared under the supervision    FY2019 proved reserves
           of Mr Gadgil. He has reviewed and agrees with the information
           included in section 6.4.1 and has given his prior written consent    Production for FY2019 totalled 147 MMboe in sales, which was
           for its publication. No part of the individual compensation for   comprised of 121 MMboe for our conventional fields and 26 MMboe
           members of the PRG is dependent on reported reserves.   that was produced from our US Onshore fields prior to the closure
                                                               of the divestment agreements. In comparison, our conventional
           Reserve assessments for all Petroleum operations were    fields produced approximately 1 MMboe more than in FY2018.
           conducted by technical staff within the operating organisation.   This increase was due to a number of factors, including start-up    Remuneration Report
           These individuals meet the professional qualifications outlined    of the Greater Western Flank Phase B project in the North West
           by the SPE, are trained in the fundamentals of SEC reserves   Shelf in Australia and higher uptime in several fields, which more
           reporting and the reserves processes and are endorsed by the    than offset natural production declines in more mature fields (refer
           PRG. Each reserve assessment is reviewed annually by the PRG    to section 6.3.2 for more information). There was also an additional
           to ensure technical quality, adherence to internally published   5 MMboe in non-sales production, primarily for fuel consumed
           Petroleum guidelines and compliance with SEC reporting   in our Petroleum operations. The combined sales and non-sales
           requirements. Once endorsed by the PRG, all reserves receive    production totalled 152 MMboe for FY2019. For our conventional
           final endorsement by senior management and the Risk and    fields, additions and revisions to reserves added 57 MMboe, which
           Audit Committee prior to public reporting. Our Internal Audit and   replaced 45 per cent of the production in FY2019. As of 30 June 2019,
           Assurance function provides secondary assurance of the oil and gas   our proved reserves totalled 841 MMboe.   Directors’ Report
           reserve reporting processes through the testing of the effectiveness
           of key controls that have been implemented as required by the US   Reserves have been calculated using the economic interest method
           Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.                         and represent net interest volumes after deduction of applicable
                                                               royalty. Reserves of 64 MMboe are in two production and risk-sharing
                For more information on our risk management governance,    arrangements where BHP has a revenue interest in production
                refer to section 2.10.                         without transfer of ownership of the products. At 30 June 2019,
                                                               approximately 8 per cent of the proved reserves were attributable
           FY2020 proved reserves                              to such arrangements.
           Production for FY2020 totalled 109 MMboe in sales with an   Extensions and discoveries
           additional 5 MMboe in non-sales production, which was used   Extensions added a total of approximately 2 MMboe to proved
           primarily for fuel consumed in operations. Total production was   reserves, of which 1 MMboe was added for the Atlantis field in the   Financial Statements
           approximately 13 MMboe lower than conventional production in   US Gulf of Mexico with the balance being added in the Snapper
           FY2019. The decrease was due to a number of factors, including   field in the Bass Strait in Australia.
           natural declines in mature fields, weather events that necessitated
           precautionary shut ins and lower demand as a consequence of the   Improved recovery revisions
           COVID-19 pandemic, (refer to section 6.3.2 for more information).   There were no improved recovery revisions during the year.
           Discoveries, extensions and revisions to reserves added a total
           of 21 MMboe, which replaced 19 per cent of production.    Revisions
           As of 30 June 2020, proved reserves totalled 748 MMboe.   Revisions for FY2019 added a total of 56 MMboe. The largest   6
           Reserves have been calculated using the economic interest method   addition was in the Atlantis field where 28 MMboe was added for
                                                               performance and approval of Phase 3 infill drilling. Other revisions,
           and represent net interest volumes after deduction of applicable   primarily in the Mad Dog field, brought the total revisions for our
           royalty. Reserves of 69 MMboe are in two production and risk-sharing   US Gulf of Mexico assets to 29 MMboe. Additions through revisions
           arrangements where BHP has a revenue interest in production   in Australia totalled 22 MMboe, with the North West Shelf project
           without transfer of ownership of the products. At 30 June 2020,   adding 11 MMboe. The Goodwyn field was the largest component   Additional information
           approximately 9 per cent of the proved reserves were attributable   of this change adding 10 MMboe for strong performance. In the
           to such arrangements.                               Bass Strait, 11 MMboe was added with the largest changes occurring
           Extensions and discoveries                          in the Snapper and Turrum fields, which added 5 MMboe and
           Board approval of the North West Shelf Greater Western Flank   2 MMboe, respectively. In Other geographic areas, 4 MMboe was
           Phase 3 project in Australia added 12 MMboe for development of   added for better performance in the Offshore Angostura project
           the Goodwyn South and Lambert Deep fields. Board approval of   in Trinidad and Tobago, while 1 MMboe was added for improved
           the Ruby development project in Trinidad and Tobago during the   performance in the ROD integrated development in Algeria.
           September 2019 quarter also added 19 MMboe to proved reserves.   Purchases and sales                     Shareholder information
           The Ruby project is comprised of the Ruby oil field and the   The sale of Petroleum’s interests in the US Onshore Permian, Eagle
           Delaware gas field.                                 Ford, Haynesville and Fayetteville fields accounted for reported
           Revisions                                           sales of approximately 464 MMboe. There were no purchases
           In Australia, reserves decreased by 35 MMboe overall due to   during FY2019.
           downward revisions. This reduction was primarily in the Bass Strait
           due to poor reservoir performance in the Turrum field and lower
           overall condensate and natural gas liquids (NGL) recovery from the
           Bass Strait gas fields totalling 40 MMboe. Included in this reduction

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