Page 263 - Annual Report 2020
P. 263

APMs derived from Consolidated Income Statement
           Underlying attributable profit                                                                           Strategic Report

                                                                                    2020        2019       2018
            Year ended 30 June                                                      US$M       US$M        US$M
            Profit after taxation from Continuing and Discontinued operations attributable to BHP shareholders  7,956  8,306  3,705
            Total exceptional items attributable to BHP shareholders  (1)           1,104        818       5,228
            Underlying attributable profit                                         9,060        9,124      8,933
           (1)  For more information, refer to note 3 ‘Exceptional items’ in section 5.1.
           Underlying attributable profit – Continuing operations
                                                                                    2020        2019       2018     Governance at BHP
            Year ended 30 June                                                      US$M       US$M        US$M
            Profit after taxation from Continuing and Discontinued operations attributable to BHP shareholders  7,956  8,306  3,705
            Loss attributable to members of BHP for Discontinued operations            −        342        2,947
            Total exceptional items attributable to BHP shareholders  (1)           1,104        818       5,228
            Total exceptional items attributable to BHP shareholders for Discontinued operations  (1)   −   −  (2,258)
            Underlying attributable profit – Continuing operations                 9,060       9,466       9,622
           (1)  For more information, refer to note 3 ‘Exceptional items’ in section 5.1.
           Underlying basic earnings per share
                                                                                    2020        2019       2018     Remuneration Report
            Year ended 30 June                                                    US cents    US cents   US cents
            Basic earnings per ordinary share                                       157.3      160.3       69.6
            Exceptional items attributable to BHP shareholders per share  (1)        21.9       15.8       98.2
            Underlying basic earnings per ordinary share                            179.2       176.1      167.8
           (1)  For more information, refer to note 3 ‘Exceptional items’ in section 5.1.
           Underlying EBITDA

                                                                                    2020        2019       2018
            Year ended 30 June                                                      US$M       US$M        US$M     Directors’ Report
            Profit from operations                                                 14,421      16,113     15,996
            Exceptional items included in profit from operations  (1)               1,453       952         566
            Underlying EBIT                                                        15,874      17,065     16,562
            Depreciation and amortisation expense                                   6,112      5,829       6,288
            Net impairments                                                          494        264         333
            Exceptional item included in Depreciation, amortisation and impairments  (1)  (409)    −          −
            Underlying EBITDA                                                      22,071      23,158     23,183
           (1)  For more information, refer to note 3 ‘Exceptional items’ in section 5.1.                           Financial Statements


                                                                                                                    Additional information

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