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5.7 Supplementary oil and gas information – unaudited continued
           Changes in the Standardised measure are presented in the following table.
                                                                                    2020        2019        2018    Strategic Report
                                                                                    US$M       US$M        US$M
            Changes in the Standardised measure
            Standardised measure at the beginning of the year                       9,152      10,240      8,242
            Prices, net of production costs                                        (5,633)      3,821      5,540
            Changes in future development costs                                      330        (228)      (358)
            Revisions of reserves quantity estimates  (1)                            (229)      1,268       (166)
            Accretion of discount                                                   1,313       1,178      1,016
            Changes in production timing and other                                   (310)      (618)       946
                                                                                    4,623      15,661     15,220
            Sales of oil and gas, net of production costs                          (2,980)     (5,029)    (5,091)   Governance at BHP
            Acquisitions of reserves-in-place                                           −          −          −
            Sales of reserves-in-place  (2)                                             −      (1,489)      (26)
            Previously estimated development costs incurred                         1,005        545       1,068
            Extensions, discoveries, and improved recoveries, net of future costs    145         (33)       502
            Changes in future income taxes                                          2,265       (503)      (1,433)
            Standardised measure at the end of the year  (3)                        5,058       9,152     10,240
           (1)  Changes in reserves quantities are shown in the Petroleum reserves tables in section 6.4.1.
           (2) Onshore US assets disposal in 2019.
           (3) Standardised measure at the end of the year includes Onshore US assets of US$ nil (2019: US$ nil; 2018: US$1,932 million).
           Accounting for suspended exploratory well costs                                                          Remuneration Report
           Refer to note 11 ‘Property, plant and equipment’ in section 5.1 for a discussion of the accounting policy applied to the cost of exploratory wells.
           Suspended wells are also reviewed in this context.
           The following table provides the changes to capitalised exploratory well costs that were pending the determination of proved reserves for the
           three years ended 30 June 2020, 30 June 2019 and 30 June 2018.
                                                                                    2020        2019        2018
                                                                                    US$M       US$M        US$M
            Movement in capitalised exploratory well costs
            At the beginning of the year                                            1,040        794        668     Directors’ Report
            Additions to capitalised exploratory well costs pending the determination of proved reserves  120  297  186
            Capitalised exploratory well costs charged to expense                       −         (9)       (62)
            Capitalised exploratory well costs reclassified to wells, equipment, and facilities based on the
            determination of proved reserves                                          (6)        (42)         2
            Sale of suspended wells                                                  (65)          −          −
            At the end of the year                                                  1,089      1,040        794

           The following table provides an ageing of capitalised exploratory well costs, based on the date the drilling was completed, and the number    5
           of projects for which exploratory well costs has been capitalised for a period greater than one year since the completion of drilling.
           Exploration activity typically involves drilling multiple wells, over a number of years, to fully evaluate and appraise a project. The term
           ‘project’ as used in this disclosure refers primarily to individual wells and associated exploratory activities.
                                                                                    2020        2019        2018
                                                                                    US$M       US$M        US$M     Financial Statements
            Ageing of capitalised exploratory well costs
            Exploratory well costs capitalised for a period of one year or less      120         210        124
            Exploratory well costs capitalised for a period greater than one year    969        830         670
            At the end of the year                                                  1,089      1,040        794

                                                                                    2020        2019        2018
            Number of projects that have been capitalised for a period greater than one year   14  13        17     Additional information

                                                                                                                    Shareholder information

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