Page 264 - Annual Report 2020
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6.1 Alternative Performance Measures continued
          Underlying EBITDA – Segment
                                                                                            Group and
          Year ended 30 June 2020                                                             items/
          US$M                                               Petroleum  Copper  Iron Ore  Coal  eliminations  (2)  Total Group
          Profit from operations                                 744  1,362  12,310  793       (788)    14,421
          Exceptional items included in profit from operations  (1)  6  1,228  614   18        (413)    1,453
          Depreciation and amortisation expense                 1,445  1,740  1,608  807        512      6,112
          Net impairments                                         12  426      22    14         20       494
          Exceptional item included in Depreciation, amortisation and impairments  (1)   −  (409)   −   −   −  (409)
          Underlying EBITDA                                    2,207  4,347  14,554  1,632     (669)    22,071

                                                                                            Group and
          Year ended 30 June 2019                                                          unallocated
          US$M                                                                                 items/
          Restated                                           Petroleum  Copper  Iron Ore  Coal  eliminations  (2)  Total Group
          Profit from operations                               2,480  2,587  8,426  3,400      (780)     16,113
          Exceptional items included in profit from operations  (1)   −   −   971     −         (19)      952
          Depreciation and amortisation expense                 1,560  1,835  1,653  632        149      5,829
          Net impairments                                         21   128     79    35          1        264
          Exceptional item included in Depreciation, amortisation and impairments  (1)   −   −   −   −   −   −
          Underlying EBITDA                                     4,061  4,550  11,129  4,067    (649)    23,158

                                                                                            Group and
          Year ended 30 June 2018                                                          unallocated
          US$M                                                                                 items/
          Restated                                           Petroleum  Copper  Iron Ore  Coal  eliminations  (2)  Total Group
          Profit from operations                                1,598  4,389  6,656  3,682     (329)    15,996
          Exceptional items included in profit from operations  (1)   −   −   539     −         27        566
          Depreciation and amortisation expense                 1,719  1,920  1,721  686       242       6,288
          Net impairments                                         76   213     14    29          1        333
          Exceptional item included in Depreciation, amortisation and impairments  (1)   −   −   −   −   −   −
          Underlying EBITDA                                    3,393  6,522  8,930  4,397       (59)    23,183
          (1)  For more information, refer to note 3 ‘Exceptional items’ in section 5.1.
          (2) Group and unallocated items includes functions, other unallocated operations, including Potash, Nickel West and legacy assets (previously disclosed as closed mines
           in the Petroleum reportable segment), and consolidation adjustments. Comparative information for the year ended 30 June 2019 and 30 June 2018 have been restated
           to reflect the inclusion of legacy assets in Group and unallocated items.
                                                          Exceptional                   Exceptional item
                                                             items                          included in
                                                          included in                     Depreciation,
          Year ended 30 June 2020               Profit from   profit from  Depreciation and   Net   amortisation and  Underlying
          US$M                                  operations   operations  (1)  amortisation   impairments   impairments  (1)  EBITDA
          Potash                                    (130)       −           3          −          −       (127)
          Nickel West                               (113)       5          68         3           −        (37)
          Corporate, legacy assets and eliminations   (545)   (418)        441       17           −      (505)
          Total                                     (788)     (413)        512       20           −       (669)

                                                                                         Exceptional item
                                                          Exceptional                       included in
          Year ended 30 June 2019                       items included                     Depreciation,
          US$M                                   Profit from   in profit from  Depreciation and   Net   amortisation and  Underlying
          Restated                               operations   operations  (1)  amortisation   impairments   impairments  (1)  EBITDA
          Potash                                    (131)       −           4         −           −       (127)
          Nickel West                                91         −           11        −           −       102
          Corporate, legacy assets and eliminations   (740)    (19)        134        1           −       (624)
          Total                                     (780)      (19)        149        1           −       (649)

                                                                                         Exceptional item
                                                          Exceptional                       included in
          Year ended 30 June 2018                       items included                     Depreciation,
          US$M                                   Profit from   in profit from  Depreciation and   Net   amortisation and  Underlying
          Restated                               operations   operations  (1)  amortisation   impairments   impairments  (1)  EBITDA
          Potash                                    (139)       −           4         −            −      (135)
          Nickel West                                215        −          76         −            −      291
          Corporate, legacy assets and eliminations   (405)    27          162        1            −      (215)
          Total                                     (329)      27          242        1            −       (59)
          (1)  For more information, refer to note 3 ‘Exceptional items’ in section 5.1.

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