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5.7 Supplementary oil and gas information – unaudited continued
          Standardised measure of discounted future net cash flows relating to proved oil and gas reserves (Standardised measure)
          The following tables set out the standardised measure of discounted   Certain key assumptions prescribed under Topic 932 are arbitrary
          future net cash flows, and changes therein, related to the Group’s   in nature and may not prove to be accurate. The reserve estimates
          estimated proved reserves as presented in section 6.4.1 ‘Petroleum   on which the Standard measure is based are subject to revision
          reserves’, and should be read in conjunction with that disclosure.  as further technical information becomes available or economic
          The analysis is prepared in compliance with FASB Oil and Gas   conditions change.
          Disclosure requirements, applying certain prescribed assumptions   Discounted future net cash flows like those shown below are not
          under Topic 932 including the use of unweighted average    intended to represent estimates of fair value. An estimate of fair
          first-day-of-the-month market prices for the previous 12-months,   value would also take into account, among other things, the expected
          year-end cost factors, currently enacted tax rates and an annual   recovery of reserves in excess of proved reserves, anticipated future
          discount factor of 10 per cent to year end quantities of net    changes in commodity prices, exchange rates, development and
          proved reserves.                                   production costs as well as alternative discount factors representing
                                                             the time value of money and adjustments for risk inherent in
                                                             producing oil and gas.

                                                                     Australia    States  (1)  Other  (2)  Total
                                                                       US$M       US$M        US$M       US$M
          Standardised measure
          Future cash inflows                                         11,526      12,997      1,660     26,183
          Future production costs                                     (4,027)     (4,943)     (494)     (9,464)
          Future development costs                                     (4,124)    (3,242)     (433)      (7,799)
          Future income taxes                                           (187)      (880)      (473)     (1,540)
          Future net cash flows                                        3,188      3,932        260       7,380
          Discount at 10 per cent per annum                             (642)     (1,586)      (94)     (2,322)
          Standardised measure                                         2,546      2,346        166       5,058
          Future cash inflows                                         18,292      18,076      1,807      38,175
          Future production costs                                      (4,710)    (4,917)     (459)     (10,086)
          Future development costs                                    (3,860)     (4,516)     (226)      (8,602)
          Future income taxes                                          (2,551)    (1,657)      (711)     (4,919)
          Future net cash flows                                         7,171     6,986        411      14,568
          Discount at 10 per cent per annum                            (1,926)    (3,396)      (94)      (5,416)
          Standardised measure                                         5,245      3,590        317       9,152
          Future cash inflows                                          17,398     28,012      2,124     47,534
          Future production costs                                      (5,345)    (11,182)     (501)    (17,028)
          Future development costs                                     (3,842)    (6,554)      (189)    (10,585)
          Future income taxes  (3)                                     (1,919)    (1,236)      (901)    (4,056)
          Future net cash flows                                        6,292      9,040        533      15,865
          Discount at 10 per cent per annum                            (1,713)    (3,783)      (129)     (5,625)
          Standardised measure                                         4,579       5,257       404      10,240
          (1)  Standardised measure includes Onshore US assets of US$ nil (2019: US$ nil; 2018: US$1,932 million).
          (2) Other is primarily comprised of Algeria and Trinidad and Tobago.
          (3) Future income taxes include credits to be received as a result of Petroleum operations and the utilisation of future tax losses by the Group.

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