Page 233 - Annual Report 2020
P. 233

BHP Group Plc Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended 30 June 2020

                                                                            Share     Capital    Profit
                                                                Treasury   premium   redemption   and loss   Total   Strategic Report
            US$M                                   Share capital   shares     account   reserve  account   equity
            Balance as at 1 July 2019                   1,057        −       518        177     9,588     11,340
            Profit for the year after taxation             −          −         −         −     1,054      1,054
            Other comprehensive income for the year:
             Tax on employee entitlements taken to retained earnings   −   −    −         −         −         −
             Actuarial loss on pension scheme              −          −         −         −         −         −
            Total comprehensive income for the year        −          −         −         −     1,054      1,054
            Transactions with owners:
             Purchase of shares by ESOP trusts             −        (4)         −         −         −        (4)
             Employee share awards exercised net of employee
             contributions net of tax                      −         4          −         −        (4)        −     Governance at BHP
             Accrued employee entitlement for unexercised awards
             net of tax                                    −          −         −         −        4         4
             Dividends                                     −          −         −         −     (3,020)   (3,020)
            Balance as at 30 June 2020                  1,057         −      518        177      7,622     9,374
            Balance as at 1 July 2018                   1,057         −       518       177     12,868    14,620
            Profit for the year after taxation             −          −         −         −      1,372     1,372
            Other comprehensive income for the year:
             Tax on employee entitlements taken to retained earnings   −   −    −         −         −         −
             Actuarial loss on pension scheme              −          −         −         −         −         −     Remuneration Report
            Total comprehensive income for the year        −          −         −         −      1,372     1,372
            Transactions with owners:
             Purchase of shares by ESOP trusts             −        (6)         −         −         −        (6)
             Employee share awards exercised net of employee
             contributions net of tax                      −         6          −         −        (6)        −
             Accrued employee entitlement for unexercised awards
             net of tax                                    −          −         −         −        2          2
             Dividends                                     −          −         −         −     (4,648)   (4,648)
            Balance as at 30 June 2019                  1,057         −       518       177      9,588    11,340
           (1)  Shares held by the Billiton Employee Share Ownership Trust as at 30 June 2020 were 2,771 shares with a market value below US$1 million (2019: 39,719 shares    Directors’ Report
             with a market value of US$1 million).
           The accompanying notes form part of these Parent company Financial Statements.


                                                                                                                    Financial Statements

                                                                                                                    Additional information

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