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Other items

           35 Auditor’s remuneration                                                                                Strategic Report

                                                                                    2020        2019        2018
                                                                                    US$M       US$M        US$M
            Fees payable to the Group’s auditors for assurance services
            Audit of the Group’s Annual Report                                      11.196     6.764       6.585
            Audit of the accounts of subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates    1.262       5.127      5.369
            Audit-related assurance services required by legislation to be provided by the auditor  1.815  1.358  1.363
            Other assurance and agreed-upon procedures under legislation or contractual arrangements  2.003  1.266  10.533
            Total assurance services                                               16.276      14.515     23.850
            Fees payable to the Group’s auditors for non-assurance services
            Other services                                                         0.400       0.013          −     Governance at BHP
            Total other services                                                   0.400       0.013          −
            Total fees                                                             16.676      14.528     23.850

           In FY2020, all amounts were paid to EY or EY affiliated firms. Fees are determined, and predominantly billed, in US dollars.
           In each of FY2019 and FY2018, all amounts were paid to KPMG or KPMG affiliated firms, being the Group’s auditors for these financial years.
           Fees were determined in local currencies and predominantly billed in US dollars based on the exchange rate at the beginning of the relevant
           financial year.
           Fees payable to the Group’s auditors for assurance services
           For all periods disclosed, no fees are payable in respect of the audit of pension funds.                 Remuneration Report
           Audit of the Group’s Annual Report comprises fees for auditing the statutory financial report of the Group and includes audit work in relation
           to compliance with section 404 of the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
           Audit-related assurance services required by legislation to be provided by the auditors mainly comprises review of half-year reports.
           Other assurance services comprise assurance in respect of the Group’s sustainability reporting, economic contribution reporting, and comfort
           letters, and in FY2018, non-recurring fees in connection with the sale of the Onshore US oil and gas assets.
           Fees payable to the Group’s auditors for other services
           Other services comprise tax compliance services of US$0.269 million (2019: US$0.013 million; 2018: US$ nil) and tax advisory services
           of US$0.131 million (2019: US$ nil; 2018: US$ nil).                                                      Directors’ Report

           36 BHP Group Limited
           BHP Group Limited does not present unconsolidated parent company Financial Statements. Selected financial information of the BHP Group
           Limited parent company is as follows:

                                                                                                2020        2019
                                                                                               US$M        US$M
            Income statement information for the financial year                                                     5
            Profit after taxation for the year                                                 8,881       5,820
            Total comprehensive income                                                         8,895       5,830
            Balance sheet information as at the end of the financial year
            Current assets                                                                     8,531       3,804
            Total assets                                                                       53,772      49,111   Financial Statements
            Current liabilities                                                                1,526       1,724
            Total liabilities                                                                  1,826       1,854
            Share capital                                                                       823         823
            Treasury shares                                                                       (5)       (30)
            Reserves                                                                            224         203
            Retained earnings                                                                 50,904      46,261
            Total equity                                                                      51,946      47,257
           Parent company guarantees
           BHP Group Limited has guaranteed certain financing arrangements available to subsidiaries of US$13,404 million at 30 June 2020    Additional information
           (2019: US$11,368 million).
           Under the terms of a Deed Poll Guarantee, BHP Group Limited has guaranteed certain current and future liabilities of BHP Group Plc.
           The guaranteed liabilities at 30 June 2020 amounted to US$8 million (2019: US$10 million).
           BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc have severally, fully and unconditionally guaranteed the payment of the principal and premium,
           if any, and interest, including certain additional amounts that may be payable in respect of the notes issued by 100 per cent owned finance
           subsidiary, BHP Billiton Finance (USA) Ltd. BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc have guaranteed the payment of such amounts when
           they become due and payable, whether on an interest payment date, at the stated maturity of the notes, by declaration or acceleration,
           call for redemption or otherwise. The guaranteed liabilities at 30 June 2020 amounted to US$5,466 million (2019: US$8,716 million).
           In addition, BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc have severally guaranteed a Group Revolving Credit Facility of US$5,500 million
           (2019: US$6,000 million), which remains undrawn.                                                         Shareholder information

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