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5.2 BHP Group Plc

          BHP Group Plc is required to present its unconsolidated parent company balance sheet and certain notes to the balance sheet on a stand-
          alone basis as at 30 June 2020 and 2019. The BHP Group Plc Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with Financial Reporting
          Standard 101 ‘Reduced Disclosure Framework’ (FRS 101). Refer to note 1 ‘Principal accounting policies’ for information on the principal
          accounting policies.

          Parent company Financial Statements of BHP Group Plc

          BHP Group Plc Balance Sheet as at 30 June 2020

                                                                                              2020        2019
                                                                                   Notes      US$M       US$M
          Current assets
          Trade and other receivables – Amounts owed by Group undertakings           2       6,283       8,258
                                                                                             6,283       8,258
          Non-current assets
          Investments in subsidiaries                                                3        3,131       3,131
          Deferred tax assets                                                        4           −           −
                                                                                              3,131       3,131
          Total assets                                                                        9,414      11,389
          Current liabilities
          Trade and other payables – Amounts owed to Group undertakings              5         (32)        (38)
          Provisions                                                                 6           −         (2)
                                                                                               (32)       (40)
          Non-current liabilities
          Pension liabilities                                                       6, 7        (8)        (9)
                                                                                                (8)        (9)
          Total liabilities                                                                    (40)        (49)
          Net assets                                                                          9,374      11,340
          Capital and reserves
          Called up share capital                                                             1,057      1,057
          Share premium account                                                                518        518
          Capital redemption reserve                                                           177         177
          Profit and loss account                                                             7,622      9,588
          Total equity                                                                        9,374      11,340

          The accompanying notes form part of these Parent company Financial Statements.
          Profit after tax and total comprehensive income for the year amounted to US$1,054 million (2019: US$1,372 million). BHP Group Plc is exempt
          from presenting an unconsolidated parent company profit and loss account and statement of comprehensive income in accordance with
          section 408 of the UK Companies Act 2006.
          The Parent company Financial Statements of BHP Group Plc, registration number 3196209, were approved by the Board of Directors
          on 3 September 2020 and signed on its behalf by:

          Ken MacKenzie                     Mike Henry
          Chair                             Chief Executive Officer

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