Page 236 - Annual Report 2020
P. 236

5 Trade and other payables – Amounts owed to Group undertakings

                                                                                              2020        2019
                                                                                              US$M       US$M
          Group relief payable                                                                  17         34
          Amounts owed to Group undertakings                                                    15          4
          Total trade and other payables                                                        32         38
           Current                                                                              32         38
           Non-current                                                                           −           −
          The amounts due to Group undertakings are unsecured and repayable on demand.
          6 Provisions

                                                                                              2020        2019
                                                                                              US$M       US$M
          Employee benefits                                                                      −          2
          Pension liabilities                                                                   8           9
          Total provisions                                                                      8           11
           Current                                                                               −          2
           Non-current                                                                          8           9

                                                                                Employee     Pension
                                                                                 benefits   liabilities   Total
          2020                                                                    US$M        US$M       US$M
          At the beginning of the financial year                                     2          9          11
          Actuarial loss on pension scheme                                            −          −           −
          Charge for the year                                                         −          −           −
          Utilisation                                                                (2)        (1)        (3)
          At the end of the financial year                                            −         8           8

          7 Pension liabilities

          The Group operates the UK Executive fund in the United Kingdom. A full actuarial valuation is prepared by the independent actuary to the
          fund as at 30 June 2020. The Group operates final salary schemes that provide final salary benefits only, non-salary related schemes that
          provide flat dollar benefits and mixed benefit schemes that consist of a final salary defined benefit portion and a defined contribution portion.
          The defined benefit pension scheme exposes BHP Group Plc to a number of risks, including asset value volatility, interest rate, inflation,
          longevity and medical expense inflation risk.
          The Group follows a coordinated strategy for the funding and investment of its defined benefit pension schemes (subject to meeting all local
          requirements). Scheme assets are predominantly invested in bonds and equities.
          Amounts recognised in the BHP Group Plc balance sheet are as follows:
                                                                                              2020        2019
                                                                                              US$M       US$M
          Present value of funded defined benefit obligation                                    14         15
          Fair value of defined benefit scheme assets                                           (6)        (6)
          Scheme deficit                                                                        8           9
          Net liability recognised in the Balance Sheet                                         8           9

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