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13 Related undertakings of the Group

          In accordance with Section 409 of the UK Companies Act 2006 the following tables disclose a full list of related undertakings, the country
          of incorporation, the registered office address and the effective percentage of equity owned as at 30 June 2020.
          Unless otherwise stated, the share capital disclosed comprises ordinary or common shares which are held by subsidiaries of the Group.
          Refer to notes 29 ‘Subsidiaries’, 30 ‘Investments accounted for using the equity method’ and 31 ‘Interests in joint operations’ in section 5.1
          for undertakings that have a significant contribution to the Group’s net profit or net assets.
          Wholly owned subsidiaries  (a)

          Country of incorporation                           Australia
          Argentina                                          Level 14, 480 Queen Street, Brisbane, QLD, 4000, Australia
          Registered office address                                      (t) (u)
          Sarmiento 580, piso 4º – 5º, Buenos Aires, C1041AAL, Argentina  BHP Coal Pty Ltd
                                                             BHP Energy Coal Australia Pty Ltd
          Company Name                                       BHP MetCoal Holdings Pty Ltd  (r) (t) (u)
          BHP Petroleum (Argentina) S.A.                     BHP Minerals Asia Pacific Pty Ltd
                                                             BHP Queensland Coal Investments Pty Ltd
          Australia                                          Broadmeadow Mine Services Pty Ltd
          125 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA 6000, Australia  Central Queensland Services Pty Ltd  (t)
          BHP (Towage Services) Pty Ltd  (t) (u)             Coal Mines Australia Pty Ltd    (t) (u)
                                                             Dampier Coal (Queensland) Proprietary Limited
          BHP Billiton IO Pilbara Mining Pty Ltd                                  (t)
          BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Limited  (r) (t) (u)     Hay Point Services Pty Limited
                                                             Hunter Valley Energy Coal Pty Ltd
          BHP Billiton Minerals Pty Ltd  (f) (r) (t) (u)     Mt Arthur Coal Pty Limited
          BHP Billiton Petroleum (Australia) Pty Ltd
          BHP Billiton Petroleum (Bass Strait) Pty Ltd       Mt Arthur Underground Pty Ltd
                                                             OS ACPM Pty Ltd
                                                                          (t) (u)
          BHP Billiton Petroleum (International Exploration) Pty Ltd      (t) (u)
          BHP Billiton Petroleum (North West Shelf) Pty Ltd  OS MCAP Pty Ltd    (t) (u)
                                                             UMAL Consolidated Pty Ltd
          BHP Billiton Petroleum (Victoria) Pty Ltd
          BHP Billiton Petroleum International Pty Ltd  (r)
          BHP Billiton Petroleum Investments (Great Britain) Pty Ltd  Level 15, 171 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC, 3000, Australia
          BHP Direct Reduced Iron Pty Limited  (t)           Agnew Pastoral Company Pty Ltd
          BHP IO Mining Pty Ltd                              Albion Downs Pty Limited
          BHP IO Workshop Pty Ltd                            BHP (AUS) DDS Pty Ltd  (s)
          BHP Iron Ore Holdings Pty Ltd  (r)                 BHP Aluminium Australia Pty Ltd
          BHP Petroleum Pty Ltd                              BHP Billiton Finance (USA) Limited  (r)
          BHP Towage Services (Boodarie) Pty Ltd             BHP Billiton Finance Limited  (r)
          BHP Towage Services (Iron Brolga) Pty Ltd          BHP Billiton Nickel West Pty Ltd  (t) (u)
          BHP Towage Services (Iron Corella) Pty Ltd         BHP Billiton Olympic Dam Corporation Pty Ltd  (t) (u)
          BHP Towage Services (Iron Ibis) Pty Ltd            BHP Billiton SSM Development Pty Ltd
          BHP Towage Services (Iron Kestrel) Pty Ltd         BHP Capital No. 20 Pty Limited  (r)
          BHP Towage Services (Iron Osprey) Pty Ltd          BHP Group Operations Pty Ltd  (t) (u)
          BHP Towage Services (Iron Whistler) Pty Ltd        BHP Innovation Pty Ltd  (r) (t)
          BHP Towage Services (Mallina) Pty Ltd              BHP Lonsdale Investments Pty Ltd  (r) (t)
          BHP Towage Services (Mount Florance) Pty Ltd       BHP Manganese Australia Pty Ltd
          BHP Towage Services (RT Atlantis) Pty Ltd          BHP Marine & General Insurances Pty Ltd  (r)
          BHP Towage Services (RT Darwin) Pty Ltd            BHP Minerals Holdings Proprietary Limited  (r) (t) (u)
          BHP Towage Services (RT Discovery) Pty Ltd         BHP Nickel Operations Pty Ltd
          BHP Towage Services (RT Eduard) Pty Ltd            BHP Pty Ltd
          BHP Towage Services (RT Endeavour) Pty Ltd         BHP Shared Business Services Pty Ltd  (r)
          BHP Towage Services (RT Enterprise) Pty Ltd        BHP SSM Indonesia Holdings Pty Ltd  (r)
          BHP Towage Services (RT Force) Pty Ltd             BHP SSM International Pty Ltd
          BHP Towage Services (RT Inspiration) Pty Ltd       BHP Titanium Minerals Pty Ltd  (o) (r)
          BHP Towage Services (RT Rotation) Pty Ltd          BHP Western Mining Resources International Pty Ltd
          BHP Towage Services (RT Sensation) Pty Ltd         BHP Yakabindie Nickel Pty Ltd
          BHP Towage Services (RT Tough) Pty Ltd             BHPB Freight Pty Ltd  (r) (t)
          BHP WAIO Pty Ltd  (t) (u)                          Billiton Australia Finance Pty Ltd
          Pilbara Gas Pty Limited  (t)                       The Broken Hill Proprietary Company Pty Ltd  (r) (t) (u)
          United Iron Pty Ltd                                Weebo Pastoral Company Pty Ltd
                                                             WMC Finance (USA) Limited

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