Page 235 - Annual Report 2020
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2 Trade and other receivables – Amounts owed by Group undertakings

                                                                                                2020        2019
                                                                                               US$M        US$M     Strategic Report
            Amounts owed by Group undertakings                                                 6,283       8,258
            Total trade and other receivables                                                  6,283       8,258
             Current                                                                           6,283       8,258
             Non-current                                                                           −          −
           The amounts due from Group undertakings primarily relate to unsecured receivable balances that are at call.
           3 Investments in subsidiaries

                                                                                                2020        2019    Governance at BHP
                                                                                               US$M        US$M
            Investments in subsidiaries (Group undertakings):
            At the beginning and the end of the financial year                                  3,131      3,131

           BHP Group Plc had the following principal subsidiary undertakings as at 30 June 2020:

                                                                                                     Carrying value
                                                                                            Percentage    of investment
            Company                         Principal activity     Country of incorporation  shareholding  US$M
            BHP Billiton Group Limited      Holding company        UK                          100%        3,131    Remuneration Report
            BHP Billiton Finance Plc        Finance company        UK                           99%          0.1
            BHP (AUS) DDS Pty Ltd           General finance        Australia                   100%           –
           BHP Billiton Group Limited, BHP Billiton Finance Plc and BHP (AUS) DDS Pty Ltd are included in the consolidation of the Group.
           During the year, BHP Group Plc received dividends of US$1,000 million (2019: US$1,246 million) from BHP Billiton Group Limited and dividends
           of US$ nil (2019: US$ nil) were received from BHP (AUS) DDS Pty Ltd.
           In accordance with section 409 of the UK Companies Act 2006, a full list of related undertakings is disclosed in note 13 ‘Related undertakings
           of the Group’ in this section.

           4 Deferred tax assets                                                                                    Directors’ Report
           As at 30 June 2020, BHP Group Plc had unused income tax losses of US$658 million (2019: US$605 million), with an associated income tax
           benefit of US$125 million (2019: US$103 million), and other deductible temporary differences of US$14 million (2019: US$17 million) with an
           associated income tax benefit of US$3 million (2019: US$3 million). A deferred tax asset has not been recognised in relation to these losses
           and deductible temporary differences, as it is not probable that future tax profits will be available against which they can be utilised.

                                                                                                                    Financial Statements

                                                                                                                    Additional information

                                                                                               BHP Annual Report 2020  233  Shareholder information
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