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37 Deed of Cross Guarantee

          BHP Group Limited together with certain wholly owned subsidiaries as identified in note 13 ‘Related undertakings of the Group’ in section 5.2
          have entered into a Deed of Cross Guarantee (Deed) dated 6 June 2016. The effect of the Deed is that BHP Group Limited has guaranteed to
          pay any outstanding liabilities upon the winding up of any wholly owned subsidiary that is party to the Deed. Wholly owned subsidiaries that
          are party to the Deed have also given a similar guarantee in the event that BHP Group Limited or another party to the Deed is wound up.
          The wholly owned Australian subsidiaries identified in note 13 ‘Related undertakings of the Group’ in section 5.2 are relieved from the
          requirements to prepare and lodge audited financial reports.
          A Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income and Retained Earnings and Consolidated Balance Sheet, comprising BHP Group Limited
          and the wholly owned subsidiaries that are party to the Deed for the year ended 30 June 2020 and 30 June 2019 are as follows:
                                                                                              2020        2019
          Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income and Retained Earnings                US$M       US$M
          Revenue                                                                            24,514     22,660
          Other income                                                                       2,239       2,881
          Expenses excluding net finance costs                                               (15,415)   (14,610)
          Net finance costs                                                                   (399)       (414)
          Total taxation expense                                                             (2,723)     (2,317)
          Profit after taxation                                                               8,216      8,200
          Total other comprehensive income                                                      12         10
          Total comprehensive income                                                          8,228      8,210

          Retained earnings at the beginning of the financial year                           44,723     48,442
          Net effect on retained earnings of entities added to/removed from the Deed             −         (34)
          Profit after taxation for the year                                                  8,216      8,200
          Transfers to and from reserves                                                       (27)        (31)
          Shares bought back and cancelled                                                       −       (5,199)
          Dividends                                                                          (4,214)     (6,655)
          Retained earnings at the end of the financial year                                48,698      44,723

                                                                                              2020        2019
          Consolidated Balance Sheet                                                          US$M       US$M
          Current assets
          Cash and cash equivalents                                                              7         13
          Trade and other receivables                                                         1,351      4,875
          Loans to related parties                                                            9,116      4,255
          Inventories                                                                         1,887       1,677
          Other                                                                                 76         92
          Total current assets                                                               12,437      10,912
          Non-current assets
          Trade and other receivables                                                           65         40
          Loans to related parties                                                               −          –
          Inventories                                                                          496        326
          Property, plant and equipment                                                      33,735     31,508
          Intangible assets                                                                    261        362
          Investments in Group companies                                                     37,646      33,123
          Deferred tax assets                                                                  688        442
          Other                                                                                 39         59
          Total non-current assets                                                           72,930     65,860
          Total assets                                                                       85,367      76,772
          Current liabilities
          Trade and other payables                                                            3,319      4,790
          Loans from related parties                                                         17,312      13,682
          Interest bearing liabilities                                                         275        104
          Current tax payable                                                                  570        694
          Provisions                                                                          1,042       889
          Deferred income                                                                        7          6
          Total current liabilities                                                          22,525     20,165
          Non-current liabilities
          Trade and other payables                                                              10          8
          Loans from related parties                                                         8,925       7,689
          Interest bearing liabilities                                                         693        143
          Non-current tax payable                                                                −         75
          Deferred tax liabilities                                                             751        542
          Provisions                                                                          2,416      2,136
          Deferred income                                                                       12         14
          Total non-current liabilities                                                      12,807     10,607
          Total liabilities                                                                  35,332     30,772
          Net assets                                                                        50,035      46,000
          Share capital – BHP Group Limited                                                    1,111      1,111
          Treasury shares                                                                       (5)        (31)
          Reserves                                                                             231         197
          Retained earnings                                                                 48,698      44,723
          Total equity                                                                      50,035      46,000

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