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32 Related party transactions

           The Group’s related parties are predominantly subsidiaries, joint operations, joint ventures and associates and key management personnel
           of the Group. Disclosures relating to key management personnel are set out in note 23 ‘Key management personnel’. Transactions between   Strategic Report
           each parent company and its subsidiaries are eliminated on consolidation and are not disclosed in this note.
           •  All transactions to/from related parties are made at arm’s length, i.e. at normal market prices and rates and on normal commercial terms.
           •  Outstanding balances at year-end are unsecured and settlement occurs in cash. Loan amounts owing from related parties represent secured
             loans made to joint operations, associates and joint ventures under co-funding arrangements. Such loans are made on an arm’s length basis.
             Such loans made to joint operations are payable on demand and loans made to associates are due to be repaid by 16 August 2022.
           •  No guarantees are provided or received for any related party receivables or payables.
           •  No provision for expected credit losses has been recognised in relation to any outstanding balances and no expense has been recognised
             in respect of expected credit losses due from related parties.
           •  There were no other related party transactions in the year ended 30 June 2020 (2019: US$ nil), other than those with post-employment
             benefit plans for the benefit of Group employees. These are shown in note 26 ‘Pension and other post-retirement obligations’.
           Transactions with related parties                                                                        Governance at BHP
           Further disclosures related to related party transactions are as follows:

                                                      Joint operations     Joint ventures        Associates
                                                       2020      2019       2020       2019      2020       2019
                                                      US$M       US$M      US$M       US$M      US$M       US$M
            Sales of goods/services                       −         −          −         −          −         −
            Purchases of goods/services                   −         −          −         −     967.276   1,141.230
            Interest income                           1.306      1.532         −         −      2.370      0.826
            Interest expense                              −         −          −         −          −      0.011
            Dividends received                            −         −          −         −     126.187   509.577
            Net loans made to/(repayments from) related parties  4.851  12.539   −       −      12.273    14.547    Remuneration Report

           Outstanding balances with related parties
           Disclosures in respect of amounts owing to/from joint operations represent the amount that does not eliminate on consolidation.

                                                      Joint operations     Joint ventures        Associates
                                                       2020      2019       2020       2019      2020       2019
                                                      US$M       US$M      US$M       US$M      US$M       US$M
            Trade amounts owing to related parties        −         −          −         −     69.490     169.773
            Loan amounts owing to related parties     33.812    40.513         −         −      5.097     10.097    Directors’ Report
            Trade amounts owing from related parties      −         −          −         −      0.473      3.828
            Loan amounts owing from related parties   13.625    15.474         −         −     40.759     33.486


                                                                                                                    Financial Statements

                                                                                                                    Additional information

                                                                                               BHP Annual Report 2020  225  Shareholder information
   222   223   224   225   226   227   228   229   230   231   232