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8 Share capital

                                                                                                BHP Group Plc
                                                                                                2020        2019    Strategic Report
                                                                                               Shares     Shares
            Share capital issued (issued and fully paid)
            Opening number of shares                                                      2,112,071,796  2,112,071,796
            Purchase of shares by ESOP Trusts                                                (185,297)   (274,069)
            Employee share awards exercised following vesting                                 222,245    275,984
            Movement in treasury shares under Employee Share Plans                            (36,948)     (1,915)
            Closing number of shares  (1)                                                 2,112,071,796  2,112,071,796
            Shares held by the public                                                     2,112,069,025  2,112,032,077  Governance at BHP
            Treasury shares                                                                     2,771     39,719
            Other share classes
            Special Voting Share of US$0.50 par value                                             1           1
            5.5% Preference shares of £1 each                                                 50,000     50,000
           (1)  The total number of BHP Group Plc shares for all classes is 2,112,071,796 of which 99.99 per cent are ordinary shares with a par value of US$0.50.
           Refer to note 15 ‘Share capital’ in section 5.1 for descriptions of the nature of share capital held.

           9 Employee numbers                                                                                       Remuneration Report

                                                                                                2020        2019
                                                                                              Number      Number
            Average number of employees during the year including Executive Directors             1           1

           The number above represents a Director of BHP Group Plc. The Directors are remunerated by BHP Group Plc for their services to the Group
           as a whole. No remuneration was paid to them specifically in respect of their services to BHP Group Plc. Details of the Directors’ remuneration
           are disclosed in section 3.3 ‘Annual report on remuneration’.

           10 Financial guarantees                                                                                  Directors’ Report
           Under the terms of a Deed Poll Guarantee, BHP Group Plc has guaranteed certain current and future liabilities of BHP Group Limited.
           At 30 June 2020, the guaranteed liabilities amounted to US$15,230 million (2019: US$13,222 million).
           BHP Group Plc and BHP Group Limited have severally, fully and unconditionally guaranteed the payment of the principal and premium,
           if any, and interest, including certain additional amounts that may be payable in respect of the notes issued by 100 per cent owned finance
           subsidiary BHP Billiton Finance (USA) Ltd. BHP Group Plc and BHP Group Limited have guaranteed the payment of such amounts when they
           become due and payable, whether on an interest payment date, at the stated maturity of the notes, by declaration or acceleration, call for
           redemption or otherwise. At 30 June 2020, the guaranteed liabilities amounted to US$5,466 million (2019: US$8,716 million). Further, BHP   5
           Group Plc and BHP Group Limited have severally guaranteed a Group Revolving Credit Facility of US$5,500 million (2019: US$6,000 million),
           which remains undrawn.
           At 30 June 2020, the liability recognised for financial guarantees was US$ nil (2019: US$ nil).

           11 Financing facilities                                                                                  Financial Statements
           BHP Group Plc is a party to a revolving credit facility. Refer to note 19 ‘Net debt’ in section 5.1.

           12 Other matters
           Note 35 ‘Auditor’s remuneration’ in section 5.1 provides details of the remuneration of BHP Group Plc’s auditor on a Group basis.
           BHP Group Plc had no capital or lease commitments as at 30 June 2020 (2019: US$ nil).                    Additional information

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