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7.6 Share ownership

           Share capital
           The details of the share capital for both BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc are presented in note 15 ‘Share capital’ in section 5    Strategic Report
           and remain current as at 21 August 2020.
           Major shareholders
           The tables in section 3.3.21 and the information set out in section 4.5.3 present information pertaining to the shares in BHP Group Limited
           and BHP Group Plc held by Directors and members of the Key Management Personnel (KMP).
           Neither BHP Group Limited nor BHP Group Plc is directly or indirectly controlled by another corporation or by any government. Other than
           as described in section 7.3.2, no major shareholder possesses voting rights that differ from those attaching to all of BHP Group Limited
           and BHP Group Plc’s voting securities.
           Substantial shareholders in BHP Group Limited
           The following table shows holdings of 5 per cent or more of voting rights in BHP Group Limited’s shares as notified to BHP Group Limited   Governance at BHP
           under the Australian Corporations Act 2001, Section 671B as at 30 June 2020. (1)
                                                             Date of last notice           % of total voting rights  (2)
            Title of class  Identity of person or group  Date received  Date of change  Number owned  2020  2019  2018
            Ordinary shares BlackRock Group    21 November 2019 18 November 2019  176,981,268  6.00  5.46  5.00
            Ordinary shares Vanguard Group         18 June 2020  19 March 2020  177,088,930  6.01    –        –
           (1)  No changes in the holdings of 5 per cent or more of the voting rights in BHP Group Limited’s shares have been notified to BHP Group Limited between 1 July 2020 and
             21 August 2020.
           (2) The percentages quoted are based on the total voting rights conferred by ordinary shares in BHP Group Limited as at 21 August 2020 of 2,945,851,394.
           Substantial shareholders in BHP Group Plc                                                                Remuneration Report
           The following table shows holdings of 3 per cent or more of voting rights conferred by BHP Group Plc’s ordinary shares as notified to BHP
           Group Plc under the UK Disclosure and Transparency Rule 5 as at 30 June 2020. (1)

                                                             Date of last notice           % of total voting rights  (2)
            Title of class  Identity of person or group  Date received  Date of change  Number owned  2020  2019  2018
            Ordinary shares Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited  8 October 2015  7 October 2015  103,108,283  4.88  4.88  4.88
            Ordinary shares BlackRock, Inc.    3 December 2009  1 December 2009  213,014,043  (3)  <10.00  <10.00  <10.00
            Ordinary shares Elliott International, L.P. (4)  4 January 2020  1 January 2020  106,940,721  5.07  5.45  5.45  Directors’ Report
            Ordinary shares Norges Bank         24 February 2020  21 February 2020  85,812,981  4.06  3.07    –
           (1)  There have been three changes in holdings of 3 per cent or more of the voting rights in BHP Group Plc’s shares notified to BHP Group Plc between 1 July 2020 and 21
             August 2020. On 16 July 2020, 20 July 2020 and 21 July 2020 Norges Bank advised changes took place on 15 July 2020, 17 July 2020 and 20 July 2020 respectively.
             The number of ordinary shares it owned in the final disclosure was 105,881,783 or 5.01 per cent of total voting rights.
           (2) The percentages quoted are based on the total voting rights conferred by ordinary shares in BHP Group Plc as at 21 August 2020 of 2,112,071,796.
           (3) The TR1 dated 1 December 2009 showed, as at that date, an interest in 213,014,043 shares which amounted to 9.65 per cent of the BHP Group Plc issued share capital.
             Changes in the share capital of BHP Group Plc since the TR1 was received on 3 December 2009, including certain share buy-backs conducted by BHP Group Plc,
             indicated a formulaic holding above 10 per cent; however, given no revised TR1 has been received by BHP Group Plc, the BlackRock holding is considered to be below
             10 per cent.
           (4) Holding is made up of 4.66 per cent ordinary shares and 0.41 per cent by financial instruments.
           Twenty largest shareholders as at 21 August 2020 (as named on the Register of Shareholders)              Financial Statements
                                                                                          Number of fully   % of issued
            BHP Group Limited                                                               paid shares   capital
            1.  HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited                                  666,307,800     22.62
            2.  J P Morgan Nominees Australia Pty Limited                                  534,089,074     18.13
            3.  Citicorp Nominees Pty Limited <Citibank NY ADR DEP A/C>                    144,595,262      4.91
            4.  Citicorp Nominees Pty Ltd                                                  140,416,220      4.77
            5.  National Nominees Limited                                                  102,305,317      3.47
            6.  BNP Paribas Nominees Pty Ltd <Agency Lending DRP A/C>                       75,828,947      2.57
            7.  BNP Paribas Noms Pty Ltd <DRP>                                              35,922,389      1.22
            8.  Citicorp Nominees Pty Limited <Colonial First State INV A/C>                28,993,633     0.98
            9.  HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited <Nt-Comnwlth Super Corp A/C>      21,035,595      0.71    Additional information
            10. Computershare Nominees CI Ltd <ASX Shareplus Control A/C>                    16,760,114     0.57
            11.  Australian Foundation Investment Company Limited                            13,413,159    0.46
            12. Netwealth Investments Limited <Wrap Services A/C>                            7,996,830      0.27
            13. Argo Investments Limited                                                    7,406,304       0.25
            14. Solium Nominees (Australia) Pty Ltd <VSA A/C>                                6,301,578      0.21
            15. HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited-GSCO ECA                           5,209,719      0.18
            16. BNP Paribas Nominees Pty Ltd Hub24 Custodial Serv Ltd <DRP A/C>              5,077,233      0.17
            17.  Milton Corporation Limited                                                  4,854,921      0.16    7
            18. AMP Life Limited                                                             4,575,652      0.16
            19. HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited <Euroclear Bank SA NV A/C>         4,401,170      0.15
            20. Navigator Australia Ltd <MlC Investment Sett A/C>                            3,672,850      0.12
                                                                                          1,829,163,767   62.09     Shareholder information

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