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7.5.1 Directors                                    7.5.5 Appointment and retirement of Directors

          The Board may exercise all powers of BHP, other than those that are   Appointment of Directors
          reserved for BHP shareholders to exercise in a general meeting.  The Constitution and Articles of Association provide that a person
                                                             may be appointed as a Director of BHP by the existing Directors of
          7.5.2 Power to issue securities                    BHP or may be elected by the shareholders in a general meeting.
                                                             Any person appointed as a Director of BHP by the existing Directors
          Under the Constitution and Articles of Association, the Board of   will hold office only until the next general meeting that includes an
          Directors has the power to issue any BHP shares or other securities   election of Directors.
          (including redeemable shares) with preferred, deferred or other
          special rights, obligations or restrictions. The Board may issue   A person may be nominated by shareholders as a Director of BHP if:
          shares on any terms it considers appropriate, provided that:  •  a shareholder provides a valid written notice of the nomination
          •  the issue does not affect any special rights of shareholders  •  the person nominated by the shareholder satisfies candidature
          •  if required, the issue is approved by shareholders  for the office and consents in writing to his or her nomination as
          •  if the issue is of a class other than ordinary shares, the rights   a Director
           attaching to the class are expressed at the date of issue  in each case, at least 40 business days before the earlier of the
                                                             date of the general meeting of BHP Group Plc and the
          7.5.3 Restrictions on voting by Directors          corresponding general meeting of BHP Group Limited. The person
                                                             nominated as a Director may be elected to the Board by ordinary
          A Director may not vote in respect of any contract or arrangement   resolution passed in a general meeting.
          or any other proposal in which they have a material personal   Under the Articles of Association, if a person is validly nominated
          interest except in certain prescribed circumstances, including   for election as a Director at a general meeting of BHP Group
          (subject to applicable laws) where the material personal interest:  Limited, the Directors of BHP Group Plc must nominate that person
          •  arises because the Director is a shareholder of BHP and is held    as a Director at the corresponding general meeting of BHP Group
           in common with the other shareholders of BHP      Plc. An equivalent requirement is included in the Constitution,
          •  arises in relation to the Director’s remuneration as a Director    which requires any person validly nominated for election as a
           of BHP                                            Director of BHP Group Plc to be nominated as a Director of BHP
          •  relates to a contract BHP is proposing to enter into that is    Group Limited.
           subject to approval by the shareholders and will not impose    Retirement of Directors
           any obligation on BHP if it is not approved by the shareholders  The Board has a policy consistent with the UK Corporate
          •  arises merely because the Director is a guarantor or has given    Governance Code under which all Directors must, if they wish to
           an indemnity or security for all or part of a loan, or proposed loan,   remain on the Board, seek re-election by shareholders annually.
           to BHP                                            This policy took effect from the 2011 Annual General Meetings
          •  arises merely because the Director has a right of subrogation    (AGMs) and replaced the previous system that required Directors
           in relation to a guarantee or indemnity referred to above   to submit themselves to shareholders for re-election at least every
          •  relates to a contract that insures, or would insure, the Director   three years.
           against liabilities the Director incurs as an officer of BHP, but only   A Director may be removed by BHP in accordance with applicable
           if the contract does not make BHP or a related body corporate   law and must vacate his or her office as a Director in certain
           the insurer                                       circumstances set out in the Constitution and Articles of
          •  relates to any payment by BHP or a related body corporate in   Association. There is no requirement for a Director to retire on
           respect of an indemnity permitted by law, or any contract    reaching a certain age.
           relating to such an indemnity, or
          •  is in a contract, or proposed contract with, or for the benefit of,    7.5.6 Rights attaching to shares
           or on behalf of, a related body corporate and arises merely
           because the Director is a director of a related body corporate  Dividend rights
          If a Director has a material personal interest and is not entitled to   Under English law, dividends on shares may only be paid out of
          vote on a proposal, they will not be counted in the quorum for any   profits available for distribution. Under Australian law, dividends
          vote on a resolution concerning the material personal interest.  on shares may be paid only if the company’s assets exceed its
          In addition, under the UK Companies Act 2006, a Director has a   liabilities immediately before the dividend is determined and the
          duty to avoid conflicts of interest between their interests and the   excess is sufficient for payment of the dividend, the payment of the
          interests of the company. The duty is not breached if, among other   dividend is fair and reasonable to the company’s shareholders
          things, the conflict of interest is authorised by non-interested   as a whole and the payment of the dividend does not materially
          Directors. The Articles of Association of BHP Group Plc enable the   prejudice the company’s ability to pay its creditors.
          Board to authorise a matter that might otherwise involve a Director   The Constitution and Articles of Association provide that payment
          breaching their duty to avoid conflicts of interest. An interested   of any dividend may be made in any manner, by any means and in
          Director may not vote or be counted towards a quorum for a   any currency determined by the Board.
          resolution authorising a conflict of interest. Where the Board
          authorises a conflict of interest, the Board may prohibit the relevant   All unclaimed dividends may be invested or otherwise used by
          Director from voting on any matter relating to the conflict. The   the Board for the benefit of whichever of BHP Group Limited or
          Board has adopted procedures to manage these voting restrictions.  BHP Group Plc determined that dividend, until claimed or, in the
                                                             case of BHP Group Limited, otherwise disposed of according to
                                                             law. BHP Group Limited is governed by the Victorian unclaimed
          7.5.4 Loans by Directors                           monies legislation, which requires BHP Group Limited to pay to the
                                                             State Revenue Office any unclaimed dividend payments of A$20
          Any Director may lend money to BHP at interest with or without   or more that have remained unclaimed for over 12 months.
          security or may, for a commission or profit, guarantee the
          repayment of any money borrowed by BHP and underwrite or   In the case of BHP Group Plc, any dividend unclaimed after a
          guarantee the subscription of shares or securities of BHP or of    period of 12 years from the date the dividend was determined or
          any corporation in which BHP may be interested without being   became due for payment will be forfeited and returned to BHP
          disqualified as a Director and without being liable to account to   Group Plc.
          BHP for any commission or profit.

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