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DLC Dividend Share                                  Cross guarantees
           Each of BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc is authorised to   BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc have each executed
           issue a DLC Dividend Share to the other company or a wholly   a Deed Poll Guarantee in favour of the creditors of the other
           owned subsidiary of it. In effect, only that other company or a   company. Under the Deed Poll Guarantees, each company has   Strategic Report
           wholly owned subsidiary of it may be the holder of the share.    guaranteed certain contractual obligations of the other company.
           The share is redeemable.                            This means that creditors entitled to the benefit of the BHP Group
           The holder of the share is entitled to be paid such dividends as    Limited Deed Poll Guarantee and the BHP Group Plc Deed Poll
           the Board may decide to pay on that DLC Dividend Share    Guarantee will, to the extent possible, be placed in the same
           provided that:                                      position as if the relevant debts were owed by both BHP Group
                                                               Limited and BHP Group Plc on a combined basis.
           •  the amount of the dividend does not exceed the cap
             mentioned below                                   Restrictions on takeovers of one company only
           •  the Board of the issuing company in good faith considers paying   The BHP Group Limited Constitution and the BHP Group Plc
             the dividend to be in furtherance of any of the DLC principles,   Articles of Association have been drafted to ensure that, except
             including the principle of BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc   with the consent of the Board, a person cannot gain control of    Governance at BHP
             operating as a single unified economic entity     one company without having made an equivalent offer to the
           The amounts that may be paid as dividends on a DLC Dividend   ordinary shareholders of both companies on equivalent terms.
           Share are capped. Broadly speaking, the cap is the total amount    Sanctions for breach of these provisions would include withholding
           of the preceding ordinary cash dividend (whether interim or final)   of dividends, voting restrictions and the compulsory divestment of
           paid on BHP Group Limited ordinary shares or BHP Group Plc   shares to the extent a shareholder and its associates exceed the
           ordinary shares, whichever is greater. The cap will not apply to    relevant threshold.
           any dividend paid on a DLC Dividend Share if the proceeds of
           that dividend are to be used to pay a special cash dividend on   7.4 Material contracts
           ordinary shares.
           A DLC Dividend Share otherwise has limited rights and does not   DLC structure agreements
           carry a right to vote. DLC Dividend Shares cannot be used to   BHP Group Limited (then known as BHP Limited) and BHP Group   Remuneration Report
           transfer funds outside of BHP as the terms of issue contain   Plc (then known as Billiton Plc) merged by way of a DLC structure
           structural safeguards to ensure that a DLC Dividend Share may only   on 29 June 2001. To effect the DLC structure, BHP Limited and
           be used to pay dividends within the Group. For more information   Billiton Plc (as they were then known) entered into the following
           on the rights attaching to and terms of DLC Dividend Shares,    contractual agreements:
           refer to section 7.5, the Constitution of BHP Group Limited and    •  BHP Billiton DLC Structure Sharing Agreement
           the Articles of Association of BHP Group Plc.       •  BHP Billiton Special Voting Shares Deed
           Joint Electorate Actions                            •  BHP Billiton Limited Deed Poll Guarantee
           Under the terms of the DLC agreements, BHP Group Limited and   •  BHP Billiton Plc Deed Poll Guarantee
           BHP Group Plc have implemented special voting arrangements so   For information on the effect of each of these agreements,    Directors’ Report
           that the ordinary shareholders of both companies vote together as   refer to section 7.3.
           a single decision-making body on matters that affect the ordinary
           shareholders of each company in similar ways. These are referred   Framework Agreement
           to as Joint Electorate Actions. For so long as the Equalisation Ratio
           remains 1:1, each BHP Group Limited ordinary share will effectively   On 2 March 2016, BHP Brasil together with Vale and Samarco,
           have the same voting rights as each BHP Group Plc ordinary share   entered into a Framework Agreement with the Federal Government
           on Joint Electorate Actions.                        of Brazil, states of Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais and certain other
                                                               authorities to establish a foundation (Fundação Renova) that will
           A Joint Electorate Action requires approval by ordinary resolution   develop and execute environmental and socio-economic programs
           (or special resolution if required by statute, regulation, applicable   to remediate and provide compensation for damage caused
           listing rules or other applicable requirements) of BHP Group   by the Samarco dam failure. For a description of the terms
           Limited and BHP Group Plc. In the case of BHP Group Limited,    of the Framework Agreement, refer to section 6.7.  Financial Statements
           both the BHP Group Limited ordinary shareholders and the holder
           of the BHP Group Limited Special Voting Share vote as a single
           class and, in the case of BHP Group Plc, the BHP Group Plc ordinary  7.5 Constitution
           shareholders and the holder of the BHP Group Plc Special Voting
           Share vote as a single class.                       This section sets out a summary of the Constitution of BHP Group
                                                               Limited and the Articles of Association of BHP Group Plc. Where
           Class Rights Actions                                the term ‘BHP’ is used in this section, it can mean either BHP Group
           Matters on which ordinary shareholders of BHP Group Limited may   Limited or BHP Group Plc.
           have divergent interests from the ordinary shareholders of BHP   Provisions of the Constitution of BHP Group Limited and the
           Group Plc are referred to as Class Rights Actions. The company   Articles of Association of BHP Group Plc can be amended only
           wishing to carry out the Class Rights Action requires the prior   where such amendment is approved by special resolution either:  Additional information
           approval of the ordinary shareholders in the other company voting
           separately and, where appropriate, the approval of its own ordinary   •  by approval as a Class Rights Action, where the amendment
                                                                results in a change to an ‘Entrenched Provision’ or
           shareholders voting separately. Depending on the type of Class
           Rights Action undertaken, the approval required is either an   •  otherwise, as a Joint Electorate Action
           ordinary or special resolution of the relevant company.  In 2015, shareholders approved a number of amendments
           The Joint Electorate Action and Class Rights Action voting   to our constitutional documents to amend the terms of the
           arrangements are secured through the constitutional documents    Equalisation Shares (which were renamed as DLC Dividend    7
           of the two companies, the DLC Structure Sharing Agreement, the   Shares) and to facilitate the more streamlined conduct of
           BHP Special Voting Shares Deed and rights attaching to a specially   simultaneous general meetings.
           created Special Voting Share issued by each company and held in   For a description of Joint Electorate Actions and Class Rights
           each case by a special voting company. The shares in the special   Actions, refer to section 7.3.2.
           voting companies are held legally and beneficially by Law
           Debenture Trust Corporation Plc.                                                                         Shareholder information

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