Page 340 - Annual Report 2020
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NGER (National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme)  Operating Model
          The Australian National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER)   The Operating Model outlines how BHP is organised, works and
          scheme is a single national framework for reporting and   measures performance and includes mandatory performance
          disseminating company information about greenhouse gas   requirements and common systems, processes and planning.
          emissions, energy production, energy consumption and other   The Operating Model has been simplified and BHP is organised
          information specified under NGER legislation.      by assets, asset groups, Commercial, and functions.
          Non-operated asset/non-operated joint venture (NOJV)   OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)
          Non-operated assets/non-operated joint ventures include interests   The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is an agency
          in assets that are owned as a joint venture but not operated by BHP.   of the United States Department of Labor that regulates workplace
          References in this Annual Report to a ‘joint venture’ are used for   health and safety.
          convenience to collectively describe assets that are not wholly   Other (with respect to water consumption volumes)
          owned by BHP. Such references are not intended to characterise
          the legal relationship between the owners of the asset.  This includes water volumes used for purposes such as potable
                                                             water consumption and amenity facilities at our operated assets.
          Occupational illness                               Our Requirements
          An illness that occurs as a consequence of work-related activities
          or exposure. It includes acute or chronic illnesses or diseases,   The standards that give effect to the mandatory requirements
          which may be caused by inhalation, absorption, ingestion    arising from the BHP Operating Model as approved by the Executive
          or direct contact.                                 Leadership Team (ELT). They describe the mandatory minimum
                                                             performance requirements and accountabilities for definitive
          OELs (occupational exposure limits)                business obligations, processes, functions and activities across BHP.
          An occupational exposure limit is an upper limit on the acceptable   Previously called Group Level Documents (GLDs), the Our
          concentration of a hazardous substance in workplace air for a   Requirements standards reflect a simpler organisation with
          particular material or class of materials. OELs may also be set for   the purpose of being more user-friendly and easier to read.
          exposure to physical agents such as noise, vibration or radiation.
          OMC (Operations Management Committee)              Paris Agreement
                                                             The Paris Agreement is an agreement between countries party
          Prior to FY2018, the Operations Management Committee had   to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
          responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities   (UNFCC) to strengthen efforts to combat climate change and adapt
          of BHP under the authorities that have been delegated to it by the   to its effects, with enhanced support to assist developing countries
          Board. This included key strategic, investment and operational   to do so.
          decisions, and recommendations to the Board.
          During FY2018 the OMC was dissolved and the Remuneration   Paris Agreement goals
          Committee re-examined the classification of KMP for FY2018 to   The central objective of the Paris Agreement is its long-term
          determine which persons have the authority and responsibility for   temperature goal to hold global average temperature increase to
          planning, directing and controlling the activities of BHP. After due   well below 2°C above preindustrial levels and pursue efforts to limit
          consideration, the Remuneration Committee determined the KMP   the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
          for FY2018 comprised of all Non-executive Directors (the Board),   Petroleum (asset group)
          the Executive Director (the CEO), the Chief Financial Officer, the   A group of conventional and non-conventional oil and gas assets
          President, Minerals Australia, the President, Minerals Americas,    (see ‘Asset groups’). Petroleum’s core production operations are
          and the President, Petroleum. The Committee also determined    located in the US Gulf of Mexico, Australia and Trinidad and
          that, effective 1 July 2017, the Chief External Affairs Officer and   Tobago. Petroleum produces crude oil and condensate, gas and
          Chief People Officer roles are no longer considered KMP.  natural gas liquids.
          Onshore US                                         Platts
          BHP’s petroleum asset (divested in year ended 30 June 2019)    Platts is a global provider of energy, petrochemicals, metals and
          in four US shale areas (Eagle Ford, Permian, Haynesville and   agriculture information and a premier source of benchmark price
          Fayetteville), where we produced oil, condensate, gas and    assessments for those commodity markets.
          natural gas liquids.                               PPE (personal protective equipment)
          OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries)  PPE means anything used or worn to minimise risk to worker’s
          OPEC is a permanent intergovernmental organisation of 13   health and safety, including air supplied respiratory equipment.
          oil-exporting developing nations that coordinates and unifies
          the petroleum policies of its Member Countries.    Quoted
          Operated assets                                    In the context of American Depositary Shares (ADS) and
                                                             listed investments, the term ‘quoted’ means ‘traded’ on the
          Operated assets include assets that are wholly owned and operated   relevant exchange.
          by BHP and assets that are owned as a joint venture and operated
          by BHP. References in this Annual Report to a ‘joint venture’ are   Residual mix
          used for convenience to collectively describe assets that are    The mix of energy generation resources and associated attributes
          not wholly owned by BHP. Such references are not intended to   such as greenhouse gas emissions in a defined geographic
          characterise the legal relationship between the owners of the asset.  boundary left after contractual instruments have been claimed/
          Operational control approach                       retired/cancelled. The residual mix can provide an emission
                                                             factor for companies without contractual instruments to use
          A consolidation approach whereby a company accounts for   in a market-based method calculation. A residual mix is currently
          100 per cent of the greenhouse gas emissions over which it has   unavailable to account for voluntary purchases and this may
          operational control (a company is considered to have operational   result in double counting between electricity consumers.
          control over an operation if it or one of its subsidiaries has the full
          authority to introduce and implement its operating policies at the   SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board)
          operation). It does not account for greenhouse gas emissions from   The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board is a non-profit
          operations in which it owns an interest but does not have operational   organisation that develops standards focused on the financial
          control. Also see the definition for ‘Equity share approach’.   impacts of sustainability.
          Operations                                         Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions
          Open-cut mines, underground mines, offshore oil and gas   Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions are direct emissions from
          production and processing facilities.              operations that are owned or controlled by BHP, primarily emissions
                                                             from fuel consumed by haul trucks at our operated assets, as well
                                                             as fugitive methane emissions from coal and petroleum production
                                                             at our operated assets. Scope 1 refers to direct greenhouse gas
                                                             emissions from operated assets.

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