Page 339 - Annual Report 2020
P. 339

Energy                                              Group
           Energy means all forms of energy products where ‘energy   BHP Group Limited, BHP Group Plc and their respective subsidiaries.
           products’ means combustible fuels, heat, renewable energy,   GWP (Global warming potential)
           electricity, or any other form of energy from operations that are                                        Strategic Report
           owned or controlled by BHP. The primary sources of energy   A factor describing the radiative forcing impact (degree of harm
           consumption come from fuel consumed by haul trucks at our   to the atmosphere) of one unit of a given greenhouse gas
           operated assets, as well as purchased electricity used at our   relative to one unit of CO 2 . BHP currently uses GWP from the
           operated assets.                                    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment
                                                               Report 4 (AR4) based on 100-year timeframe.
           Energy content factor
           The energy content of a fuel is an inherent chemical property    Henry Hub
           that is a function of the number and types of chemical bonds    A natural gas pipeline located in Erath, Louisiana that serves as the
           in the fuel.                                        official delivery location for futures contracts on the New York
                                                               Mercantile Exchange.
           Entrained water includes water incorporated into product and/or   HPI (High potential injuries)          Governance at BHP
           waste streams, such as tailings, that cannot be easily recovered.  High potential injuries (HPI) are recordable injuries and first aid
                                                               cases where there was the potential for a fatality.
           EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
           The EPA is a government regulator working to protect    ICMM (International Council on Mining and Metals)
           the environment.                                    The International Council on Mining and Metals is an international
                                                               organisation dedicated to a safe, fair and sustainable mining and
           Evaporation                                         metals industry.
           Volumes of water that are consumed via evaporation of water    IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards)
           from water storage facilities and for dust suppression activities.
           Evaporation volumes are calculated using both climate and physical   Accounting standards as issued by the International Accounting
           information. Evaporation may be calculated by multiplying the   Standards Board.
           evaporation rate (measured through on-site instruments or sourced   IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)  Remuneration Report
           from meteorological authorities) by the surface areas of the water   The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
           body, or it may be estimated from the change in stored water   is the United Nations body for assessing the science related
           volumes when the other inputs and outputs are directly measured.   to climate change.
           Executive KMP (Key Management Personnel)            IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)
           Executive KMP includes the Executive Director (our CEO), the    The International Union for Conservation of Nature is an
           Chief Financial Officer, the President, Minerals Australia, the   international organisation working in the field of nature
           President, Minerals Americas, and the President, Petroleum.    conservation and sustainable use of natural resources.
           It does not include the Non-Executive Directors (our Board).
           Financial control approach                          KMP (Key Management Personnel)                       Directors’ Report
                                                               Persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing
           A consolidation approach whereby a company reports greenhouse   and controlling the activities of the Group, directly or indirectly.
           gas emissions based on the accounting treatment in the company’s
           consolidated financial statements, as follows:      For BHP, KMP includes the Executive Director (our CEO), the
           •  100 per cent for operations accounted for as subsidiaries,   Non-Executive Directors (our Board), as well as the Chief Financial
             regardless of equity interest owned               Officer, the President (Minerals Australia), the President (Minerals
           •  for operations accounted for as a joint operation, the company’s   Americas), and the President (Petroleum).
             interest in the operation                         KPI (Key performance indicator)
           It does not report greenhouse gas emissions from operations that   Used to measure the performance of the Group, individual
           are accounted for using the equity method in the company’s   businesses and executives in any one year.
           financial statements.                               LME (London Metal Exchange)                          Financial Statements
           Functions                                           A major futures exchange for the trading of industrial metals.
           Functions operate along global reporting lines to provide support   Location-based reporting
           to all areas of the organisation. Functions have specific   Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions based on average energy
           accountabilities and deep expertise in areas such as finance, legal,   generation emission factors for defined geographic locations,
           governance, technology, human resources, corporate affairs,   including local, subnational, or national boundaries (i.e. grid
           health, safety and community.                       factors). In the case of a direct line transfer, the location-based   6
           Gearing ratio                                       emissions are equivalent to the market-based emissions.
           The ratio of net debt to net debt plus net assets.  Market-based reporting
           GHG (Greenhouse gas)                                Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions based on the generators
           For BHP reporting purposes, these are the aggregate   (and therefore the generation fuel mix from which the reporter
           anthropogenic carbon dioxide equivalent emissions of carbon   contractually purchases electricity and/or is directly provided   Additional information
           dioxide (CO 2 ), methane (CH 4 ), nitrous oxide (N 2 O),   electricity via a direct line transfer).
           hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and sulphur   Minerals Americas
           hexafluoride (SF 6 ).                               A group of assets located in Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia,
           GRI (Global Reporting Initiative)                   Peru and the United States (see ‘Asset groups’) focusing on copper,
           GRI works with businesses and governments to understand and   zinc, iron ore, energy coal and potash.
           communicate their impact on critical sustainability issues.  Minerals Australia
           Groundwater                                         A group of assets located in Australia (see ‘Asset groups’). Minerals
           Water beneath the earth’s surface, including beneath the seabed,   Australia includes operations in Western Australia, Queensland,   Shareholder information
           which fills pores or cracks between porous media such as soil,   New South Wales and South Australia, focusing on iron ore, copper,
           rock, coal, and sand, often forming aquifers. For accounting   metallurgical, and energy coal and nickel.
           purposes, water that is entrained in the ore can be considered
           as groundwater (e.g. dewatering, abstraction from bore field,
           ore entrainment).

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