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6.8 Glossary

           6.8.1 Mining, oil and gas-related terms                                                                  Strategic Report
           2D                                                  Crude oil
           Two dimensional.                                    A mixture of hydrocarbons that exist in liquid form in natural
           3D                                                  underground reservoirs, and remain liquid at atmospheric
                                                               pressure after being produced at the well head and passing
           Three dimensional.                                  through surface separating facilities.
           AIG                                                 Cut-off grade
           The Australian Institute of Geoscientists.          A nominated grade above which an Ore Reserve or Mineral Resource
           Anthracite                                          is defined. For example, the lowest grade of mineralised material
           Coal of high rank with the highest carbon content.  that qualifies as economic for estimating an Ore Reserve.  Governance at BHP
           APEGS                                               Dated Brent
           Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists    A benchmark price assessment as of a specified date of the spot
           of Saskatchewan.                                    market value of physical cargoes of North Sea light sweet crude oil.
           AusIMM                                              Electrowinning/electrowon
           The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.  An electrochemical process in which metal is recovered by
                                                               dissolving a metal within an electrolyte and plating it onto
           Beneficiation                                       an electrode.
           The process of physically separating ore from waste material    Energy coal
           prior to subsequent processing of the improved ore.  Used as a fuel source in electrical power generation, cement
           Bituminous                                          manufacture and various industrial applications. Energy coal    Remuneration Report
           Coal of intermediate rank with relatively high carbon content.  may also be referred to as steaming or thermal coal.
           Brownfield                                          Ethane
           The development or exploration located inside the area    A component of natural gas. Where sold separately, is largely ethane
           of influence of existing mine operations which can share   gas that has been liquefied through pressurisation. One tonne
           infrastructure/management.                          of ethane is approximately equivalent to 28,000 cubic feet of gas.
           Butane                                              FAusIMM
           A component of natural gas. Where sold separately, is largely butane   Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
           gas that has been liquefied through pressurisation. One tonne    Field
           of butane is approximately equivalent to 14,000 cubic feet of gas.  An area consisting of a single reservoir or multiple reservoirs all   Directors’ Report
           Coal Reserves                                       grouped on or related to the same individual geological structural
           Equivalent to Ore Reserves, but specifically concerning coal.  feature and/or stratigraphic condition. There may be two or more
           Coal Resources                                      reservoirs in a field that are separated vertically by intervening
                                                               impervious strata, or laterally by local geologic barriers, or by both.
           Equivalent to Mineral Resources, but specifically concerning coal.  Reservoirs that are associated by being in overlapping or adjacent
           Coking coal                                         fields may be treated as a single or common operational field.
           Used in the manufacture of coke, which is used in the steelmaking   The geological terms ‘structural feature’ and ‘stratigraphic
           process by virtue of its carbonisation properties. Coking coal may   condition’ are intended to identify localised geological features
           also be referred to as metallurgical coal.          as opposed to the broader terms of basins, trends, provinces,
           Competent Person                                    plays, areas-of-interest, etc. (per SEC Regulation S-X, Rule 4-10).  Financial Statements
           A minerals industry professional who is a Member or Fellow    Flotation
           of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, or of the   A method of selectively recovering minerals from finely ground ore
           Australian Institute of Geoscientists, or of a ‘Recognised Professional   using a froth created in water by specific reagents. In the flotation
           Organisation’ (RPO), as included in a list available on the JORC and   process, certain mineral particles are induced to float by becoming
           ASX websites. These organisations have enforceable disciplinary   attached to bubbles of froth and the unwanted mineral particles sink.
           processes, including the powers to suspend or expel a member.
           A Competent Person must have a minimum of five years’ relevant   Fly ash                                6
           experience in the style of mineralisation or type of deposit under   The finer particle fraction of coal ash.
           consideration and in the activity that the person is undertaking   FPSO (Floating production, storage and off-take)
           (JORC Code, 2012 Edition).                          A floating vessel used by the offshore oil and gas industry for
           Condensate                                          the processing of hydrocarbons and for storage of oil. An FPSO
           A mixture of hydrocarbons that exist in gaseous form in natural   vessel is designed to receive hydrocarbons produced from nearby   Additional information
           underground reservoirs, but which condense to form a liquid    platforms or subsea templates, process them and store oil until it
           at atmospheric conditions.                          can be offloaded onto a tanker.
           Conventional Petroleum Resources                    Grade or Quality
           Hydrocarbon accumulations that can be produced by a well    Any physical or chemical measurement of the characteristics
           drilled into a geologic formation in which the reservoir and fluid   of the material of interest in samples or product.
           characteristics permit the hydrocarbons to readily flow to the   Greenfield
           wellbore without the use of specialised extraction technologies.  The development or exploration located outside the area
           Copper cathode                                      of influence of existing mine operations/infrastructure.  Shareholder information
           Electrolytically refined copper that has been deposited on the
           cathode of an electrolytic bath of acidified copper sulphate
           solution. The refined copper may also be produced through
           leaching and electrowinning.

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