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6.8.2 Other terms

          AASB (Australian Accounting Standards Board)       BHP shareholders
          Accounting standards as issued by the Australian Accounting   In the context of BHP’s financial results, BHP shareholders refers
          Standards Board.                                   to the holders of shares in BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc.
          Activity data                                      Board
          A quantitative measure of a level of activity that results in greenhouse   The Board of Directors of BHP.
          gas emissions. Activity data is multiplied by an energy factor and/or   Canadian Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program
          an emission factor to derive the energy consumption and greenhouse   (previously listed as ECCC)
          gas emissions associated with a process or an operation. Examples
          of activity data include kilowatt-hours of electricity used, quantity   The Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP) collects
          of fuel used, output of a process, hours equipment is operated,   information on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions annually from
          distance travelled and floor area of a building.   facilities across Canada.
          ADR (American Depositary Receipt)                  Carbon dioxide equivalent (CO 2 -e)
          An instrument evidencing American Depositary Shares or ADSs,   The universal unit of measurement to indicate the global warming
          which trades on a stock exchange in the United States.  potential (GWP) of each greenhouse gas, expressed in terms
                                                             of the GWP of one unit of carbon dioxide. It is used to evaluate
          ADS (American Depositary Share)                    releasing (or avoiding releasing) different greenhouse gases against
          A share issued under a deposit agreement that has been created    a common basis.
          to permit US-resident investors to hold shares in non-US companies   CQCA
          and trade them on the stock exchanges in the United States.  Central Queensland Coal Associates.
          ADSs are evidenced by American Depositary Receipts, or ADRs,
          which are the instruments that trade on a stock exchange in the   Commercial
          United States.                                     Our Commercial function optimises value creation and minimises
          ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission)   costs across our end-to-end supply chain. It is organised around
                                                             our core value chain activities – Sales and Marketing; Maritime and
          The Australian Government agency that enforces laws relating    Supply Chain Excellence; Procurement; and Warehousing Inventory
          to companies, securities, financial services and credit in    and Logistics and Property – supported by short and long-term
          order to protect consumers, investors and creditors.  market insights, strategy and planning activities, and close
          Assets                                             partnership with our assets.
          Assets are a set of one or more geographically proximate operations   Company
          (including open-cut mines, underground mines, and onshore and   BHP Group Limited, BHP Group Plc and their respective subsidiaries.
          offshore oil and gas production and production facilities). Assets
          include our operated and non-operated assets.      Continuing operations
          Asset groups                                       Assets/operations/entities that are owned and/or operated
                                                             by BHP, excluding major assets/operations/entities classified
          We group our assets into geographic regions in order to provide   as Discontinued operations.
          effective governance and accelerate performance improvement.
          Minerals assets are grouped under Minerals Australia or Minerals   Discontinued operations
          Americas based on their geographic location. Oil, gas and   Major assets/operations/entities that have either been disposed of
          petroleum assets are grouped together as Petroleum.  or are classified as held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5/AASB 5
          ASX (Australian Securities Exchange)               Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations.
          ASX is a multi-asset class vertically integrated exchange group    Dividend record date
          that functions as a market operator, clearing house and payments   The date, determined by a company’s board of directors, by when
          system facilitator. It oversees compliance with its operating rules,   an investor must be recorded as an owner of shares in order to
          promotes standards of corporate governance among Australia’s   qualify for a forthcoming dividend.
          listed companies and helps educate retail investors.  DLC Dividend Share
          BHP                                                A share to enable a dividend to be paid by BHP Group Plc to
          Both companies in the DLC structure, being BHP Group Limited   BHP Group Limited or by BHP Group Limited to BHP Group Plc
          and BHP Group Plc and their respective subsidiaries.  (as applicable).
          BHP Group Limited                                  DLC (Dual Listed Company)
          BHP Group Limited and its subsidiaries.            BHP’s Dual Listed Company structure has two parent companies
          BHP Group Limited share                            (BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc) operating as a single
                                                             economic entity as a result of the DLC merger.
          A fully paid ordinary share in the capital of BHP Group Limited.  DLC merger
          BHP Group Limited shareholders                     The Dual Listed Company merger between BHP Group Limited
          The holders of BHP Group Limited shares.           and BHP Group Plc on 29 June 2001.
          BHP Group Limited Special Voting Share             Emission factor
          A single voting share issued to facilitate joint voting by   A factor that converts activity data into greenhouse gas emissions
          shareholders of BHP Group Limited on Joint Electorate Actions.  data (e.g. kg CO 2 -e emitted per GJ of fuel consumed, kg CO 2 -e
          BHP Group Plc                                      emitted per KWh of electricity used).
          BHP Group Plc and its subsidiaries.                Equity share approach
          BHP Group Plc share                                A consolidation approach whereby a company accounts for
          A fully paid ordinary share in the capital of BHP Group Plc.  greenhouse gas emissions from operations according to its share
                                                             of equity in the operation. The equity share reflects economic
          BHP Group Plc shareholders                         interest, which is the extent of rights a company has to the risks
          The holders of BHP Group Plc shares.               and rewards flowing from an operation. Also see the definition for
          BHP Group Plc Special Voting Share                 ‘Operational control approach’.
          A single voting share issued to facilitate joint voting by   ELT (Executive Leadership Team)
          shareholders of BHP Group Plc on Joint Electorate Actions.  The Executive Leadership Team directly reports to the
                                                             Chief Executive Officer and is responsible for the day-to-day
                                                             management of BHP and leading the delivery of our
                                                             strategic objectives.

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