Page 342 - Annual Report 2020
P. 342

6.8.3 Terms used in reserves and resources         6.8.4 Units of measure

          Ag                       P                         %                        ML
          silver                   phosphorous               percentage or per cent   megalitre
                                   Pc                        bbl                      mm
          AI 2 O 3
          alumina                  phosphorous in concentrate  barrel                 millimetre
          Anth                     PCI                       (containing 42 US gallons)  MMbbl/d
          anthracite               pulverised coal injection  bbl/d                   million barrels per day
          Ash                      S                         barrels per day          MMboe
          inorganic material remaining   sulphur             Bcf                      million barrels of oil equivalent
          after combustion         SCu                       billion cubic feet       MMBtu
          Au                       soluble copper            (measured at the pressure   million British thermal units –
                                                             bases set
          gold                                               by the regulator)        1 scf of natural gas equals
                                   SiO 2                                              approximately 1,010 Btu
          Cu                       silica                    boe
          copper                   TCu                       barrels of oil equivalent –    MMcf/d
          CV                       total copper              6,000 scf of natural gas    million cubic feet per day
          calorific value          Th                        equals 1 boe             Mt
          Fe                       thermal coal              CO 2 -e                  million tonnes
          iron                                               carbon dioxide equivalent  Mtpa
                                   U 3 O 8                                            million tonnes per annum
          Insol.                   uranium oxide             dmt
          insolubles               VM                        dry metric tonne         MW
          K 2 O                    volatile matter           GJ                       megawatt
          potassium oxide          Yield                     gigajoule                oz
          KCl                      the percentage of material of   GL                 ounce
          potassium chloride       interest that is extracted during   gigalitre      ppm
          LOI                      mining and/or processing  g/t                      parts per million
          loss on ignition         Zn                        grams per tonne          PJ
          Met                      zinc                      ha                       petajoules
          metallurgical coal                                 hectare                  scf
          MgO                                                kcal/kg                  standard cubic feet
          magnesium oxide                                    kilocalories per kilogram  t
          Mo                                                 kg/tonne or kg/t         tonne
          molybdenum                                         kilograms per tonne      tCO 2 -e
          Ni                                                 km                       tonne of carbon dioxide
          nickel                                             kilometre
                                                             kt                       TJ
                                                             kilotonnes               terajoule
                                                             ktpa                     TJ/d
                                                             kilotonnes per annum     terajoules per day
                                                             ktpd                     TW
                                                             kilotonnes per day       terawatt
                                                             kV                       TWh
                                                             kilovolt                 terawatt hour
                                                             kW                       tpa
                                                             kilowatt                 tonnes per annum
                                                             kWh                      tpd
                                                             kilowatt hour            tonnes per day
                                                             lb                       t/h
                                                             pound                    tonnes per hour
                                                             m                        wmt
                                                             metre                    wet metric tonnes
                                                             m 3
                                                             cubic metre
                                                             thousand barrels per day
                                                             thousand cubic feet
                                                             (measured at the pressure
                                                             bases set by the regulator)

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