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BHP Group Limited                                  7.10 Ancillary information for                                       Corporate directory
          Under current Australian legislation, the payment of any dividends,   our shareholders
          interest or other payments by BHP Group Limited to non-resident
          holders of BHP Group Limited’s shares is not restricted by   This Annual Report provides the detailed financial data and   BHP Registered Offices          BHP Corporate Centres             Commercial Office
          exchange controls or other limitations, except that, in certain   information on BHP’s performance required to comply with    BHP Group Limited            Chile                             Singapore
          circumstances, BHP Group Limited may be required to withhold   the reporting regimes in Australia, the United Kingdom and    Australia
          Australian taxes.                                  the United States.                                                   171 Collins Street                 Cerro El Plomo 6000               10 Marina Boulevard, #07-01
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Marina Bay Financial Centre, Tower 2
                                                                                                                                                                     Piso 18
          From time to time, certain sanctions are adopted by the UN   Shareholders of BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc will receive   Melbourne VIC 3000         Las Condes 7560623                Singapore 018983
          Security Council and/or various governments, including in the   a copy of the Annual Report if they have requested a copy. ADR   Telephone Australia 1300 55 47 57   Santiago                Telephone +65 6421 6000
          United Kingdom, the United States, the EU and Australia. Those   holders may view all documents at or opt to receive a
          sanctions prohibit or, in some cases, impose certain approval and   hard copy by accessing   Telephone International +61 3 9609 3333  Telephone +56 2 2579 5000  Facsimile +65 6421 6800
          reporting requirements on transactions involving sanctioned   or calling Citibank Shareholder Services during normal business   Facsimile +61 3 9609 3015  Facsimile +56 2 2207 6517
          countries, entities and individuals and/or assets controlled or   hours using the details listed in the Corporate directory at the end   BHP Group Plc     United States
          owned by them. Certain transfers into or out of Australia of   of this Annual Report.                                   United Kingdom                     Our agent for service in the United States
          amounts greater than A$10,000 in any currency may also be                                                               Nova South, 160 Victoria Street    is Jennifer Lopez-Burkland at:
          subject to reporting requirements.                 Change of shareholder details and enquiries                          London SW1E 5LB                    1500 Post Oak Boulevard,
          The Australian Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975    Shareholders wishing to contact BHP on any matter relating to their   Telephone +44 20 7802 4000  Houston TX 77056-3004
          (the FATA) restricts certain acquisitions of interests in shares in   shares or ADR holdings are invited to telephone the appropriate   Facsimile +44 20 7802 4111  Telephone +1 713 961 8500
          Australian companies, including BHP Group Limited. Generally,   office of the BHP Share Registrar or Transfer Office listed in the   Group General Counsel & Company
          under the FATA, the prior approval of the Australian Treasurer must   Corporate directory at the end of this Annual Report.  Secretary                     Facsimile +1 713 961 8400
          be obtained for proposals by a foreign person (either alone or   Any change in shareholding details should be notified by the   Caroline Cox
          together with its associates) to acquire 20 per cent or more of the   shareholder to the relevant Registrar in a timely manner.
          voting power or issued shares in an Australian company. Any   Shareholders can also access their current shareholding details    Share Registrars and Transfer Offices  South Africa         United States
          acquisition by a foreign government investor of the voting power    and change many of those details at The website   Australia                   BHP Group Plc Branch Register     Computershare Trust Company, N.A.
          or issued shares in an Australian company will require the prior   requires shareholders to quote their Shareholder Reference   BHP Group Limited Registrar  and Transfer Secretary          150 Royall Street
          approval of the Australian Treasurer to be obtained.  Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN) in order       Computershare Investor Services    Computershare Investor Services   Canton MA 02021
          The FATA also empowers the Treasurer to make certain orders   to access this information.                               Pty Limited                        (Pty) Limited                     Postal address – PO Box 43078
          prohibiting acquisitions by foreign persons in Australian                                                               Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street   Rosebank Towers                   Providence RI 02940-3078
          companies, including BHP Group Limited (and requiring divestiture   Alternative access to the Annual Report             Abbotsford VIC 3067                15 Biermann Avenue                Telephone +1 888 404 6340
          if the acquisition has occurred) where the Treasurer considers the   We offer an alternative for all shareholders who wish to be advised   Postal address – GPO Box 2975  Rosebank 2196      (toll-free within US)
          acquisition to be contrary to the national interest. Such orders may   of the availability of the Annual Report through our website via an                 South Africa                      Facsimile +1 312 601 4331
          also be made in respect of acquisitions by foreign persons where   email notification. By providing an email address through our   Melbourne VIC 3001      Postal address – Private Bag X9000
          two or more foreign persons (and their associates) in aggregate   website, shareholders will be notified by email when the Annual   Telephone 1300 656 780 (within Australia)                ADR Depositary, Transfer Agent and Registrar
          already control 40 per cent or more of the issued shares or voting   Report has been released. Shareholders will also receive   +61 3 9415 4020 (outside Australia)  Saxonwold 2132          Citibank Shareholder Services
          power in an Australian company, including BHP Group Limited.  notification of other major BHP announcements by email.   Facsimile +61 3 9473 2460          South Africa                      PO Box 43077
                                                             Shareholders requiring further information or wishing to make
          The restrictions in the FATA on share acquisitions in BHP Group   use of this service should visit             Email enquiries:  Telephone +27 11 373 0033   Providence RI 02940-3077
          Limited described above apply equally to share acquisitions in BHP                                                      United Kingdom                     Facsimile +27 11 688 5217         Telephone +1 781 575 4555 (outside of US)
          Group Plc because BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc are dual   ADR holders wishing to receive a hard copy of the Annual Report   BHP Group Plc Registrar  Email enquiries:                 +1 877 248 4237 (+1-877-CITIADR)
          listed entities.                                   2020 can do so by accessing      Computershare Investor Services PLC  (toll-free within US)
                                                             hotline/or calling Citibank Shareholder Services during normal
          Except for the restrictions under the FATA, there are no limitations,   business hours. ADR holders may also contact the adviser that   The Pavilions, Bridgwater Road  Holders of shares dematerialised into Strate   Facsimile +1 201 324 3284
                                                                                                                                                                     should contact their CSDP or stockbroker.
          either under Australian law or under the Constitution of BHP Group   administers their investments. Holders of BHP Group Plc shares   Bristol BS13 8AE                                       Email enquiries:
          Limited, on the right of non-residents to hold or vote BHP Group   dematerialised into Strate should liaise directly with their Central   Postal address (for general enquiries)  New Zealand
          Limited ordinary shares.                           Securities Depository Participant (CSDP) or broker.                  The Pavilions, Bridgwater Road     Computershare Investor Services Limited  Website:
          Shareholding limits under the Constitution and Articles    Key dates for shareholders                                   Bristol BS99 6ZZ                   Level 2/159 Hurstmere Road
          of Association                                     The following table sets out future dates in the next financial      Telephone +44 344 472 7001         Takapuna Auckland 0622
          There are certain other statutory restrictions and restrictions under   and calendar year of interest to our shareholders. If there are    Facsimile +44 370 703 6101  Postal address – Private Bag 92119
          BHP Group Limited’s Constitution and BHP Group Plc’s Articles of   any changes to these dates, all relevant stock exchanges (see   Email enquiries:        Auckland 1142
          Association that apply generally to acquisitions of shares in BHP   section 7.2) will be notified.                 Telephone +64 9 488 8777
          Group Limited and BHP Group Plc (i.e. the restrictions are not                                                                                             Facsimile +64 9 488 8787
          targeted at foreign persons only). These include restrictions on a   Date  Event
          person (and associates) breaching a voting power threshold of:
          •  above 20 per cent in relation to BHP Group Limited on a   22 September 2020  Final dividend payment date
           ‘stand-alone’ basis (i.e. calculated as if there were no    15 October 2020  BHP Group Plc Annual General Meeting in London
           Special Voting Share and only counting BHP Group                 Time: 9.30 am (local time)
           Limited’s ordinary shares)                                       Details of the business of the meeting are            How to access information on BHP                                               Economic    Climate
          •  30 per cent of BHP Group Plc. This is the threshold for a      contained in the separate Notice of Meeting                                                                                          Contribution   Change
           mandatory offer under Rule 9 of the UK takeover code and this   14 October 2020  BHP Group Limited Annual General Meeting  BHP produces a range of publications, which are available to
           threshold applies to all voting rights of BHP Group Plc (therefore   Virtual Meeting                                   download at If you are a shareholder, you can also
           including voting rights attached to the BHP Group Plc Special    Time: 5.00pm (local time)                             elect to receive a paper copy of the Annual Report through
           Voting Share)                                                    Details of the business of the meeting are            one of the Share Registrars listed above.
                                                                            contained in the separate Notice of Meeting
          •  30 per cent in relation to BHP Group Plc on a ‘stand-alone’ basis                                                                                                                                   Bringing people and resources    Bringing people and resources
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             together to build a better world
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 together to build a better world
           (i.e. calculated as if there were no Special Voting Share and only   16 February 2021  Interim results announced       Subscribe to receive news alerts                         Read our reports at  Economic     Climate
           counting BHP Group Plc’s ordinary shares)         5 March 2021   Interim dividend record date                          sent directly to your email address                                           Contribution  Change
          •  above 20 per cent in relation to BHP Group Plc, calculated having   23 March 2021  Interim dividend payment date                                                                  Report 2020  Report 2020
           regard to all the voting power on a joint electorate basis (i.e.                                                                        linkedin . com / company  / bhp
           calculated on the aggregate of BHP Group Limited’s and BHP                                                                              youtube . com / bhp
           Group Plc’s ordinary shares)                                                                                                            twitter . com / bhp
          Under BHP Group Limited’s Constitution and BHP Group Plc’s
          Articles of Association, sanctions for breach of any of these
          thresholds, other than by means of certain ‘permitted acquisitions’,
          include withholding of dividends, voting restrictions and compulsory
          divestment of shares to the extent a shareholder and its associates                                                 Designed by Amanda Roach Design
          exceed the relevant threshold.                                                                                                             The papers used in this document are FSC® Recycled and FSC mixed sources   Cover image
                                                                                                                                                     certified. Both stocks are derived from well managed forests and controlled
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Photographer: Steve Baccon
                                                                                                                                                     sources. They are manufactured at mills which carry ISO 14001 certification.
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