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7.8 American Depositary Receipts fees              7.9 Government regulations
          and charges                                        Our assets are subject to a broad range of laws and regulations
                                                             imposed by governments and regulatory bodies. These regulations
          We have American Depositary Receipts (ADR) programs for    touch all aspects of our assets, including how we extract, process
          BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc.               and explore for minerals, oil and natural gas and how we conduct
          Depositary fees                                    our business, including regulations governing matters such as
          Citibank serves as the depositary bank for both of our ADR   environmental protection, land rehabilitation, occupational health
          programs. ADR holders agree to the terms in the deposit   and safety, human rights, the rights and interests of Indigenous
          agreement filed with the SEC for depositing ADSs or surrendering   peoples, competition, foreign investment, export, marketing of
          the ADSs for cancellation and for certain services as provided by   minerals, oil and natural gas and taxes.
          Citibank. Holders are required to pay all fees for general depositary   The ability to extract minerals, oil and natural gas is fundamental to
          services provided by Citibank in each of our ADR programs, as set   BHP. In most jurisdictions, the rights to extract mineral or petroleum
          forth in the tables below.                         deposits are owned by the government. We obtain the right to
          Standard depositary fees:                          access the land and extract the product by entering into licences
                                                             or leases with the government that owns the mineral, oil or natural
          Depositary service         Fee payable by the ADR holders  gas deposit. The terms of the lease or licence, including the time
          Issuance of ADSs upon deposit    Up to US$5.00 per 100 ADSs    period of the lease or licence, vary depending on the laws of the
          of shares                  (or fraction thereof) issued  relevant government or terms negotiated with the relevant
          Delivery of Deposited Securities   Up to US$5.00 per 100 ADSs    government. Generally, we own the product we extract and we
          against surrender of ADSs  (or fraction thereof) surrendered  are required to pay royalties or similar taxes to the government.
          Distribution of Cash Distributions  No fee         Related to our ability to extract is our ability to process the
                                                             extracted minerals, oil or natural gas. Again, we rely on
          Corporate actions depositary fees:                 governments to grant the rights necessary to transport and treat
                                                             the extracted material to prepare it for sale.
          Depositary service         Fee payable by the ADR holders
                                                             The rights to explore for minerals, oil and natural gas are granted
          Cash Distributions (i.e. sale of rights,   Up to US$2.00 per 100 ADSs    to us by the government that owns the natural resources we wish
          other entitlements, return of capital)  (or fraction thereof) held  to explore. Usually, the right to explore carries with it the obligation
          Distribution of ADSs pursuant    Up to US$5.00 per 100 ADSs    to spend a defined amount of money on the exploration, or to
          to exercise of rights to purchase   (or fraction thereof) held  undertake particular exploration activities.
          additional ADSs. Excludes stock
          dividends and stock splits                         In certain jurisdictions where we have assets, such as Trinidad and
          Distribution of securities other    Up to US$5.00 per 100 ADSs    Tobago, a production sharing contract (PSC) governs the
          than ADSs or rights to purchase   (or fraction thereof) held  relationship between the government and companies concerning
          additional ADSs (i.e. spin-off shares)             how much of the oil and gas extracted from the country each party
          Distribution of ADSs pursuant    No fee            will receive. In PSCs, the government awards rights for the
          to an ADR ratio change in which                    execution of exploration, development and production activities
          shares are not distributed                         to the company. The company bears the financial risk of the
                                                             initiative and explores, develops and ultimately produces the field
          Fees payable by the Depositary to the Issuer       as required. When successful, the company is permitted to use the
          Citibank has provided BHP net reimbursement of US$1,157,500 in   money from a certain set percentage of produced oil and gas to
          FY2020 for ADR program-related expenses for both of BHP’s ADR   recover its capital and operational expenditures, known as ‘cost oil’.
          programs (FY2019 US$1,229,094). ADR program-related expenses   The remaining production is known as ‘profit oil’ and is split
          include legal and accounting fees, listing fees, expenses related    between the government and the company at a rate determined
          to investor relations in the United States, fees payable to service   by the government and set out in the PSC.
          providers for the distribution of material to ADR holders, expenses   Environmental protection, mine closure and land rehabilitation,
          of Citibank as administrator of the ADS Direct Plan and expenses    and occupational health and safety are principally regulated by
          to remain in compliance with applicable laws.      governments and to a lesser degree, if applicable, by leases. These
          Citibank has further agreed to waive other ADR program-related   obligations often require us to make substantial expenditures to
          expenses for FY2020, amounting to less than US$0.03 million,   minimise or remediate the environmental impact of our assets and
          which are associated with the administration of the ADR programs   to ensure the safety of our employees and contractors and the
          (FY2019 less than US$0.03 million).                communities where we operate. Regulations setting emissions
                                                             standards for fuels used to power vehicles and equipment at our
          Our ADR programs trade on the NYSE under the stock tickers BHP   assets and the modes of transport used in our supply chains can
          and BBL for the BHP Group Limited and BHP Group Plc programs,   also have a substantial impact, both directly and indirectly, on the
          respectively. As of 21 August 2020, there were 72,246,006 ADRs on   markets for these products, with flow-on impacts on our costs.
          issue and outstanding in the BHP Group Limited ADR program and
          54,440,980 ADRs on issue and outstanding in the BHP Group Plc   For more information on these types of obligations,
          ADR program. Both of the ADR programs have a 2:1 ordinary shares   refer to section 1.7.
          to ADR ratio.
                                                             From time to time, certain trade sanctions are adopted by the
                                                             United Nations (UN) Security Council and/or various governments,
                                                             including in the United Kingdom, the United States, the European
                                                             Union (EU) and Australia against certain countries, entities or
                                                             individuals, that may restrict our ability to sell extracted minerals,
                                                             oil or natural gas to, and/or our ability to purchase goods or
                                                             services from, these countries, entities or individuals.

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