Page 353 - Annual Report 2020
P. 353

Disclosure of Iran-related activities pursuant to section 13(r)   On 30 November 2018, BHP Billiton Petroleum Great Britain Ltd
           of the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934           (BHP GB), a wholly owned subsidiary of BHP, and its co-venturers
           Section 13(r) of the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as   in the Bruce and Keith gas and oil fields offshore United Kingdom
           amended (the Exchange Act) requires an issuer to disclose in its   (BP Exploration Operating Company (BP), Marubeni Oil & Gas (UK)   Strategic Report
           annual reports whether it or any of its affiliates knowingly engaged   Limited (Marubeni) and Total E&P UK Limited (Total)) completed
           in certain activities, transactions or dealings relating to Iran. If   the sale of their interests in the Bruce and Keith gas and oil fields
           applicable, disclosure is required even where the activities,   to Serica Energy (UK) Limited (Serica) (the Bruce and Keith
           transactions or dealings are conducted outside the United States   Transaction). BHP divested its entire licence interests in Bruce
           by non-U.S. persons in compliance with applicable law, and   and Keith but retained the obligation to fund decommissioning
           whether or not the activities are sanctionable under U.S. law.   in accordance with its previous licence interest.
           Provided in this section is certain information concerning activities   The transfer of licence interests and retention of decommissioning
           of certain affiliates of BHP that took place in FY2020. BHP believes   liabilities for the Bruce and Keith co-venturers in the respective gas
           that these activities are not sanctionable either as being outside the   and oil fields is described below:
           scope of U.S. sanctions, or within the scope of a specific licence
           issued by the U.S. Department of the Treasury‘s Office of Foreign                                        Governance at BHP
           Assets Control (OFAC).

                                                          Bruce                              Keith
                                                Pre-sale    Post-sale   Post-sale   Pre-sale    Post-sale   Post-sale
                                                interest  licence interest   decom. interest  interest   licence interest   decom. interest
                                                     %         %           %           %          %          %
            BP                                      37          1         37        34.83         0        34.83
            Total                                43.25          1       43.25         25          0          25
            BHP GB                                  16         0          16        31.83         0        31.83
            Marubeni                              3.65         0           0         8.33         0          0      Remuneration Report
            Serica                                  0          98        3.75          0         100        8.33

           While the sale closed on 30 November 2018, it was effective in   Uranium production in Australia
           economic terms as of 1 January 2018. In addition to initial cash   To mine, process, transport and sell uranium from within Australia,
           consideration received from Serica at completion, BHP   we are required to hold possession and export permissions, which
           subsequently received, and will continue to receive:   are also subject to regulation by the Australian Government or
           •   a share of pre-tax net cash flow attributable to its historic interest   bodies that report to the Australian Government.
             in the Bruce and Keith gas and oil fields of 60 per cent during
             December 2018, 50 per cent in CY2019 and 40 per cent in each   To possess nuclear material, such as uranium, in Australia, a Permit   Directors’ Report
             of CY2020 and CY2021 under a Net Cash Flow Sharing Deed   to Possess Nuclear Materials (Possession Permit) must be held
                                                               pursuant to the Australian Nuclear Non-Proliferation (Safeguards)
           •   a share of projected decommissioning costs up to a    Act 1987 (Non-Proliferation Act). A Possession Permit is issued by
             specified cap                                     the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs. Compliance with the
           The Bruce platform provides transportation and processing   Non-Proliferation Act is monitored by the Australian Safeguards
           services to the nearby Rhum gas field pursuant to a contract   and Non-Proliferation Office, an office established under the
           between the Bruce owners and Rhum owners (the Bruce-Rhum   Non-Proliferation Act, which administers Australia’s domestic nuclear
           Agreement). At the same time as the Bruce and Keith Transaction,   safeguards requirements and reports to the Australian Government.
           Serica acquired from BP its 50 per cent interest and operatorship   To export uranium from Australia, a Permit to Export Natural
           of the Rhum gas field. The Rhum gas field is now owned by a 50:50   Uranium (Export Permit) must be held pursuant to the Australian
           unincorporated joint venture arrangement between Serica and   Customs (Prohibited Exports) Regulations 1958. The Export Permit is   Financial Statements
           Iranian Oil Company (UK) Limited (IOC). IOC is an indirect   issued by the Minister with responsibility for Resources and Energy.
           subsidiary of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), which
           is a corporation owned by the Government of Iran.   A special permit to transport nuclear material is required under
           OFAC issued licence No. IA-2018-352294-2 (the OFAC Licence)   the Non-Proliferation Act by a party that transports nuclear
                                                               material from one specified location to another specified location.
           authorising BP, Serica and all U.S. persons and U.S.-owned or   As we engage service providers to transport uranium, each of
           controlled foreign entities identified in the licence application    those service providers is required to hold a permit to transport
           to provide goods, services and support for the operation,   nuclear material issued by the Australian Safeguards and
           maintenance and production of the Rhum gas field, and goods,   Non-Proliferation Office.
           services and support to the Bruce platform for a period from
           2 November 2018 through 31 October 2019. On 22 October 2019,   BHP Group Plc
           OFAC renewed this licence through to 28 February 2021. OFAC also   There are no laws or regulations currently in force in the    Additional information
           provided an assurance that non-U.S. persons would not be exposed   United Kingdom that restrict the export or import of capital
           to U.S. secondary sanctions for engaging in these activities and   or the payment of dividends to non-resident holders of BHP
           transactions involving Rhum or the Bruce platform, namely   Group Plc’s shares, although the Group does operate in some
           providing goods, services and support to the Rhum field.   other jurisdictions where the payment of dividends could be
           BHP continues to monitor developments concerning U.S. sanctions   affected by exchange control approvals.
           with respect to Iran to maintain compliance with applicable   From time to time, certain sanctions are adopted by the UN
           sanctions laws and requirements. Although BHP has no ongoing   Security Council and/or various governments, including in the   7
           direct dealings with any Iranian party, because BHP will receive   United Kingdom, the United States, the EU and Australia against
           ongoing consideration from Serica related to the sale of its interest   certain countries, entities or individuals that may restrict the
           in the Bruce-Rhum Agreement, BHP has included this disclosure.  export or import of capital or the remittance of dividends to
           BHP recognised the following transaction in FY2020 related to    certain non-resident holders of BHP Group Plc’s shares.
           the Bruce-Rhum Agreement. For the period 1 July 2019 to 30 June   There are no restrictions under BHP Group Plc’s Articles of   Shareholder information
           2020, BHP received $US2.4 million from Serica under the Net Cash   Association or (subject to the effect of any sanctions) under
           Flow Sharing Deed.                                  English law that limit the right of non-resident or foreign owners
                                                               to hold or vote BHP Group Plc’s shares.
                                                               There are certain restrictions on shareholding levels under
                                                               BHP Group Plc’s Articles of Association described below.

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