Page 191 - Annual Report 2020
P. 191

6 Income tax expense

                                                                                    2020        2019        2018
                                                                                    US$M       US$M        US$M     Strategic Report
            Total taxation expense comprises:
            Current tax expense                                                     5,109      5,408       5,052
            Deferred tax (benefit)/expense                                           (335)       121       1,955
                                                                                    4,774      5,529       7,007

                                                                                    2020        2019        2018
                                                                                    US$M       US$M        US$M
            Factors affecting income tax expense for the year
            Income tax expense differs to the standard rate of corporation tax as follows:
            Profit before taxation                                                 13,510      15,049      14,751   Governance at BHP
            Tax on profit at Australian prima facie tax rate of 30 per cent         4,053       4,515      4,425
            Impact of US tax reform
            Tax rate changes                                                            −         –        1,390
            Non-tax effected operating losses and capital gains                         −         –         834
            Tax on remitted and unremitted foreign earnings  (1)                        −         –         194
            Recognition of previously unrecognised tax assets                           −         –         (95)
            Other                                                                       −         –          (3)
            Subtotal                                                                    −         –        2,320
            Other items not related to US tax reform
            Non-tax effected operating losses and capital gains                      707         742        721     Remuneration Report
            Tax on remitted and unremitted foreign earnings                          225         283        401
            Tax effect of (loss)/profit from equity accounted investments, related impairments and expenses  (2)  154  164  (44)
            Amounts under/(over) provided in prior years                              64         (21)        (51)
            Foreign exchange adjustments                                              20         (25)       (152)
            Tax rate changes                                                          (8)         6         (79)
            Recognition of previously unrecognised tax assets                        (30)        (10)       (170)
            Investment and development allowance                                     (99)        (94)       (180)
            Impact of tax rates applicable outside of Australia  (3)                 (167)      (312)      (484)
            Other                                                                    (211)        87        172
            Income tax expense                                                      4,708      5,335       6,879    Directors’ Report
            Royalty-related taxation (net of income tax benefit)                      66         194        128
            Total taxation expense                                                  4,774      5,529       7,007
           (1)  Comprising US$797 million repatriation tax net of US$603 million of previously unrecognised tax credits.
           (2) The (loss)/profit from equity accounted investments, related impairments and expenses is net of income tax. This item removes the prima facie tax effect on such
             (loss)/profit, related impairments and expenses.
           (3) All profits earned in Singapore by BHP’s Sales and Marketing organisation from the sale of our Australian commodities acquired from entities controlled by BHP Group
             Limited are subject to Australian ‘top up tax’ under the Controlled Foreign Company tax rules in FY2020. This reflects the change in ownership of the main Sales and
             Marketing entity, in accordance with the settlement agreement entered into with the Australian Taxation Office in FY2019 to resolve a long-standing transfer pricing dispute.
           Income tax recognised in other comprehensive income is as follows:
                                                                                    2020        2019        2018
                                                                                    US$M       US$M        US$M
            Income tax effect of:                                                                                   Financial Statements
            Items that may be reclassified subsequently to the income statement:
             Net valuation gains on investments taken to equity                         −          −         (3)
            Cash flow hedges:
             Gains/(losses) taken to equity                                           94         98         (25)
             (Gains)/losses transferred to the income statement                      (89)        (90)        64
            Income tax credit relating to items that may be reclassified subsequently to the income statement  5  8  36
            Items that will not be reclassified to the income statement:
            Remeasurement gains/(losses) on pension and medical schemes               25          7         (22)
            Others                                                                     1          12          8     Additional information
            Income tax credit/(charge) relating to items that will not be reclassified to the income statement  26  19  (14)
            Total income tax credit relating to components of other comprehensive income  (1)  31  27        22
           (1)  Included within total income tax relating to components of other comprehensive income is US$31 million relating to deferred taxes and US$ nil relating to current
             taxes (2019: US$15 million and US$12 million; 2018: US$17 million and US$5 million).                   Shareholder information

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