Page 187 - Annual Report 2020
P. 187

4 Significant events – Samarco dam failure continued
           Equity accounted investment in Samarco
           BHP Brasil’s investment in Samarco remains at US$ nil. BHP Brasil provided US$95 million funding under a working capital facility during the   Strategic Report
           period and recognised impairment losses of US$95 million. No dividends have been received by BHP Brasil from Samarco during the period
           and Samarco currently does not have profits available for distribution.
           Provisions related to the Samarco dam failure
                                                                                           2020             2019
                                                                                           US$M            US$M
            At the beginning of the financial year                                         1,914           1,285
            Movement in provisions                                                          137             629
            Utilised                                                               (369)            (328)
            Adjustments charged to the income statement:
             Change in estimate – Samarco dam failure provision                     916             579             Governance at BHP
             Change in estimate – Samarco Germano dam decommissioning                37             263
             Amortisation of discounting impacting net finance costs                 93             108
             Exchange translation                                                  (540)              7
            At the end of the financial year                                               2,051           1,914
             Current                                                                        896             440
             Non-current                                                                   1,155           1,474
            At the end of the financial year                                               2,051           1,914

           Samarco dam failure provisions and contingencies    Under a Governance Agreement ratified on 8 August 2018, BHP Brasil,   Remuneration Report
           As at 30 June 2020, BHP Brasil has identified provisions and   Samarco and Vale were to establish a process to renegotiate the
           contingent liabilities arising as a consequence of the Samarco    Programs over two years to progress settlement of the R$155 billion
           dam failure as follows:                             (approximately US$28 billion) Federal Public Prosecution Office claim
                                                               (described below). The renegotiation process remains outstanding as
           Provisions                                          certain pre-requisites established in the Governance Agreement are
           Provision for Samarco dam failure                   yet to be implemented. However, the renegotiation may be extended
           On 2 March 2016, BHP Brasil, Samarco and Vale, entered into a   for a further two years by mutual consent of the parties.
           Framework Agreement with the Federal Government of Brazil, the   BHP Brasil, Samarco and Vale maintain security comprising R$1.3 billion
           states of Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais and certain other public   (approximately US$240 million) in insurance bonds and a charge of   Directors’ Report
           authorities to establish a foundation (Fundação Renova) that will   R$800 million (approximately US$145 million) over Samarco’s assets.
           develop and execute environmental and socio-economic programs   A further R$100 million (approximately US$20 million) in liquid assets
           (Programs) to remediate and provide compensation for damage   previously maintained as security has been released for COVID-19
           caused by the Samarco dam failure. Key Programs include those    related response efforts in Brazil. The security is maintained for a
           for financial assistance and compensation of impacted persons,   period of 30 months from ratification of the Governance Agreement,
           including fisherfolk impacted by the dam failure, and those for   after which BHP Brasil, Vale and Samarco will be required to provide
           remediation of impacted areas and resettlement of impacted   security of an amount equal to the Fundação Renova’s annual budget
           communities. A committee (Interfederative Committee) comprising   up to a limit of R$2.2 billion (approximately US$400 million).
           representatives from the Brazilian Federal and State Governments,                                        5
           local municipalities, environmental agencies, impacted communities   Samarco Germano dam decommissioning
           and Public Defence Office oversees the activities of the Fundação   Samarco is currently progressing plans for the accelerated
           Renova in order to monitor, guide and assess the progress of actions   decommissioning of its upstream tailings dams (the Germano dam
           agreed in the Framework Agreement. In addition, the 12th Federal   complex). Given the significant uncertainties surrounding the nature
           Court is supervising the work of the Fundação Renova and in July   and extent of Samarco’s future operations and related cash flows,
           2020 made decisions relating to financial compensation for impacted   BHP Brasil recognises a provision of US$227 million (30 June 2019:   Financial Statements
           persons in two municipalities, which have been considered in the   US$263 million) for a 50 per cent share of the remaining expected
           Samarco dam failure provision change in estimate. Further decisions   Germano decommissioning cost. The decommissioning is at an
           are anticipated in FY2021.                          early stage and as a result, further engineering work and required
           The term of the Framework Agreement is 15 years, renewable for   validation by Brazilian authorities could lead to changes to estimates
           periods of one year successively until all obligations under the   in future reporting periods.
           Framework Agreement have been performed. Under the Framework
           Agreement, Samarco is responsible for funding Fundação Renova’s
           annual calendar year budget for the duration of the Framework                                            Additional information
           Agreement. The funding amounts for each calendar year will be
           dependent on the remediation and compensation projects to be
           undertaken in a particular year. Annual contributions may be
           reviewed under the Framework Agreement. To the extent that
           Samarco does not meet its funding obligations, each of BHP Brasil
           and Vale has funding obligations under the Framework Agreement
           in proportion to its 50 per cent shareholding in Samarco.
           Samarco is currently progressing plans to resume operations,
           however significant uncertainties surrounding the nature and
           extent of future operations remain. In light of these uncertainties
           and based on currently available information, BHP Brasil’s provision
           for its obligations under the Framework Agreement Programs is                                            Shareholder information
           US$1.8 billion before tax and after discounting at 30 June 2020
           (30 June 2019: US$1.7 billion).

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